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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Zelda Bonus Disk

stuartdurrant (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 5th April 2003, 08:02

I pre ordered this on Amazon when it offered the bonus disk. I`ve just looked at the site today and there is no mention of the bonus disk. Does anyone know how limited these edtions are going to be or are they coming as standard

RE: Zelda Bonus Disk

Occean (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 6th April 2003, 19:06

A special edition will be released later this year including the original n64 version and the one for that disk drive add on thing that came out (or something like that)

RE: Zelda Bonus Disk

Stevewxm (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 6th April 2003, 19:24

The Zelda bonus discs( Ocarina of time and URA Zelda) will be packaged with the new Zelda game( Windwaker) for a "limited" time only on its release 3rd May 2003 - so i imagine it will be supplied with all pre-orders, but then again u never know!

RE: Zelda Bonus Disk

roar349 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 7th April 2003, 08:11

I got mine on import from dvdboxoffice on Friday, pre-ordered it way in advance, no bonus disk, have now emailed them, anyone else had the same problem?

RE: Zelda Bonus Disk

Satanica (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th April 2003, 15:24

roar349 - you should take a look at the newsgroup. There`s a boatload of people on there that have had the same problem. Worst thing was that DVDBO were saying that you could get the bonus disk by pre-ordering right up until release date.

RE: Zelda Bonus Disk

roar349 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 08:06

Got a reply from them asking me to ring them, errr no you can ring me matey, emailed them back telling them to do it via email. Heard rumours that they`re saying the bonus disk wasn`t guarenteed, not what their website suggested. Time to send the wasps over!

RE: Zelda Bonus Disk

stuartdurrant (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 15:00

Just got this from Amazon - Hope its right!

"Dear Customer

Thank you for contacting us at with your enquiry
regarding order and in particular the item "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker".

After researching your query, I can confirm that this item will be
accompanied with a limited edition bonus disc. However we like to
advise you that this is an offer limited by availability and only
available as long as stocks last.

I hope this has cleared up any misunderstanding and apologise for any
inconvenience caused. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you
have any further queries as we are always happy to help.

Thank you for shopping at "

RE: Zelda Bonus Disk

Wad (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th April 2003, 07:26

I started playing through Ocarina of Time again last night, in prep for next month. Its still a fantastic game. If anyone hasn`t played it before they are in for a treat.

What did surprise me is the controller - I`ve always swore by the N64 controller but it felt awkward now I`m used to the GC one. Will be interesting to see how Nintendo map the controls to the GC pad. Does anyone have an import copy ?

RE: Zelda Bonus Disk

Pistol (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th April 2003, 09:54

Wad, skirpydoink has an import copy (which he`s flogging, see Tarding Forum) so he should be able to tell you how the controls map over to the GC controller.

RE: Zelda Bonus Disk

RossCo (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th April 2003, 16:10

I`ve checked My Amazon order and the sneaky peeps have changed my order, so that it no longer mentions the bonus disc - one curt email to Amazon Customer Services ... awaiting reply... Here it is! Good news!!

Dear Customer

Thank you for contacting us at regarding your order
for "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker".

In regards to your enquiry on the bonus disc provided with "The
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker" I have been in contact with a
specialist and have been informed that if you ordered when the bonus
disc was still advertised on our site then you should be provided
with it at no extra cost.

I hope this answers your question and thank you for shopping at

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th April 2003, 11:35

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