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Shevaun Pennington found

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 13:41

In the last 15 mins Shevaun Pennington has been found in the UK.

Toby whatzisname hase been arrested in Germany.

Thats all for now.

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Shevaun Pennington found

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 13:55

Not withstanding the massive age difference and all the gary glitter related stuff, didn`t the bloke actually ever get a picture of this girl?? He must have serious problems.

RE: Shevaun Pennington found

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 14:01

very good news she`s been found though, although once things have calmed down I hope her folks give her the bollocking of her life!

RE: Shevaun Pennington found

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 14:13

In the last 15 mins Shevaun Pennington has been found in the UK.

That`s a relief!

Toby whatzisname hase been arrested in Germany.

I think we need to hear the full story before people start condemning this bloke, methinks. Quite possibly, he sent her packing after he realised how old she really was.

Not withstanding the massive age difference and all the gary glitter related stuff, didn`t the bloke actually ever get a picture of this girl?? He must have serious problems.

(cough cough) Don`t be nasty ;-) That said, if she lied about her age, she could just as easily have sent him a fake photo.


RE: Shevaun Pennington found

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 14:23

I`m with Mike, years ago, i worked nights at a hotel, I had this couple come in and ask for a room. Nothing too out of the ordinary, except, I thought the woman was very flirty and admittedly very attractive. An hour or so later the police turn up asking if I`d seen a person fitting the woman`s description. I directed them to the room while another 2 coppers stayed chatting (we got on very well, scratchy-scratchy) The told me that this `woman` was actually 13 years old. The man was horrified, and understandable terrified about the situation he`d got himself into. She had told him she was about 19 (she DID look it)

It just goes to show that sometimes the `innocent victim` is anything but. I`m not saying this is what`s happened here, but I`m just giving an example..

RE: Shevaun Pennington found

spartacus (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 14:29

Good news - but what I would like to know is how the airports/police didn`t know if she was in this country or where - asks questions about security at the airports.


RE: Shevaun Pennington found

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 14:34

It always amazes me when the missus is watching rikki/queen latifah/geraldo/jerry springer/Jenny Jones* and the subject is something along the lines of`my wild teen` and they show these girls who should still be playing with dolls who look as though they`re in their mid-twenties.

* delete as appropriate

RE: Shevaun Pennington found

andy_js (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 14:34

Spartacus I agree and didn`t they both ring home - so why couldn`t they trace the calls - they always can on the telly !!!!!! Andy.

RE: Shevaun Pennington found

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 14:48

God dammit! Where are all the usual calls for his immediate execution without trial as a clear and obvious paedophile! :)


RE: Shevaun Pennington found

Mark Turner (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 15:17

It ought to be a pre-requisite for any parent wishing to name their kid Siobhan to be able to spell it, rather than just spell it as it sounds..........!

Good news that she has turned up OK though.

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