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Good thing turned into bad christmas!

karen70 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2006, 14:39

Just started new job today :D , was on benefits for 5 months 1 week as a single parent. Phoned all relevant agencies and was told even though I don`t get my first pay til 29th december I wont get any income support or housing benefit to keep me and kids afloat. If I had been on benefits 6 months I would have got benefit run on.I`m expected to start paying £61 rent from monday when all I`ll get is £75 child tax credit. Child benefit paid 4 Weekly so dont get it for another few weeks. I don`t know how long it takes for working tax credit to come through. Gonna be a tight few weeks. :(

RE: Good thing turned into bad christmas!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2006, 14:54

& then they wonder why it`s so hard to get single parents back into work.

Congratulations on the new job & sorry about the lack of pennies over Christmas, hope it all works out for you.

I consider myself an optimist, albeit an optimist with cynical tendencies and a dark side that Lucifer himself would find a little creepy. (Perhaps you've noticed.) You don't normally associate cynicism with an upbeat pov. But I have exactly that combination and will defend it.

Seeking to surpass yesterdays target of unprecedented level of unverifable productivity.

RE: Good thing turned into bad christmas!

karen70 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2006, 15:01

:) Thanks very much they did offer me a crisis loan but I turned it down.

RE: Good thing turned into bad christmas!

pareece (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2006, 15:49

good to hear that you got a job and hope it turns out ok,
sorry to see that the country`s welfare system let you down
but i would of bein more surprised if you put that the social etc had been a great help!
hope you and your kids have a good xmas and things although at first will be hard
turn out better soon :) :)

RE: Good thing turned into bad christmas!

The Jackal (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2006, 17:04

Good luck with the new job.

Should be poud of yaself really. Plenty of others would of turned the job down because of the money worries.

Good on ya I say and lets hope you are rewarded in some way for it.

The Jackal

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Confucius say
"Man who go to bed with sex problem on mind,
Wake up with solution in hand"

RE: Good thing turned into bad christmas!

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2006, 20:22

Karen :)

Congratulations on your new job doll :)

Sorry to hear that the benefits etc are up in the air but the feelings of achievement in getting back to work will pay its own dividends in the future so try not to worry.
I know that will not get the bairn a selection box but there will always be another christmas where you can enjoy it to the full.

Again congratulations doll :)

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :)

RE: Good thing turned into bad christmas!

karen70 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2006, 20:38

:D Thanks for everyone`s support, it`s been a tough year for me, my marriage broke up and I was homeless for a while, got a council house in september and have been trying to do it up since, then I started looking for jobs. I think I`ve turned the corner and next year is going to be a really good year. :)

RE: Good thing turned into bad christmas!

bodegg (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2006, 21:45

Take pride in the fact that you`re turning things around for yourself. Why don`t you just put Christmas back a little bit and treat your kids when the first pay packet rolls in? The best things are worth waiting for!

RE: Good thing turned into bad christmas!

Nemesis (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 11:18

Congrats Karen, hope all things start to go right from now on.


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