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Gaming and Consoles Forum

I got a Gamecube!!

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th December 2003, 11:02

As above really - just thought I`d let you know!

Got Mario DD, Zelda & Metroid Prime....can`t get to play anything else but Mario Kart due to missus inability to stop paying it....she bought me the `cube and it`s her favourite present in the house! I don`t mind though as this game is SO much fun 8)

It`s interesting now that I have this console, as I have already got a PS2 and an X-Box, reding back on all of the "what would you recommend" threads as I now think that the answer to everyones question should be "Get them all"!!....but seriously, if you`re going for two then get the X-Box and the `cube as most of what you can get on the PS2 is available on the `Box with better graphics and speed to boot......

......I wonder if this will turn into the first "my console`s better than yours" Christmas thread? - if it does then I can laugh and say "I own you" and other cool phrases like that as I have all three!

"I own you" isn`t, IMHO, a cool thing to say by the way ;)


RE: I got a Gamecube!!

Wad (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th December 2003, 12:15

Rob, I`d recommend you get a Wavebird controller as well, they are the best.

RE: I got a Gamecube!!

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th December 2003, 13:16

Ooh yeah, forgot to mention that Wad. My Brother in Law got me one and it`s a winner for sure....I`d go as far as saying that it`s better (more responsive) than the Logitech one I have for the `Box......

If anyone is a fan of MarioKart then BUY THIS MACHINE!! It`s worth the money for 4 player alone... :D :D


RE: I got a Gamecube!!

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th December 2003, 13:16

Ooh yeah, forgot to mention that Wad. My Brother in Law got me one and it`s a winner for sure....I`d go as far as saying that it`s better (more responsive) than the Logitech one I have for the `Box......

If anyone is a fan of MarioKart then BUY THIS MACHINE!! It`s worth the money for 4 player alone... :D :D


SORRY for the double posting...again :(

This item was edited on Monday, 29th December 2003, 13:15

RE: I got a Gamecube!!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 29th December 2003, 17:03

RESIDENT EVIL, you gotta get the resi games for the cube


general nobody @

RE: I got a Gamecube!!

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th December 2003, 09:35

Mario Cart is great, isn`t it - we had a load of people round last night, and Mario Cart was never out of thge `cube - grown ups playing alongside 6 year olds. Tremendous.

RE: I got a Gamecube!!

Ste Peters (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 30th December 2003, 10:00


an` I bet the 6 yro were kickin` your asses :D


RE: I got a Gamecube!!

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th December 2003, 11:48

I agree with the Resident Evil recommendation! Also, you might want to have a try at Eternal Darkness, which can be picked up relatively cheaply nowadays...and is well worth it. Excellent game!

I bought my daughter The Simpson`s Hit & Run for Xmas, but the poor girl has hardly played it due to her father`s extensive `watch & learn` tutorials!!! ;)

RE: I got a Gamecube!!

el_duderino (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 30th December 2003, 12:35

I`ve just bought Viewtiful Joe for my Cube and it`s AWESOME!!!

However it`s very very diffficult!!!

RE: I got a Gamecube!!

Wad (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th December 2003, 13:27

Resident Evil 0 is 9.99 at at the mo. I second the Eternal Darkness shout as well. Ikaragu is also brilliant, likely to become a collectors piece too, but *really* difficult.

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