Info and forum posts by 'kissmymonkeysdonkey'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 1st June 2002, 10:00, Last used: Thursday, 14th July 2005, 20:54

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Contact direct via yeknodsyeknomymssik[at]moc.liamtoh

This user has posted a total of 25 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

DMR-E30? DVDR 880? ........Help?

Please forgive my total ignorance:

I am on the hunt for a `recordable` dvd machine.
The problem is ... I don`t know anything about the different formats, features, and potential problems!

I would greatly appreciate any advice or information, particularly on the following points:

1. What are the different formats, and is there a preferred format?
2. Are the discs I record, playable on my dvd player (Cyberhome adl528)?
3. Can someone recommend a simple-to-operate, relatively cheap (£400-£500), multi-region, macro-disabled, vcd/cd-r etc. compatible, dvd recorder, and if so - where is the cheapest/most reliable place to buy it?

My head is spinning with information I don`t understand, so please speak to me like a child!

Many thanks in advance.

RE: Free DVD

Another niggle -

`Cleveland` is not listed as a county.

I have just moved to Yorkshire!

... minor niggle for a free DVD though!

RE: Argos `Digital Camera` - valid return?

They did not even check the contents of the box - I was totally honest, but could easily have kept the smart media card.

They also refunded purchase price of an additional smart media card (bought at the same time as the camera), as it was no good without the camera!

Maybe I was just lucky, but as I said, they dealt with me happily and efficiently!

RE: Favourite bands not to have had a hit...

Red Guitars (Hull-based band who supported The Smiths in the early 80`s) were great!
Jale (early 90`s Seattle-based all-girl band, signed to Sub Pop) also did not get the recognition they deserved.
I think I will have to go and get my old vinyl out now ....

RE: Do you buy stuff on ebay?

I predominantly sell on `ebay`, and it is amazing how lucrative selling your unwanted, or bought specifically for ebay, items can be!

It seems that buyers tend to get carried away, and start to compete with each other, and pretty soon the price has gone through the roof.

Example: I bought vcd copies (legit and licensed) of `Lion King` (Disney classic unavailable outside Far East) from a Malaysian website for $9.99. Taking shipping etc. into account, each copy cost me about £9.

List one at a time on ebay - couple of people enter a bidding war - price escalates - each time I make around £30 clear profit. This film can be legitimately bought from a number of sites for one quarter it`s resale price - why do buyers not check this out first?

Conclusion: ebay is a seller`s dream, but buyer`s should always check that any item they bid on is not available cheaper `under their nose`.

Having said this, if you are looking for that `once in a lifetime` item (you know - the `Needful Things` item), then it is probably available - at a price - on ebay!

RE: Argos `Digital Camera` - valid return?


Thanks v. much for the info - with a little research, this could be just the job.

RE: Argos `Digital Camera` - valid return?

Argos refunded my purchase price - in full - with a smile, and an apology!

Well done Argos!

Now, anyone know of a cheap/mid-range (£100-£160) digital camera, with decent battery life, and simple to use?
Also, where can I buy cheapish card reader?

Many thanks in advance for any help.

RE: Should we bring back the death penalty for certain crimes?

If there is one thing scarier than the perpetrator of such a hideous crime, it is the prevalence of uneducated and dangerously narrow-minded opinion, as witnessed on this thread!

RE: Has this forum been re-named "Watchdog"?

No `might`, and no `bit`, about it.

`Waste`? Oh, yes! I forgot - YOUR time again.

I agree - this is not a `Consumer Advice` forum, but I ASKED for advice - I did not make it compulsory to read or reply, and a few people were kind enough to do me a favour - THANKYOU.

Chill - it is not really THAT important .. or is it?

RE: Argos `Digital Camera` - valid return?

Thanks for the help - I will attempt to return the camera in the next couple of days, and update on success (or lack of it!).

As for battery life, decent quality `AA` batteries last about 25-35 shots (with lcd screen on). I don`t know whether this is standard, or whether there is something amiss with my particular camera.

I have been told that uploading to pc, batteries will last minutes, and that a card-reader is essential - not a luxury!

Argos `Digital Camera` - valid return?

I know this has nothing to do with DVD`s, but I need some advice, and therefore apologise profusely in advance.

Story cut short:
Bought digital camera (Fuji Finepix A201) from Argos 3-4 months ago; checked it was working etc. etc., did not have time to install included `photographic software`, and then went abroad - forgetting camera!!!
I have just come back, and lo-and-behold I can not get the software to install and the battery life is rubbish!

Question is: Am I within my rights to return the camera, and if so, am I likely to get a refund/credit note/new camera?
Really, I want my money back, but would accept a credit note. Does anyone know if I have any chance, and if not ... anyone want to buy a `good camera`?

p.s. I have receipts etc., but wonder whether `software` problems are covered by guarantee?

Thanks in advance of any help.

RE: A thought for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

Firstly, I am a parent, and recently experienced my son (he was 5 at the time) `disappear` into thin air!

This was only for a very short time - about 10 minutes (but it felt like hours!) - and he turned up safe and well (he had gone with a friend and his father - without any of them thinking to inform me!).

After the trauma, and pure PANIC, felt for this short time, I can not begin to imagine what the poor parents of Holly and Jessica are going through. Surely this is the worst nightmare imaginable?

Secondly, I work in the Mental Health services, which partly encompasses `sexual deviancy` and `paedophilia`. Until I became a father I would argue/reason treatment options and the irrepressible urges of sexuality, and the balance of treatment and public protection.

NOW, it seems that there is little hope of `treating` deviancies such as paedophilia, and that the sexual drive and preference of all of us is basically with us for life.

I am no more able to alter my sexual preference, likes and dislikes, than I am my colour! Why, therefore, should we expect anyone to be able to change their most basic of drives?

It is essential that we, as parents, feel that the environment we allow our children to inhabit is free from sexual predators and abusers.

I for one no longer allow my son out of my sight, and this is very sad.

My heart, and my thoughts, are with the parents of Holly and Jessica, and I hope - more than anything - that this is not a situation that anyone ever has to find themselves in.

Bit of a ramble I`m afraid, but I agree that there seems to be rather a lot of depressing and traumatic news of late!

RE: Ealing Comedy Collection from for just £13.92!

Good spot!

Just ordered mine - £3.48 per film, including postage!

Even if I don`t watch them, my grandmother probably will (if she can overcome her fear of `new technology`!).

RE: Sony Notebook Laptop for £76 Quid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe I am a little uneducated, and not particularly technically minded, but there is something not quite right about this `blunder`.

Is anyone actually SURE that this is the actual laptop, and not a case/cover for this model?

The listing - as far as I could see - does not give any specifications, details, or image. Is this just me being dumb?

I really do hope that I am wrong, and everyone has not ordered `shedloads` of accessories for this laptop!

Can anyone reassure me on this point?

I also agree with earlier comments, that it is unlikely that a supplier of this size can actually come up with the goods - mistake or not - without going into liquidation. I am not sure of the ethics on this one. As was mentioned earlier, if this was a company like Kodak, then fair game - we would only be eating a little of their massive profit margin!

Let`s not lose sight of the fact that this pricing `may` be a simple error, before the wolves descend to rip the business to pieces!


Kate wins ... by default!

In the immortal words of Homer J. Simpson

"Yahoo! for default!"

The rest of them are MORE irritating than Kate (plus, I had a bet on Kate to win @ 16/1, so I am rather biased).

RE: Your Worst 5 Films

Here we go:

1. `Sliver` - with Sharon Stone - truly is THE worst film ever, and I can not see it ever being surpassed.

2. `The Waterboy` - I agree this is dreadful, but I suppose I was misled, as I went expecting it to be a comedy!

3. `Three Men and a Baby`/`Three Men and a Little Lady` - how I ever saw the second one, after the mess that was the first, I will never know! THESE FILMS ARE UTTER GARBAGE.

4. `Look Who`s Talking` - John Travolta, WHY? I really hope that the pay-cheque for this one justified trading all your self respect, John.

5. `The Parole Officer` - I actually liked Steve Coogan before this. The script was obviously written by children, but it could have been salvaged if they hired a few actors who could `do` believable! I`m sorry, but it just wasn`t funny, which in my book a COMEDY should be.

*This has really got me going now, and I could add another 20 to the list*

RE: Stop subscribing to Sky and move to NTL phone ?

There are a lot of points, mentioned above, that I would totally agree with i.e. customer service - I think this is widely acknowledged - is dreadful! However, if you ever need them (and you will, at some point) use the ntl help/advice on the web - it is usually very quick and efficient.
On the plus side, telephone charges CAN be excellent, depending on your `user profile`. I personally make a substantial saving over BT.
But the best bit, for me, is that I currently pay £5 per month for unlimited internet access. Yes, it`s not particularly fast, or amazingly reliable, BUT IT IS £5.
In an `all things equal` situation, I would probably edge towards Sky, but if you have a `political` aversion towards them (like me) then ntl do have some good points!

RE: So how did you get your username then?

Fairly simple really:
I have run a small zoo (used by local schools etc for educational purposes) for longer than I care to remember, and we have always had an extended-family of chimpanzee`s.
One of the younger chimps - Luka - became quite attached to a re-homed donkey we rescued, and was extremely protective towards her.
About 2 years ago, after a heavy all night drinking session, myself and a group of friends were playing a game of `dare`, and for some reason (it is all rather clouded and unclear now!) the most ridiculous forfeit was to ... `kissmymonkeysdonkey`!
Before any animal rights activists become alarmed, it never went any further than a big kiss (no tongues, from what I remember!).

RE: Laptop for less that £270 !!!

I have just received the exact same message, and have replied with an intended course of action i.e. Trading Standards, letters to the press, blah blah blah!
I don`t know why I am bothering really, but the tone of the email I received was almost dismissive - as though I was an annoyance to them!
Well, you never know, they may offer a discount of some description - but even if they do, I doubt I would buy anything from them.

RE: Laptop for less that £270 !!!

I don`t hold out a great deal of hope, but I have had to order one!
I would have kicked myself if I had not, and the price was honoured!
Fingers crossed until tomorrow morning.

RE: World Cup Predictions

For once, I am absolutely delighted to be TOTALLY wrong!

Consider myself choking on `humble pie`.

**Still think Italy will win, however**

RE: World Cup Predictions

If you can still get a half-decent price ... TAKE IT!
They are almost certainties to make at least the quarter finals - just look at their draw!

Argentina (though Brazil will warm-up as the competition progresses).

*How Far Will England Go?*
No further! I would love to see them do well, but can not see them getting anything from the Argentina match.
Best we can hope for is a win against Nigeria (and that`s no easy task!) and hope that other results give us some sort of hope!

Pretty gloomy prospect, I know, but realistic if you ask me!

RE: Tinywave Sender @ sconie-4-U £24.99!

Is this the price new?
Excellent deal if it is!
This is a steal if it also transmits your `remote`.

A couple of the cheaper `senders` did not transmit your remote, so meant you had to go downstairs to pause, change channels etc.

The bonus with the `Toys-R-Us` sender is that you simply take your original remote with you, and can use all functions!

Video Sender @ Toys-R-Us £49.99!

Amazing deal - top spec - video sender at Toys-R-Us for less than £50.

I have just bought one, and it allows wireless transmission of satellite, digital set-top-box, video, and DVD pictures to any other tv.
Also sends mp3 files from pc to hi-fi.

Works over 100 metres - through walls etc. and picture is really very good!

Pack contains everything needed for connection.

This is at least £30 cheaper than I have found anywhere else, so is worth a look.
This was selling very well whilst I was in the shop, so it seems popular!

It looks like it is available on the website also, but there is a delivery charge (think it`s about £3.50 ish), and from my experience they are not the quickest at delivery.