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Your Worst 5 Films

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 15:36

What are the worst 5 films you have ever seen. Mine, in no particular order are:

1. Blues Brothers 2000
2. Scary Movie (1 or 2 really)
3. The Waterboy
4. The Cable Guy
5. Scream 1, 2 or 3

What do you reckon? I feel a backlash brewing.......

RE: Your Worst 5 Films

Gurra W (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 17:31

5 of the worst (hopefully I`ve repressed the very worst ones... =O) )

In random order:

1. Scary Movie 1 - Have done everything in my power to keep away from the second one which seems EVEN worse...
2. Behind Enemy Lines (2001) - Hate all U.S.A.-rules the world-movies... What a complete waste of time and money...
3. The Patriot (2000) - YUCK - See above - and too many easy-to-spot-goofs as well..
4. Scary Movie 1 - Deserves one more placement... at least...
5. Scary Movie 1 - Yeah... sooo baaad

I`ll come back and post some more when I wake up screaming from one of those bad-movie-flashbacks that keep reoccurring =OP
-=-Gurra W

This item was edited on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 17:35

RE: Your Worst 5 Films

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 17:54

To be honest I can`t list my worst five films. I could list my Top 5 GOOD films, but I try not to remember the duds. Here are 5 films that I thought were complete s***e.

*ALL the Friday The 13th films (even Jason X which I just saw and it is s***E)
*Alien Resurrection
*Superman 4
*Batman & Robin
*Star Trek in general (apart from First Contact, that was ok)

RE: Your Worst 5 Films

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 17:57

If this is the 5 worst that i`ve seen, and not 5 worst that i`ve avoided coz i`ve heard they`re bad, then:

1) Stargate - i fell asleep during it!
2) Clear & Present Danger - ditto
3) The Crow 2 : City of Angels - just sooooooo boring. Nothing happens. Nothing.
4) Braveheart - racist, overlong, boring claptrap
5) Boogie Nights - slightly redeemed by Heather Grahams `furry friend`, but still (again) boring.

RE: Your Worst 5 Films

Wad (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 18:44

I must have bad taste as I quite enjoyed Stargate and Cable Guy. Really liked Boogie Nights too.

5 of my worst:
1. Airforce One
2. Oscar
3. Anything with Bette Midler, but especially Beaches
4. Charlies Angles
5. Didn`t want to include sequels but Highlander 2 deserves special mention

RE: Your Worst 5 Films

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 20:01

1. Scary Movie - as above. Bad, bad, bad. Have also managed to avoid the second installment.
2. Deep Impact - Terrible.
3. Breast Men - Did NOT live up to my expectations.
4. Mafia - Theres only so far you can stretch all the Airplane jokes.
5. The Phantom Menace - didn`t mind the original three, but couldn`t understand why they bothered.

RE: Your Worst 5 Films

Dazb75 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 20:29

1. Time Machine 2002 - what was wrong with the original?
2. Rambo 3 - was there actually a storyline?
3. Any Batman film after Batman Returns
4. Apollo 13 - we all knew how it would turn out - didn`t we?
5. Harry Potter and the Philosopher`s (or Sorcerer`s if you`re American - what`s wrong can`t spell Philosopher?) Stone - to sum up the film - like Grange Hill with special effects.

I`m sure I`ll think of more ...

RE: Your Worst 5 Films

kissmymonkeysdonkey (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 20:56

Here we go:

1. `Sliver` - with Sharon Stone - truly is THE worst film ever, and I can not see it ever being surpassed.

2. `The Waterboy` - I agree this is dreadful, but I suppose I was misled, as I went expecting it to be a comedy!

3. `Three Men and a Baby`/`Three Men and a Little Lady` - how I ever saw the second one, after the mess that was the first, I will never know! THESE FILMS ARE UTTER GARBAGE.

4. `Look Who`s Talking` - John Travolta, WHY? I really hope that the pay-cheque for this one justified trading all your self respect, John.

5. `The Parole Officer` - I actually liked Steve Coogan before this. The script was obviously written by children, but it could have been salvaged if they hired a few actors who could `do` believable! I`m sorry, but it just wasn`t funny, which in my book a COMEDY should be.

*This has really got me going now, and I could add another 20 to the list*

RE: Your Worst 5 Films

nhouston (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 21:16

1. Armageddon
2. Con Air
3. Before Sunrise
4. Planet of the Apes (2001)
5. Highlander
Basically most things with either Tony Scott, Michael Bay, Jerry Bruckheimer, Bruce Willis, Ethan Hawke and Queen involved.

RE: Your Worst 5 Films

Gangster No 1 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 21:39

1.The Crying Game (1992)
2.Armageddon (1998)
3.Blues Brothers 2000 (1998)
4.Mermaids (1990)
5.Godzilla (1998)

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