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Just been attacked by a gang of teenagers!

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th March 2007, 00:37


Was going to have a quite night in tonight with a few beers and watch the football.....i had just walked out of the shops and a gang of about 6-7 teenagers attacked me.....

One came up to me and headbutted me then hit me with some object he had in his fist, as i fell the other little bastards started laying in to me.

I would say they were aged between 15- 18 years old and i was aware that i would get into bother if i hit any of i just took the beating.

I now have a broken nose, 2 black eyes and a burst lip and feel embarrassed that i was beat up by people so young.

I can handle myself but there was nothing i could do in this situation.

What age does a teenager need to be that if you fought them, you would not be charged with assaulting a minor if it was a fair fight?

The good news is that they were caught on camera.

What are we supposed to do about these thugs?

The police dont seem to be able to control them :(

This item was edited on Thursday, 29th March 2007, 02:52

RE: Just been attacked by a gang of teenagers!

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th March 2007, 05:16

Can you post where it happened so no-one accidentally walks into the little tw*ts?

RE: Just been attacked by a gang of teenagers!

admars (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th March 2007, 06:02

wow, that`s terrible, you poor thing.

This `won`t help, but when I was at uni 10 years or so ago, 2 mates and I were out on the p*** in town, and walked past a group of 20 or so school kids, who starting hurling abuse, gathered round us, could tell they wanted a fight we just ran, and got away luckily.

Not much you can do when you`re outnumbered. Fighting back may have been worse for you :(

Hope you make a speedy recovery, I assume you reported it to the police?


This item was edited on Thursday, 29th March 2007, 07:07

RE: Just been attacked by a gang of teenagers!

Bezzawezza (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th March 2007, 07:04

Feel for you mate. Had a similar thing happen when I was about 17. About 7 15 year olds jumped me for my watch and the contents of my bag and I spent the night in A&E. At the time I was ashamed to admit their ages for fear of people saying "they were only kids why didnt you sort them out?" Well, probably because there was LOADS of them!!
I`m sure its a consolation to you though that the police will probably do nothing and they`ll all get off scott free. But apparently the government is getting tough on young offenders mind.

RE: Just been attacked by a gang of teenagers!

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th March 2007, 07:18

Cowardly Bastards

Hope you recover quickly :)

I know it`s easy to say but don`t let this incident knock your confidence

RE: Just been attacked by a gang of teenagers!

jakeh (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 29th March 2007, 07:23

I sympathise big time. Hope you get better soon.

I`m looking forward to seeing someone high up in "authority" get the same attention so that the government and legal profession finally see sense and start dishing out proper punishment.

RE: Just been attacked by a gang of teenagers!

JohnnyTV (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th March 2007, 07:24

In this instance wouldn`t it be self defence if you hit them back? And what age do they need to be to not be considered a minor? 16?

UQ Web Design

RE: Just been attacked by a gang of teenagers!

Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th March 2007, 08:07

bunch of little tossers.

Had you known it was been caught on camera I am sure you could have retaliated and claimed it was in self defence as you felt you may have been in serious danger.

Not knowing that I guess its an argument you could still use in your own defence should it be needed but with no evidence or witnesses your in a "your word against their`s" situation and as they are minors i;m thnking you would be disadvantaged in that case

It`s disgraceful that this happens, its disgraceful that when your getting a beating like that you have to accept it because you know if you do anything you will be the one getting the severe punishments. Hope you recover soon and that these scrots do actually get caught and face some form of adequate justice


A.C.C. Member

RE: Just been attacked by a gang of teenagers!

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th March 2007, 08:17


Thanks for your concerns,

The police are picking me up shortly to get a photo took and it looks like they are all caught on camera.

There was also another incident just after mine where they were trying to get to some other younger person who was walking back from the shops with their mother.

They have no respect whatsoever for any elders.

RE: Just been attacked by a gang of teenagers!

sultan (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 29th March 2007, 08:26

There`s something seriously wrong with the laws when teenagers can do this, knowing full well that they will get away with it because no law will punish them.

Anyone who violates another persons `human rights`, then loses the `right` for themselves.

Personally, if a teenager did this to me I would give him a good hiding.
If their parents complained, I would give them a good hiding too for raising CHAVS and ASBOs.

Unfortunately, people are scared to raise a finger in case they get a letter from those `claim today` brigades.

Hope you recover.

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