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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Nintendo going to drop out of the console business ??

RossCo (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 10:40 :)

All depends on their next gen console - though I seem to remember saying that with the N64 ..... :(

RE: Nintendo going to drop out of the console business ??

peteh (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 12:56

The main market for console games, however, is the 18 to 35-year-old male.

S***! I`ve only got 3 years of gaming left in me then!!!


RE: Nintendo going to drop out of the console business ??

tripodjw (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 12:59

And apparently i`m just not allowed to be a gamer being female.

Strange that i have two consoles (ps2 and gc) and a handheld (gba-sp).

RE: Nintendo going to drop out of the console business ??

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 13:29

S***! I`ve only got 3 years of gaming left in me then!!!

I`ve got less (1 an a bit!!) :o


RE: Nintendo going to drop out of the console business ??

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 15:02

You should have known that the moment a nostalga buff (arcade cabinet in home, loves old classic consoles, dreamcasts, spectrums and c64s, etc, etc) such as me actually bought a GC it was doomed. :)

I do hope this means loads more cheap games on offer in sales as stores clear out unwanted stock!

Got Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance for £9.99 in Toys R Us, the place I got my GC from in the first place. Their space for the console is decreasing almost weekly it seems.


RE: Nintendo going to drop out of the console business ??

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 16:20

dunno why, but Ninty always seem to be dragging on the heels of the other formats. Many times they make outstanding games that top most popularity charts (Mario world, Zelda) but always seem to be over on the left of the group picture, leaning in and smiling hopefully..

RE: Nintendo going to drop out of the console business ??

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 20:44

Bloody hell i`m 4 years past the sell by date DO`H!!!!! :/

RE: Nintendo going to drop out of the console business ??

elephant (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 23:58

This is sad news because there are plenty of gamers out there waiting for quality games.....and just like the N64 Nintendo just aren`t producing enough Gamecube specific ones.
No one`s going to pick a Gamecube for a dozen or so specific titles (unless they sell it at the crazy price they currently are).The X-Box and PS 2 offer so much more now they both offer online gaming,both can play DVD`s etc etc.
Nintendo have shot themselves in the foot by producing a very obsure media on which to put their`s true that it has been successful in stopping them being copied but so many people have chipped X-Boxes and PS2s now with games costing 3 quid.
It`s a no win situation for them really because quality games do take an age to make and therefore might be worth the 30 quid but there is an avalanche of rubbish out there that no one will buy for that much.
The article is also right in that the Gamecube has aimed at a younger market than the other 2 `gritty` consoles a world where the average game buyer is 18 or over.
They still make some of the best games out there......even a die hard X-Boxer would have to admit that.......but if they come out witht a new next gen console they are going to have it with far more potential for expansion.
That`s my penny`s worth on the matter anyhoo.......:)

RE: Nintendo going to drop out of the console business ??

RossCo (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th January 2004, 11:59

Now its all going crazy!

Nintendo boss: `Games have stopped selling`

It`ll be interesting to see what the new development is....

RE: Nintendo going to drop out of the console business ??

Eternaldark (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th January 2004, 17:35

To be honest, i think they should, although the GC has some good games, the whole nintendo image is kiddie friendly, the GC might have stood better chance being redesigned and able to playback dvds, that at least would have given it some respectability for older gamers, and the image conscious. I think the best thing nintendo could do now, is become a multi-format software publisher, can you imagine the potential for the next mario/zelda game on the PS2/Xbox!! and playing mario kart on xbox live, you can imagine the sales would be mega.

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