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How many people read/buy hardcopy DVD Magazines ?

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 16:05

I think I`ll write a column about this, but first I wanted to get an idea from the faithful forum users:

I expect people here read DVD magazines ? Would that be correct ? However, personally I have found more and more now that I no-longer want to spend my hard-earned money on them, and that the reviews and news always seem so old - you can get all the information for free on-line so much earlier.

Also, I remember when I reaslised that HCC reviewed the Bond TWINE disc and discussed extras that weren`t even on the UK release that the mags weren`t reviewing UK retail discs - I was gutted ! Also, from my personal point of view of hardware reviews, they always seem short and shallow, as if they had the item on test for a couple of days...

So come on, let me know. Do you read the mags (like me, standing in Smiths ;-) or do you all still pour money into the paper empires ? (Or alternatively, have you all given up completely ?)

DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 16:07

RE: How many people read/buy hardcopy DVD Magazines ?

Rich Goodman (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 16:58

I`ve probably not bought one for about 6 months.

When I was buying bits and pieces to put my system together I bought quite a lot of DVD/Home Cinema mags - the more opinions the better. Of course we all know that the best way to test hardware is to try it out for yourself though!

But since then I tend not to bother. I can read all the reviews I want on the web (and write my own of course!!) and so there`s no real need for DVD/Home Cinema magazines.

Maybe if they have an interesting cover disc I`ll pick one up now and again.


RE: How many people read/buy hardcopy DVD Magazines ?

royd (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 17:05

Well as a relative "newbie" I have bought one or two, but I have found they all review the same things at the same time so its a waste of money.Having said that I would probably buy one if I was on holiday to read.

RE: How many people read/buy hardcopy DVD Magazines ?

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 17:13

I bought several in the first few months.........and have not bought any since as they are not worth the money, as there content is usually padded out to fill the mag.

I prefer to use on line magazines that are free such as DVD Times.:-)))))

(Dan is DVD Times, considered swearing on these forums?)

RE: How many people read/buy hardcopy DVD Magazines ?

Giles Manton (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 18:05

Yes, I do buy and read hardcopy DVD Magazines. I also find my fellow DVD Reviewer likes to read my copies of the magazines whenever we meet...;)

I have to say I still do like going through them. Yes, the information is available on line a lot quicker but there`s just something about turning the pages.

DVD Reviewer

RE: How many people read/buy hardcopy DVD Magazines ?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 19:03

I tend to buy "Total DVD" just for something to read at work (and to subtly show off too !!!). If I`m about to buy something on the Internet I`ll always try to source an online review before buying - they seem more believable than some of the `better please our sponsor` type reviews that you get in magazines.

As for hardware, Total DVD is not-so-hot, but I am a subscriber to both What HiFi and Home Entertainment, the latter especially good at Home Cinema stuff.

All in all then about a tenner a month on DVD/hifi/home cinema mags

RE: How many people read/buy hardcopy DVD Magazines ?

Bud_White (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 19:34

I buy "DVD Review" every month. It has very good software reviews and features plus release dates and a database type thing of the best DVDs in each genre. I`m not that bothered about hardware reviews because I have all the hardware I want but they seem pretty good as well.

RE: How many people read/buy hardcopy DVD Magazines ?

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 21:23

I have been thinking of bying a dvd magazine but cant decide which one. so could anyone recomment one

RE: How many people read/buy hardcopy DVD Magazines ?

Tony Vado (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 22:16

There are 3 main magazines, I used to buy all of them before having access to the internet. I still occasionally buy Ultimate Dvd because it`s good quality and well written (they printed one of my letters once, so i`m biased!). Total DVD which is a bit snooty and obsessed with mods and hardware, the film reviews are way-off aswell (childishly giving 0 marks for good, fun movies and 10`s for arty rubbish). Finally DVD Review which is a bit too mainstream and padded out for my taste. There are more, but they`re mostly cheap and ill concieved (with hopeless VCD`s attatched). If you can read this message, you don`t really need to buy any of the above publications.

RE: How many people read/buy hardcopy DVD Magazines ?

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st March 2001, 23:15

I`ve only really bought a couple of copies of `What DVD` recently, to see what was new on the kit front and to catch up with the retailer ads.

It has some good hardware reviews, lots of pre-release reviews and a fair listings table at the back.

I think most of the mags are much of a muchness really. Better info flows from these august pages :-)



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