Info and forum posts by 'Deadthings'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 24th September 2002, 13:09, Last used: Monday, 9th July 2007, 19:45

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Er, hello... :-)

This user has posted a total of 54 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: are brilliant !!!!

What a great thread!

For those people who have not recieved their goods and paid by credit card, I would urge you to request a chargeback from your bank. If enough do this Foxy will get some stick and may lose their merchant facilities.

I`m forever buying DVDs and am always looking for bargains, so I`ll be avoiding foxy as they`re obviouisly expensive, and are problably going bust seeing as so many people are not getting their goods.

Thanks for the heads-up.

PS - Marcus - you suck!


RE: Chris Langham Faces Indecent Image Charges

Just to clarify one point about this. When investigations into people downloading CP first got started many people used the defence that they had no idea the CP was on their PC, and that it must have been placed there by a hacker.

At that time being such a new crime to deal with the Police weren`t initially sharp at overcoming this defence, and I believe this is why the High Tech Crime Unit was set up, because of things like this.

Anyway to overcome this they now use PC experts that can check to see if a file on your PC, say a movie file or a picture file has been accessed, when and how often. Windows records this information and if you retain pictures on your PC this information cannot be erased, or easily changed.

Because of that few people have gotten off. If you have CP on your PC, and a virus say, and none of the pictures have been accessed from your side then you would be OK because you have a valid defence, but if they can prove you have accessed them then you`re going to jail.

If anyone doubts this feel free to google for more info.


RE: L.A. Confidential - £3.51 Delivered

I saw this in Woolies in Warrington today in their Price Crash thing for £3. I already had it otherwise I would have bought it as it is an excellent film!


RE: Dell tft monitors from £69.99

I no longer do business with UKDVDR. I ordered some disks on guaranteed next day delivery and when the parcel came there were no disks in it! I tried to get the `get it next day or get it free` and they refused. I requested a refund and they did, minus my £7 P&P!

I couldn`t spare the time to take them to court then but I should have done. I also wrote asking them to close the account I had set up there and they ignored me, and are still spamming me.

Certainly a company under any ownership I will never buy from again.


RE: Robbie Fowler - Should they or Shouldn`t they ?

Several facts about the Fowler transfer.

Leeds as of right now are still paying his wages. When Leeds sold Fowler to City it was under the agreement that they continued to pay part of his wages which he was getting at City. In going to LFC he agreed to take a pay cut to match what Leeds are still paying him, I think I read about £23k per week so LFC don`t have to pay him a penny.
Macmanaman and Fowler were supposed to have bumped into Rafa somewhere and put it to him that he could sign and wouldn`t cost LFC a penny in either wages or fees. Not sure if that`s true but seems about right.

Fowler apparently owns about 80 houses and receives rent from them all. I`ve seen some photos of them and they do look very nice. I read he has a very good long term agent who has looked after him and Fowler followed good advice and wisely invested his money in property and is one of the richest Prem players there is.

I too love Fowler and hopes he stays at `pool.


RE: BOGOF on Mountain Bikes

Er no they are not. I got of these bikes for £49 over three years ago and have cycled hundreds of miles on it. On several occasions I cycled over ten miles in a day and the bike is still outside in fine condition and continues to serve me well.

It`s a good solid bike and a great bargain for the price. This promo from them has been posted on BB before a few times and generally people seem to agree they are OK. Do a search and see if you can find more.

Sorry if you`ve had problems with them, but I must say I haven`t and it`s been one of my better bargains. (Along with the cheap Dell PCs!)

Apart from that they offer a very good returns policy if you`re not happy with them so you can`t lose anyway.

I`m beginning to sound like one of their employees! I should be on commission! :)


RE: Dell laptop advice needed

I have the experience of having bought PCs and laptops and having built many PCs.

We got the £184 PC recently for my Nieces and I also bought one of their laptops.

The £184 PC surprised me in that it was so cheap and with an integrated gfx card was still able to smoothly play Sims 2 and GTA 3, plus Unreal Tournament without problems.

The built quality was superb and the whole thing in black looks very nice. When I fitted a wireless PCI card for first PC I opened it, and it was the easiest case I`ve ever opened. Inside was clean and well put together and the whole thing felt solid.

The only thing I didn`t like was all the bumpf installed such as free Internet offers and trial software such as Paint Shop Pro which we didn`t want. No problem because I uninstalled it straight away and tidyed it up.

I have been looking for a decent laptop for a good price and have been very attracted to the prices and offers Dell are running.

I wanted a desktop replacement and eventually liked the look of the Inspiron 5160. It however was more than I wanted to pay. There were cheaper ones but they didn`t offer what I needed. So I left it and the free postage offer ended. Or so I thought. I looked back a few days later and they offered instead double memory of 512 megs, free delivery worth £57 and the March sale of £150 of, so I couldn`t resist.

I am well impressed and love it. I`ve had a Toshiba laptop, and a Thinkpad but this is much better.

For the price it handles wireless internet on a cheapo PCMCIA card no problems. I get 3:45 minutes of battery time, and with a second battery that`s more than enough. It handles all my office needs and because of the Nvidia card I`ve been able to run games such as Vice City and Unreal Tournament easily and smoothly. For the price I`m amazed at getting a 2.8 ghz P4, 40 gig HD, 64 meg Gforce2go gfx and a DVD-RW drive. Windows XP SP2 comes with it too plus Works for Windows.

I liked the build quality and I find the speedstep handles things fine, giving enough power as it`s needed. I`ve played DivX, Xvid and DVDs on it without any problems.

Looking at the other laptops and prices they are selling for I think their value is superb. I`m impressed with the build quality and sales of the Dell machines and given how many I`ve had over the years and built I have to say you get your money`s worth.

I did contact Dell to find out where our £184 PC was and as with both machines we got several telephone calls to confirm our order and for delivery details.

I`d certainly use Dell again and I can say there`s plenty of other companies I wouldn`t.

Hope that info helps some.


This item was edited on Monday, 14th March 2005, 22:56

RE: PAYG mobile + SIM card + £25 call credit for £23.99

Did anyone actually manage to get a T610?

I got my order conformation through no problems, for £29.99 and the have just got this Email:

Re: - Order number XXXXXXXX and 01/03/2005 00:50

We are writing to inform you that we are unable to accept the order you placed on our website for a Hassle Free Package.

The promotion available on our partners` sites cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion including "The Hassle Free Package". This was stated within the "legal stuff" on the partners` sites.

In the event of any amount being deducted from your credit/debit card we will ensure this is promptly refunded.

We regret any inconvenience caused and if you would like to purchase a Hassle Free Package please click here

The Virgin Mobile Team

So I won`t be getting it. I wonder did anyone?

Shame because I was looking forward to it. Virgin have a crap site though!

Oh well no matter, at least I got the £184 PC! :)


RE: FREE coffee machine

Looks like it`s gone.

Doing a search for the coffee maker now gives a message saying not found.

Looks like a good deal too, but obviously a cock-up.

anyone else having any luck since?


RE: free ps2+xbox game rentals

I spotted a refferer ID in those links which is forbidden on these forums. Check out the rules.

You might want to change them before a MOD deletes the links.


RE: PS2 £99.99

Damn that`s expensive! ;)

Trip on over to Amazon UK:

and get on including free delivery for £94.99!

Getting good in time for Christmas.


RE: £3.64 per week - Absolutely Free !!

I signed up for this, and on account type it comes up as account type being `referral`, so I think the link provided is an affiliate link, and does appear to be earning its sponsor points/ money.

I suggest if you`re interested just going to without the extra bit.

I`ve clicked the links as suggested, but didn`t get any points. I also doubt we`ll get anything from this, but I remain to by proven wrong. We`ll see.


RE: I hate football...


I LOVE football. I HATE the Mancs. I`m glad you`re out. The Mancs always winge when they don`t get that dodgy OT penalty they never deserve. Y`see in the Prem, a Manc only needs to fall over to get a penalty at OT, but in Europe they`re still classed as nobodys, and don`t get ref`s being biased for them, so they go out nine times out of ten early and then their fans winge. Winge, winge, winge. Moan, moan, moan.

You got what you deserve, and this season, because of Fergie, you`ll win bugger all. :)

Ahhhh. woohahahaha!!!!

Gloat, gloat...


Mancs are out, mancs are out...


RE: `Leccy question

And it being on all the time helps in a small way to heat the room! ;)

I leave mine on 24/7 and it does make a difference to the heat. We`ve not noticed a difference in our monthly electrical bill, so I wouldn`t worry about it. There`s no reason to leave the monitor on at all though when you`re not there. I always switch mine off, speakers too. Just leave the base running.


RE: Should the BBC sue Fox News?

Er... I have a couple of questions.

Why is it that the American Military keep murdering our soldiers? Why do they murder them and then try to disguise it by calling it `FRIENDLY FIRE` ?

does anyone know why the great American Army keep killing British soldiers? Why are we supporting their efforts? Think about it. We`re pretty much the only country to help them against Iraq, and since then all they`ve done is things to alienate us.

It`s bad enough that they treat us as a kind of second class cousin, refusing us entry to their country in case some of us are terorists, even when their own citizens bring bullets on planes! We`ve been treated poorly by the yanks for a long time, such as minor things like films being released a long time after them, as if our close relationship doesn`t extend to being treated equally, up to major things like not being given due respect to our ability to stop terrorists.

Look at it like this: We didn`t have terrorists stealing planes full of people and crashing into buildings. Bombs are impossible to stop completely, but I mean, taking their own planes and doing what they were able to do!

Anyone who feels the Americans are superior need to take a look at what Michael Moore is saying. Didn`t I hear that some 40 million Americans cannot read?! didn`t I hear 80% of Americans don`t have a passport, and are unable to tell where on a map even the UK is?

Didn`t the Americans back and train Bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein? Doesn`t anyone thinks it`s a little suspicious that they trained them, and then suddendly they became the enemy? Perhaps a paper tiger the American`s can control and use?

What do people think of all the new `anti terrorism` laws passed here and in America? We`re now spied on over eveything we do, with little real working safeguards. Even where we go with our mobile phones are tracked, and Emails sent, websites visited, telephone calls made, agencies in this country have access to all those records and more, simply fighting terrorism?

At one time the people being given access to these records included Firemen! Until someone felt that was a little unnecessary and it got removed.

Now we can be arrested and held without trial, if we`re suspected of being a terrorist.

The American people are no different than the British, in fact the same, in their complacency, allowing corrupt governments to adopt radical new laws designed to keep track of people and control us. The only ones they truly won`t affect are criminals and terrorists.

Lastly, as for the Tories and Howard, they won`t win the next election, because the only thing people in his country really care about when it comes to elections is how well off they feel, and for the time being most are doing OK. People don`t have enough reason to change yet, so they won`t. Why wouldn anyone positively vote for the Tories? (I can provide a ton of things for why they shouldn`t, based on their previous record in power).

Oh one last question - where did Tony Blair get the 45 minute claim?


RE: Danny Baker!

If he`s so good on radio, then let him stick to radio. As for his TV stuff, well it sucked and so does he, so someone run him over!!


RE: Jackos Mugshot

I`d hate to see what he looks like without his makeup!!

It`s probably Liz Taylor underneath... ;)


RE: Star Trek SE films

Star Trek 1 SE is £7.99 on Play too. You can get the none SE editions of the others for this price there too.


RE: Where`s the cheapest for Angel Season 3?

I`m not sure how this message got in Software, as I was reading Bargain Buckets and posted it into Bargain Buckets. Wierd!


Where`s the cheapest for Angel Season 3?


I`m looking for Angel Season 3. I did a check on dvdpricecheck, and see it`s available in two boxed sets. There is a single boxed set for thw whole series, but when is this out?

We want the cheapest we can find for either the full set or both parts one and two, in time for Christmas! :)




I just uninstalled it tonight because the game sucks on the PC. I`ve been spoilt by much better games, in both gameplay and graphics on the PC now, and for me Halo looked old hat.

A huge amount of people have had problem running this game, because it`s a poorly done port. I`ve seen peeps with 3 gig processors and good gfx cards struggle to get good frame rates.

My problem was the graphics weren`t up to much and the gameplay is a bit tired.

Each to their own, but I think Halo is a huge let down.


RE: Another cheapish DVD player(aren`t they all!)

I think the Amazon one is very flexible, and plays most types of disk and video except DivX (the cheaper DVD player).

such a good price and with delivery included, I`m going to get a couple of these for Christmas for presents.

My niece is getting the DivX version so I hear too. A good price for a good spec player, thanks for the heads up.


RE: Mens Jeans At Asda - £4!!

This is part of their blue and white label range. They look pretty good to me, though I don`t need any.

They also have T-shirts at £1.99 too and quite a few other things.

I bought two pairs of white sports socks from them @ 75p for the two. Wearing them now, and the quality if fine indeed. ;)

Warrington Tesco has just opened and I keep going in there! ;)


RE: PS2 for £99.99!

It did. I checked it yesterday, and they had them for £99. I guess they either sold out, or the offer wasput up too soon. I`ve read they might get to that price depending on what others do in the run up to Christmas. If the Gamecube does well, then we might see them all fall in price.

I think given its age, the PS2 is overpriced now.


RE: Flight Of The Navigator

I hadn`t even realized this was out on DVD. I too always enjoyed it, and I young someone young who will enjoy this for Christmas. I`ll check it out.

Thanks for the heads up.


RE: For Sale: ********DVD`S for Sale********

I`ve sent you an Email for five of these, let me know.



RE: For Sale: DVD`s for trade/sale...


Do you still have these? If so mail me at sgnihtdaed[at]ten.xmg and We can work out a price for some of them.



Rock bottom price printer: Epson C42+...

Just took delivery of one myself today.

£34.99 cheapest I`ve seen it anywhere. Web only order, not instore, and £2.95 delivery. Even with delivery it`s a good price.

Chipped (clone) cartridges for these a very cheap already too.

The site says 6 pages per minute colour, but the box says 4 pages, and it advertises Star Wars Print Studio comes with it, but I didn`t get it!

no matter, as the printer is good being an Epson, and I did Email them to complain. We`ll see what they have to say.

If you`re looking for a cheap printer, with dirt cheap running costs, Epson`s the way to go.



This item was edited on Tuesday, 1st July 2003, 00:41

RE: Novatech 2.1 Mega Pixel Digtal Camera with LCD Display under £50

I think if you look you`ll find peeps saw a message a short while ago detailing a cheaper camera from them, and this one was mentioned as being superior, so people knew about it, including me.

I knew it was a great bargain, and have been thinking about getting one. Well, seeing as you reminded me, I just this minute bought one from them, paying with my trusty debit card.

Makes a change buying something with cash rather than the well worn credit card! ;)

Thanks for the heads up, I do think this camera is going to be rather good...


This item was edited on Tuesday, 1st July 2003, 00:36


More and more ISPs are offering this kind of deal. My missus uses a different one, for £.95 with the same restrictions. In every way it`s a great service, with 80 hours per month to play with. That`s more than enough for her, and the ISP still makes enough profit to sustain it.

I`m going to get her to change to their £7.99 one, and save 96p. :)

The free offer; don`t you already have to be one of their users? I thought I saw something on their front page about it. Can`t be bothered to check now.

Thanks for the pointer to a cheap offer though.
