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"What do jellyfish eat?" please explain

DOHC (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 11:23

sorry to be a bit dim,but I do not understand this poll question.It seems really stupid.Is it a private joke or a reference to a film or something?
Anyone else not understand?

RE: "What do jellyfish eat?" please explain

Mix Man (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 11:28

This HAS to be something to do with the Eggman...

jellyfish jamfish marmalade fish

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 17:50

I always thought that jellyfish eat weetabix but aparantly they eat Jamfish but as the genetic structure of jamfish is about 99.99% the same as jellyfish they are almost cannibals.

The common anncestor of jellyfish and jamfish is the Marmalade fish which had a snout. over millions of years the snout of some breeds of Marmalade fish became shorter until it disapeared altogether and they became the jamfish. And the snout of some breeds of Marmalade fish became longer untill they eventually became a trunk and they became jellyfish

By about 350 million years ago the marmalade fish became 2 different species the jellyfish and the jamfish

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 21:06


Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 17:55

If you could breed a peanutbutterfish and put it in a sandwich with a jellyfish, you`d have a product that could feed the world. Of course everybody`s breath would smell fishy, but halitosis would be a small price to pay.

J Mark Oates

These aren`t the droids you`re looking for.


DOHC (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 17:55


This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 18:56


martymcfly (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 18:05

Hey dohc, don`t jellyfish eat jelly?

Eggman...............howzit goin` you crazy mo` fo` S.O.B, long time no hear. By the way, Sir Brigadier General Beelzebub Z. Ffarqhuarsson Grobisher-Fforbes-Smythe says hello. How`s Jack Turnip these days? and dare I say it.........the floating bearded sausage.............with the ol` death rays shootin` out of his eyes! God, I miss the good ol` days when you could have a decent conversation, just like this one, on this site.

Cheers, Marty 8)


the eggman (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 18:42

How`s Jack Turnip these days?

I think he`s in the 57th century right now

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 19:46


the eggman (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 18:45

I visited the 57th century and was told Jack Turnip is in the 93rd century fighting magical space monkeys who want to steal all the worlds trifle


the eggman (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 19:53

If you could breed a peanutbutterfish and put it in a sandwich with a jellyfish, you`d have a product that could feed the world. Of course everybody`s breath would smell fishy, but halitosis would be a small price to pay.

As long as you dont eat it with an electric eel egg

If you do you will get Eeleggtrocuted

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 21:00

RE: eelegtrocuted

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 23rd September 2004, 20:46

Everybody knows you eat electric eel eggs with a sprinkle of soil so they`re earthed.

J Mark Oates

These aren`t the droids you`re looking for.

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