Info and forum posts by 'The Jackal'
This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.
Joined on: Monday, 27th June 2005, 12:08, Last used: Friday, 28th June 2013, 16:40
Access Level: Elite
About this user: 40, 2 girls, married and mortgaged up to my eyeballs.
This user has posted a total of 3489 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.49 messages a day, or 3.42 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.
Recent Messages Posted:
RE: [VIDEO] Motorbike rear ends cyclists.
Nasty, but was I the only one who noticed how that that girls arse is. ;-)
The Jackal
RE: Now Kevin Webster`s been arrested!
I think this is the CPS looking into the same case for which he was arrested a while back. New evidence im guessing.
The Jackal
RE: Mighty text app. Text from your pc/tablet.
Yeah I use whatsapp as well as its cross platform (or whatever its called on phones) another good one is kik which does the same as whatsapp. Its handy as i can message my daughter on her ipod (providing she is in wifi) she is only 10 and i`m not ready to give her a phone yet. Saying that she really doesn`t need one as we facetime as well these days.
The Jackal
RE: Ghostbusters 3 rumours
It would been much better to keep the old cast for a 3rd and then maybe introduce a new younger team in that film for future ones. I would love to see a new version but as everyone else has said it would not be the same without Murray
The Jackal
This item was edited on Saturday, 3rd November 2012, 15:14
RE: Ultraviolet
Ok so i managed to get it sorted but it was a pain. Once i got on a PC it was a doddle. I only had a code for Journey 2 Mysterious Island and Wrath of the Titans. WOTT was fine but Journey i cant find at all.
It would be so much easier if you just had an Ultraviolet app and inserted the code.
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: Ultraviolet
Yeah im using Flixter but i give up. I put the URL in as per leaflet and then my password was wrong and now im waiting for a re set password email. What a complete ball ache. I know the password is correct as i only set it an hour or so ago.
This really isnt easy is it and i am pretty good with computers and the internet.
I actually tried all this a while back with another film and gave up then as well.
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
Can anyone help me with this. It doesn`t seem to be that user friendly. I have an account with them and have two codes to put in for films I have purchased. Trouble is I can`t find where to put the code. I have tried the instructions but the website will not open with my iPad or iPhone. I can`t use a pc at the moment so does it mean i can only download from a laptop or pc?
It seems a bit strange that I can log in with my iPad and see my account but can`t input the code there.
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: Hotmail > Outlook
Am i missing something. Just signed into my old hotmail account which is now live, microsoft, whatever. I cant see how to get a Outlook addy. :-(
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
Make him look like popeye.
Ok, here is a picture of a mate. Im at work and would do it my self but could someone please make him look like popeye. I know he is half way there but needs a pipe and the bottle swaped with can of spinach.
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: My new horror web series -
Ben, amazing work mate. I wish you all the best with this and it looks like you are going to do well out of it.
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
Burning CD`s
Well its been an age since i did this and my old Nero 6 will not work with windows 7
Any ideas what i can use as seeing as i now download with itunes i need this more and more now. Are there any free ways of doing it.
I know it can be done in itunes but it seems so slow. It would also be handy to burn pictures as well onto CD.
Any ideas guys n gals?
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: Time to ditch SKY?????
Yeah cheers. just noticed that.
Ive just checked broadband speeds where i am and we don`t have infinity only about 10meg. Abnout 500 yards up the road a mate gets 50+
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: Time to ditch SKY?????
Been looking at THIS What do you guys think
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
Time to ditch SKY?????
Im paying about £65 a month now for my TV viewing. I dont have movies or sport but have multi-room which i hardly use. I also have calls and broadband with Sky hence the price. Now im thinking there are other ways of getting TV and we now have infinity available in my area so streaming will no longer be an issue if i switch to that. I cant afford to have both so is it time i said good bye to sky and just got a stand alone HD recorder box.
What do you guys have and how does it work. I mainly watch stuff like Dexter, Game of Thrones, Grimm, Sinbad now and nothing much else.
Ideas and prices please guys.
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: R4 DS thing.........?
Ogster mate i got a card for my daughters a while back. It wasnt an R4 but a newer thing. I have a spare somewhere. PM me and we can discus if you like. Ill have to find it first but sure it wont take long.
EDIT: its an acekard 2 DSi compatible. It was with an R4 card and 2 DSTT cards. The acekard will work as it does on my daughters. As for the others I had no idea i had them lol
The Jackal
This item was edited on Tuesday, 3rd July 2012, 18:14
RE: Giff Gaff
Well ive got my sim and activated it. As the good doctor seemed to be the only one with his user name he has been added as receiver of benefits (whatever they are) Sorry guys but i was going to start at top but im very impatient and had to activate it.
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: Giff Gaff
So, i can "top up" as usual without a goody bag and that will just run until used?
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: Elictricity now £88 PCM
Cheers guys. I have also posted in MSE.
r8sso i feel your pain mate.
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: Joining the Police..........
Bit of an update really.
I have been in the job for just over 3 years now and I`m now a training DC. I work 8 miles away from home and i am loving it. I do miss wearing the uniform but in March i got posted in an NPT role which wasnt all that to be honest. Im glad im doing what I am and have a great team to work with.
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
Giff Gaff
Does anyone use these?
I am after a sim card for work so i can keep everything separate. I want to get a PAYG sim but everyone seems to be insisting that you top up every month. How is that pay as you go? I want to top up with £10 which should last months as will be for mainly in coming calls. Then when that is out i top up. Is it me or does that type of thing not exist any more.
Cheers in advance
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
This item was edited on Saturday, 19th May 2012, 12:51
Elictricity now £88 PCM
Yep £88 a month.
I`m with npower and have been since we moved in to our house in 2006. We have just received a letter basically saying that they have screwed up and have been charging us wrong. They mixed up the Day and Night rate and was charging the wrong way round.
Now they have very kindly said that they wont be clawing back all that we owe £1535. (very nice of them)
Now £88 is double what we are paying at the moment and we are hardly well off at the moment so this is a big deal for us. I cant phone them today as its a Saturday so will have to wait until Monday.
The thing that really bugs me is that any idiot could see what day rate and night rate is just from the size of the bloody number.
Anyone any ideas where we stand with this. Will we just have to pay up?
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: What does a 40 year old ask for, for his birthday.
20 year old sounds good but where would i keep her. I think the wife may get the hump. I suppose she could live in the garage. mmmmm how much do they cost these days?
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
What does a 40 year old ask for, for his birthday.
Yep, I`m soon to be 40 (September) and I have been asked what i would like. You know what, I havn`t a clue. Ipad was my first thought but maybe a tad to expensive. Im not into sport at all so a racing day and all that would be a no good for me. I would like something that I could actually keep and use but cant think.
Ideas people?
The Jackal
RE: Police: Right to strike..
Well I and most front line police officers get time and a 1/3 for overtime if we can take it as overtime as Mark said most of us take it as TOIL (time of in lieu), if we work an hour over we get to go home an hour early on another day.
Trouble is its not like we are in a job where we can just stop what we are doing, can you imagine coppers clocking off on time and walking away from a chase or dealing with a prisoner in custody.
When I joined the job 3 years ago now it was mainly because it was something I wanted to do. The moneys not bad and at the time there was a set pay increase every year so more experienced officers got better pay but with pay freezes this will all change. Add on top of that our pension contribution are likely to go up its going to put a strain on family life. Essex police have just gone through big changes and i have now been moved twice the distance from my old station so fuel is now an issue. We used to be able to travel on the train for free (but by doing so was putting ya self on duty). That has now gone as well.
Now i`m not going to give the hero speech and tell you about all the **** I have seen and idiots ive had to deal with as I knew all this before I signed up, but I will say this, what ever you see on TV or think its like actually doing it is completely different. I am talking about front line response policing.
As for striking I`m pretty sure must of the people I work with would not do it and put the public at risk. however it would be nice to be able to protest on our days off.
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: Roll call 2012 !!!! ..... Sign in EVERYBODY !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not here often any more but still looking in every now n then.
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: So do you guys moisturise then?
I do, after every shave and I shave most days 7 out of 9 I reckon. Straight after a shave I always moisturise with Double Base cream. This always goes on my elbows as well, I am also 40 and get told I look 10 years younger than I should.
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: Got an XBox 360? Read this...
Xbox live account has been hacked and £50 spent on my account. It would seem to be because of EA and someone has purchased stuff for FIFA 12 which I do not even own. If you have an EA account and Xbox live make sure they have different passwords NOW. I am now blocked from live for 30 days while they investigate it. I have been given a months worth for nothing though and just need a new Game tag to use for a month while they sort it out.. Any suggestions?
The Jackal Jackal 72/fullnxe/card.png
RE: Got an XBox 360? Read this...
A mate of mine has had his account hacked and now has no live for a month.
The Jackal
RE: Ebay help please
I`m not a massive ebay user but,
Can you edit the listing to include a buy it now price that suits you both. Then they can just click that and pay. If not just ad a note to the listing stating that its advertised else where and you have the right to end auction early if its sold. Then arrange for them to pay cash on collection.
Personally i would stick with ebay and do the buy now option because you will be covered by paypal and ebay. Do they have a verified paypal account?
Good luck
The Jackal
RE: May be getting a snake for Christmas. Need ideas for a name.
The vivarium is all set up now and ready for her to go in. The wife is getting her for Christmas for me so still some time to come up with a name. I`m thinking of calling her "Trouser"
Nah, not really. Probably call her Myrrah.
The Jackal