Info and forum posts by 'cutz2000'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 8th February 2001, 19:56, Last used: Monday, 4th March 2013, 00:53

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 491 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.06 messages a day, or 0.39 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Blu Ray writer for Mac and PC info needed....

Anyone have a good blu ray writer for Mac or PC, I`m looking to buy one and am looking for reviews/recommendations, any ide

RE: hello again!

Nothing really, lot of time spent working, I came across this site by accident again on Google, guess I just kinda fell away from it a few years ago, looking back it was a very valuable source of info which I enjoyed, I`m glad the site is still going, what did I miss while I was away?

hello again!

Been away for quite a while, first post in a few years, just wanna say hello again!

RE: Need help identifying a ZX Speccy circus game

I remember Puch and Judy

Tara Tara! was the noise when you died ha ha!

Nice Competition.....

Another site I am always on is running a competition for Halo Legends on Blur Ray and DVD, just incase anyone wants to try their luck


This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd January 2010, 00:07

RE: POLL: Would you shop on Boxing Day?

I used to work for NEXT, the customers that came in on Boxing Day were f@*k wits, greedy downright ba****ds, like I dont mind people coming in for the sale but when you have to work one of your only days off in the year after working a mad christmas rush, I think it is just nasty, really the January sales should stay in January!

Stargate Universe

Anyone started watching the new Stargate Universe series on Sky 1?
The others (SG-1 and Atlantis) were great but this takes Stargate to a whole new level, its very Battlestar Galactica dont you think?

Edge of your seat stuff....

Forza Motorsport 3 are running a competition for a Forza T Shirt and Lanyard, free entry, check out the site and see for yourself.

By the way the game is class, anyone got any cars for sale?

POLL: Would you shop on Boxing Day?

This post includes a poll.Would you go out and shop on Boxing day or do you think retailers are getting away with too much, where is family time for retail employees? Not only do they have one of the worst jobs running up to Christmas but do you think people should wise up to these greedy corporations?

PS3 Slim for under £100 at GameStop....

Amazing and yes its true! are running a promotion this month that if you pre-order any item by trading in titles from a select list you get £25 store credit against your pre-order for each title traded in, little does everyone know that you can buy most of these titles for under £10 elsewhere.

Lets do the math

10 games purchased at £9 each = £90
Trade those 10 games in for £25 credit each against a PS3 Slim pre-order = £250

Ta Da!

And yes I was speaking to one of the guys in my local GameStop and he said yes they can do it, no multiple titles though, he said the tills wont accept it, amazing no? bad thing though is that most of the stores are in Northern Ireland or the Replublic of Ireland, only 2 on mainland UK, Stockport and Bullring Birmingham.

Check the site out if you dont believe me!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th August 2009, 14:12

RE: PC World Sale....

Yep tried and tested, its just a freeview box with a setanta top up card in the box, works great as a standard box without subscription, mine is a Metronic, nice little box, animated menu system and all lol

PC World Sale....

Just got a Setanta Freeview box from my local PC World for an amazing £1.98, also they had Navman Sat Nav S30`s for £29.98

The bloke in the shop told me their tills were a bit funny scanning up random prices, he proved it when I went to buy a second freeview box and it scanned as £5, he dropped the price to £1.98 for me seeing as I bought the other one a few seconds earlier he he...

RE: WANTED: Reviewers (but not DVD) and Bloggers!

Im sure I could drop in a few reviews of Games/Console Hardware as I work in a gaming retail outlet and usually have access before release, maybe not full time but a few reviews would not harm

check out

This item was edited on Saturday, 27th June 2009, 20:50

RE: Final Destination???

You die in digital 3D......

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RE: Sooo Todays my last day at work :)

Had a similar affair with clothing chain NEXT, I worked there for 9 years as a Senior Sales Assistant, all of a sudden a new area manager takes over, Was in a bad mood one day and gets on to me for doing my job the way I was trained to and then he makes my life hell after I give a bit of lip back, I quickly left and now I am a store manager of another shop, a place where I am respected and funny, I really enjoy my work now!

NEXT are probably one of the worst employers to work for!

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RE: Underpaid MPs

sent to an island in the middle of the pacific to fend for themselves lol

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RE: Underpaid MPs

If a terrorist wanted to bomb them, they would just pull up outside westminster, never mind heading for their home, what about me, poor old me? I work in retail, If a tiger kidnapper wants me I dont have the luxury of a second home to confuse them lol

I always have to be on time to work too as the shop needs to be opened at 9am every morning, I wonder can I claim for a second home, closer to work perhaps?

Cracker that ``What, like a job?`` quote is lol

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RE: My Big Rubber Ball!

Ah shucks cheers lol

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RE: Underpaid MPs

totally agree with the big fcuk off travelodge, you could even make them all take public transport to work, dont most of the UK have to do this anyway?

Imagine oul Gordon Brown jumping on the Tube to go to work lol

As for the cars, our Mayor has a stretch merc limo, the city I live in is about 3 miles accross and then its all green belt lol what a waste.

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RE: Underpaid MPs

I cant believe they say they do not get paid enough for starters, I really believe that money could be better spent on giving doctors, firemen and all they people who save lives and put their own on the line day in day out rather than expenses for the fat cats!

Also do you think instead of expensing these big Mercs, BMW`s and so, why dont politicians company cars be eco friendly Fiestas or Corsas?

It would save a bucket load on fuel expenses too!

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RE: Pandemic we are all F***ed !!!

seems to be dying down in the media

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RE: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

just got it on Blu-Ray, the first episode is a bit different from what I remember seeing it from BT, the guy Sarah is gonna marry is different I think.

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RE: My Big Rubber Ball!

well the company I was working for were making me redundant without any sort of pay off, I know thats illegal, I just thought what the hell and done sweet F A,

It was one of those big High Street chains, money grabbing b******

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My Big Rubber Ball!

Here it is, it took me about 22 hours to make and it was a great way to spend my last 3 days in my last job, ha ha!

Oh and thats a 20p piece there lol

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This item was edited on Sunday, 10th May 2009, 15:48

RE: Lost Season 5 starst tonight in the US

I might just give it a go and try the first few episodes, BT here I come lol

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RE: Lost Season 5 starst tonight in the US

never really been a Lost fan but I would like to give it a go, would it be worth it now its in season 5?

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RE: Hotmail Hacked.....

I got into my account again, luck I keep my sent mail, I had to individually go through and copy/paste all my contacts from old mails lol

Ah well could have been worse :)

Hotmail Hacked.....

It has aparantly been around since the stone age but I have just had my hotmail account hacked, all my contacts spammed then deleted using the vacation reply feature.

This is the first time in over 10 years surfing the web I have been hacked or targeted with a malicious piece of software, good going eh?

Still crap I lost my contact list lol

check out

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th May 2009, 21:35