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Shooting Pigeons - possibly a squeamish thread - scratch that, it`s a bit gruesome actually

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:17

I`ve been instructed to `sort out` our growing pigeon problem at the yard. We`ve consulted the council, and it`s all perfectly legal, as long as the air rifle pellets don`t leave the yard.

Anyhoo, the only way I can make a dent in our 40-ish-strong pig population, is to basically get into the `end shed` (where we keep the cement and plasterboard - which is getting royally crapped on daily) and close the door behind me. After that, it`s like shooting fish in a barrel, and here`s my problem.

Having never killed anything before, I found it interesting for the first 3. But it quickly dawned on me that having to shoot them while in the rafters was ok, but once they hit the deck they watched you as they slowly bled to death. To save them that pain, I shot them again in the head, but not being a seasoned hunter, I found it `difficult` to look them in the eye as I pulled the trigger.

Needless to say, after hearing 3 choke on their own blood, having one fly around for 5 minutes spraying blood anywhere and then there was the last poor bugger, who`s neck I found out could twist more than 360 degrees. Had to pull it. Needless to say, i emerged from that end shed a different, and very upset, man.

I have to do it again tomorrow, and possibly on friday. i`ve got a pretty good .22 rifle with a bloody accurate sight (laser crosshairs) so I`m tending to hit what I aim for. What I`m asking is, where`s the best place to hit the buggers for a one-shot-kill?

I got a couple in the head, but they seem to stick around for a while. Resilient buggers, pigeons

I ate what?

My Collection

RE: Shooting Pigeons - possibly a squeamish thread - scratch that, it`s a bit gruesome actually

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:25

Do you believe in karma?

I don`t think I could do that. Then again, it`s no different than me killing a spider... but pigeons are kinda cute (even if a lot of people view them as "flying rats"... but I like rats too).

A shotgun would be a better tool, then it will blow them to pieces. Even better, a mini-gun like the one Arnie uses in T2... old-painless as Jesse Ventura put it.

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Shooting Pigeons - possibly a squeamish thread - scratch that, it`s a bit gruesome actually

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:26

head shots usually put them down, but a .22 air rifle isnt nearly powerful enough... it will kill but takes time, however if you dont possess a firearms certificate this is the way to go...

uunfortunatley for you, as you kill some, others will just take their place, the real answer is stopping their roosting by installing wires of other deterrant devices, or netting the area if possible (however this can be unsightly), othet than this remopve their food source?

regards, mark.

`I am going to live forever, or die trying`...

RE: Shooting Pigeons - possibly a squeamish thread - scratch that, it`s a bit gruesome actually

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:28

I can honestly say that I would have told the gaffers to go and f*** themselves.
If they want this done get f***in Rentokil in and not some Joe off the shop floor.
Better still tell them to f***in do it.
I would take a guess that the RSPCA or the SSPCA would take a very dim view of an average punter doing this job.
Yes the council "MAY" have no objection to the task but sure as f*** they would be absolutely horrified if they knew that you were having to wing the bird then have a second go and hope to finish the bird off.
If you have any sense my friend you will tell them to f*** off and get someone else to do it.

FFS man there is a right way and a wrong way to do things and this is the wrong way as sure as scheitte is smelly.

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :o

BTW tell them to spend a few quid at 60p /sq metre is hardly a kings ransom.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:34

RE: Shooting Pigeons - possibly a squeamish thread - scratch that, it`s a bit gruesome actually

kevtrader (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:29

Yuk! I wouldn`t want to be in your shoes! Though the bit about flying and spraying blood lightened it up after the choking bit. I`m sure pigeons can be seen as pests and they carry a HUGE amount of diseases but when you have to kill them (as with any living thing!) it`s hard to do.

I can`t offer any tips as I haven`t held a live gun before but I hope you do get some tips!

RE: Shooting Pigeons - possibly a squeamish thread - scratch that, it`s a bit gruesome actually

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:35

Rentokil was going to charge us £50 per bird, so the manager said no to that. Incidentally, rentokil would have shot them with an air rifle as well.

Can`t use a shotgun, we need our walls.

Can`t use poison, due to the other wildlife in the area (yard backs on to the river)

Can`t cut off their food supply, and these birds eat plaster, cement and their own crap.

Consulted the RSPCA on this. Air rifle is ok, but as long as the bird doesn`t suffer for too long, hence the second shot. I see where you`re coming from Chaogy, but we`re covered

Like I said, f***ing hated myself when I walked out of that shed, I just want to get it over with as soon as possible for all parties concerned

I ate what?

My Collection

This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:38

RE: Shooting Pigeons - possibly a squeamish thread - scratch that, it`s a bit gruesome actually

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:39


Do you want to borrow a cat? One of ours can take down a magpie.

Can`t someone take over and do some for you so you don`t turn into a hardened psycho/gibbering wreck or something?


This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:43

RE: Shooting Pigeons - possibly a squeamish thread - scratch that, it`s a bit gruesome actually

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:41

we had them in the warehouse where i work, we rang the councill but ass they don`t class them as vermin they would only come to sort it if we paid a (large) fee so we ended up dealing with them in the same way, ....not nice..... But it has to be done, & the air rifle is the way to go (unless you are a good shot with a "profesional" catapult, as that would be a deffo 1 shot kill at close range) i`d get someone else to help you tho, as you shouldn`t be left alone whilst using the gun anyway :/ (from a works point of veiw)

& once all the mess has gone (& christ, do they make a mess) it will have been worth it.

general nobody @ known as theogster

RE: Shooting Pigeons - possibly a squeamish thread - scratch that, it`s a bit gruesome actually

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:43

Fair enough Statz :)

Like I said, f***ing hated myself when I walked out of that shed, I just want to get it over with as soon as possible for all parties concerned

As I said tell the manager/s to do it them/him self. If the task is beneath ? them or to delicate and difficult then they should not simply pick an unsuspecting Joe and fling a 22 at him.
There is such a thing as decency even where pigeons are concerned.
Also there is a code of conduct called "Dignity at work" and this would cover such unsavoury orders from gaffers.

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :(

RE: Shooting Pigeons - possibly a squeamish thread - scratch that, it`s a bit gruesome actually

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 22:49

BTW you are legally required to inform the local police when carrying out such tasks.

Choagy FFCUK The SPL

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