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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Completely P@##ed Off!

SHANE FC (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 13:25

Bloody PS2 has gone belly up. Only bought it in October for Xmas pressie for kids, got it chipped in November now it`s knackered and says "Disc Read Error" for every disc I put in. Kids were playing on it the they changed the disc.

So does anyone know a cheap UK repair firm seeing as I can`t go to Sont and get it fixed even though the chip probably has nothing to do with the fault.

Thanks >:( >:(

RE: Completely P@##ed Off!

Ste Peters (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 15:06

My nephew & his mate have got thru` 9 (count `em) PS2`s in the last
12 months, some won`t read the older blue disks, some won`t
load at all.

Dodgy rushed console if you ask me.

Remember the old PS1? mine went kapput after 5 months, would`nt read anything.


RE: Completely P@##ed Off!

Kenny_Marshall (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 15:58

i had one on release day and t only broke 3 weeks ago. Replaced it with a silver one at xmas! :D

Previously known as Gside4eva

RE: Completely P@##ed Off!

SHANE FC (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 16:01

The most annoying thing is that Sony won`t honour it`s guarantee even though the chip has nothing to do with the laser. I remember HP trying a similar thing with it`s printers in that it refused to fix them if you`d used compatible inks even though the fault was noting to do with ink quality. Fortunately they got their arses kicked in the U.S. courts. A win for Joe Public what a refreshing change!

RE: Completely P@##ed Off!

elephant (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 16:26

This could be something like the laser getting a bit off line.If it is then it should be easy and inexpensive to fix.....good luck.

RE: Completely P@##ed Off!

B4ilz (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 17:44

some versions of the modchips now force the laser to keep reading and reading discs even if the media is bad quality or damaged, it ends up burning the laser out very quickly as well...i dont think theres any comeback though :(

lot of this has been happening lately ps2s going knackered in days after getting fitted :/

RE: Completely P@##ed Off!

coke_dude (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 20:24

try this

I got DRE about a year ago but i fix it as mentioned in the website
simple procedure to follow

but i changed my laser for £50 last week because it doesnt read DVD very well

well at least you can still use it for another year before send it for repairs

cokie enjoy

RE: Completely P@##ed Off!

RWB (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 20:35

My friend has had the same PS2 since it came out, more or less, and has recently started experiencing `disc read errors` - with blue discs, such as Virtua Tennis 2. He cannot do anything as it is out of guarantee, so has to hope Sony won`t produce any more blue discs...although one way to resolve it, or so he says, is to put the console on its smaller surface (so it is vertical) when it is reading the disc and then put it back horizontally when it has loaded.

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RE: Completely P@##ed Off!

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th January 2004, 01:04

I remember HP trying a similar thing with it`s printers in that it refused to fix them if you`d used compatible inks even though the fault was noting to do with ink quality. Fortunately they got their arses kicked in the U.S. courts. A win for Joe Public what a refreshing change!

Er... not quite the same thing! :/

That court case was about using third party ink cartridges instead of HP carts - a bit like using a cheap memory card or control pad on your PS2 instead of an official Sony one.

I doubt the US courts would have upheld the guarantee if you`d broken the security seal on the printer and dicked around inside with a soldering iron - even if the stuff you`d dicked about with had nothing to do with the fault. Manufacturers need some protection, you know. ;)


This item was edited on Thursday, 8th January 2004, 01:07

RE: Completely P@##ed Off!

coke_dude (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th January 2004, 03:56

although one way to resolve it, or so he says, is to put the console on its smaller surface (so it is vertical) when it is reading the disc

that kind of works too ;)

cokie enjoy

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