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MTV and next gen gaming tonight, who is gonna watch it?

cutz2000 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 13th May 2005, 16:52

Mtv is showing a preview of Xbox 2 tonight at 8pm UK time, anyone here gonna be watchin?

RE: MTV and next gen gaming tonight, who is gonna watch it?

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th May 2005, 17:49

got my beers ready! Looking forward to it. Even though all the info was on the net by 7AM this morning......

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RE: MTV and next gen gaming tonight, who is gonna watch it?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 13th May 2005, 17:59

I wouldn`t mind watching it - but I don`t have MTV. Hopefully it`ll turn up on a torrent site. :D

Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?

RE: MTV and next gen gaming tonight, who is gonna watch it?

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th May 2005, 18:09

I would have, but just got home from work to find my NTL cable box has gone up the spout >:(



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RE: MTV and next gen gaming tonight, who is gonna watch it?

buff2k (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th May 2005, 18:32

Yeah I`ll probably watch it, E3 should be very interesting next week :D

A.C.C General BUFF2K

RE: MTV and next gen gaming tonight, who is gonna watch it?

admars (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th May 2005, 18:47

I`ll be watching, and I`ll no doubt read more of the hype around this, e3, get all excited, then remember e3 98 when ps2 was 1st shown off, getting all excited, couldn`t wait to get one.

E3 2 years ago when I 1st saw Halo 2 movies I was gonna get an xbox

I`m a proud GameCube owner :)

Consoles and Star Wars, this month is a marketing man`s wet dream ;)

As a wise man once said "Don`t believe the hype" (not that I`m jaded or cynical or anything)


This item was edited on Friday, 13th May 2005, 19:53

RE: MTV and next gen gaming tonight, who is gonna watch it?

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th May 2005, 19:08

Get ready for some poor demos with very poor framerates. :o Surprised they showed them...


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: MTV and next gen gaming tonight, who is gonna watch it?

wingZero21 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 13th May 2005, 19:28

Oh yeah that was worth watching some 5 second clips of what we already seen and 25 minutes of singing well that was worth watching what a load of s***

RE: MTV and next gen gaming tonight, who is gonna watch it?

bigkahunas (Competent) posted this on Friday, 13th May 2005, 19:28

Whoever has missed this poor excuse of an "Xbox 360" showing, you have missed diddly squat. Unless of course, You like Snow Patrol and The Killers.. Its been on for 25 mins so far, and apart from 2 very small adverts INBETWEEN the actual "MTV at the X Box LA Party" you haven`t missed a thing, Even during those two M$ Sponsored adverts, you only missed one guy telling you how you can plug all your media into it, and change facia`s, and someone else saying something so interesting, i`ve forgotten it </sarcasm> ;)

All in all, you`d get more info from HERE than anywhere on the program shown on MTV..

All in all, a dissapointment.

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