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`Leccy question

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 13:12

Anyone got any idea roughly how much how much it costs for the electricity if you leave a PC (not including the monitor) switched on for an hour?

The last few weeks (since getting BB) I have been leaving my PC on pretty much constantly and was just wondering if my bill was suddenly going to double.

A witty saying proves nothing. - Voltaire

RE: `Leccy question

sj (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 13:16

Sorry, don`t know but I would like to know something similar..
If a PC power supply is say, 300W, that means the maximum power it can supply is 300W yes? i.e. having it on is not like having 3 100W bulbs on. Under `normal` load, what sort of poewr does the base unit draw? Similarly, what about the monitor?


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: `Leccy question

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 13:19

I have just found this on t`internet:

A PC left running for 24 hours per day will use £70 worth of electricity over 12 months

By my reckoning that`s about 19p a day or less than a penny an hour. Does this sound right?

A witty saying proves nothing. - Voltaire

RE: `Leccy question

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 14:23

About right.

"Great chunks of my past detaching themselves like melting icebergs"

Bigger on the inside

RE: `Leccy question

Deadthings (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 14:44

And it being on all the time helps in a small way to heat the room! ;)

I leave mine on 24/7 and it does make a difference to the heat. We`ve not noticed a difference in our monthly electrical bill, so I wouldn`t worry about it. There`s no reason to leave the monitor on at all though when you`re not there. I always switch mine off, speakers too. Just leave the base running.


RE: `Leccy question

LondonLee (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 15:04

Lucky for me, my PC doubles up as a radiator, lol. Serious, my room is that small !

RE: `Leccy question

Oor Wullie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 15:38

Mine helps keep my room warm also. When my daughter still lived with us we had 3 PC and a server all on at the same time in our computer room. It was like an oven.


RE: `Leccy question

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 19:21

I leave mine on 24/7 and it does make a difference to the heat.

so did a fella i work with, until one evening he returned home looking forward
to downloading the latest porn, he could smell burning.......yes his pc had spontaneously(sp?) combusted. this cost him somewhere in the region of £300
for a new base unit, which when calculated, blows the £70 theory out of the water.


RE: `Leccy question

M. (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 20:15

a fella i work with, until one evening he returned home looking forward
to downloading the latest porn, he could smell burning

LOL: makes `Spearmint Rhino` look like a cheap night out really!

BTW we`ve all heard the "a fella i work with" line before ;)


This item was edited on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 20:16

RE: `Leccy question

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 8th February 2004, 00:43

yes his pc had spontaneously(sp?) combusted. this cost him somewhere in the region of £300
for a new base unit, which when calculated, blows the £70 theory out of the water.

But then again, electrical items are far more likely to break from being turned on and off unnecesarily. The hot / cold cycles can`t do the electronics and good either.

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