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GameCube and Metroid Prime are Number 1 in sales chart...

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 12:38

RE: GameCube and Metroid Prime are Number 1 in sales chart...

RossCo (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 13:24

Now all we need is some more (quality) games to come out on the Nin 1st!

RE: GameCube and Metroid Prime are Number 1 in sales chart...

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 14:25

Agreed - well at least Zelda will be here soon, then there`s F-Zero, a new Mario game, 1080 Snowboarding, Soul Calibur 2, Splinter Cell, some more Resident Evil but after that I can`t think of much more...

RE: GameCube and Metroid Prime are Number 1 in sales chart...

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 16:46

Do we need more? I know there is a cool new Wario game coming out, a sequel to Pikmin and a few more crackers. Now try and name five top Xbox games coming out soon?

Nintendo are number 1, which they deserve without a doubt.

RE: GameCube and Metroid Prime are Number 1 in sales chart...

B4ilz (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 18:18

yup cracking stuff due on Gamecube but its probably shortlived at the top of the sales...they peak as all GC buyers get the games then the sales tail off quicker, while crap like Harry Potter still lingers on overall after the initial rush to get the latest good GC game, still with the current deals and decent titles its definately worth owning one at the moment...

tell truth i would`ve probably bought one for Zelda alone, but got Pikmin and Metroid prime at the same time as the Argos deal, i have my ps2 for other gaming fun and is a nice change to go from something `serious` like Splinter Cell to something like Pikmin, or Metroid Prime with its great attention to detail...

m8 brought me Soul Caliber 2 he downloaded as well on PS2, good time to be a gamer in general with a lot of quality titles all round...

RE: GameCube and Metroid Prime are Number 1 in sales chart...

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 19:36

it should be no big titles have been released for the xbox and ps2 right now

RE: GameCube and Metroid Prime are Number 1 in sales chart...

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 19:38

"Do we need more? I know there is a cool new Wario game coming out, a sequel to Pikmin and a few more crackers. Now try and name five top Xbox games coming out soon?

Nintendo are number 1, which they deserve without a doubt."

lay off the crack jnr, they arnt even number 2 and if this game had been released at the same time as Vice City it would have been creamed.

RE: GameCube and Metroid Prime are Number 1 in sales chart...

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 20:37

"lay off the crack jnr, they arnt even number 2"
Duh? See thread title.

Same old Ironduke. Blinkered views on everything games-wise. Don`t you realise how much of a broken record you sound? You seem to think your views hold sway - it wasn`t long ago you were panning the Xbox, but now its the second best thing in your life. Behind the obvious of course.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 20:40

RE: GameCube and Metroid Prime are Number 1 in sales chart...

Wad (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 21:01

Please don`t take this conversation any further, we`ve had too many `my console v your console` threads on this forum and its become tiresome.

No surprise about Metroid Prime and the `cube, both are sheer class. I`ve read that Argos are so pleased with sales they`ve decided to order more Gamecube stock.

RE: GameCube and Metroid Prime are Number 1 in sales chart...

Steven Wemyss (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 21:52

The Argos special offer ends on April the 1st and Dixons price cuts will last untill they sell out of stock basically. Cant see it selling anywhere near as well if it wasn`t for this bargain bucket price point at the moment (I know I wouldn`t have bought one otherwise). This stint at the top is a rather short lived one unless nintendo get their fingers out, unfortunately they`ve shown time and time again recently that they are incapable of this! As for Metroid being top...hasn`t exactly been much other stuff released the past couple of weeks to challenge it really has there! I dont particularly see what`s so special about Metroid, bought it, played it and found it quite average with god awfull controls, I want to fight enemies not the controller!

I`ve also never seen the point of the whole "buy it cos it`s got some great games coming in a few months!" argument either tbh! I want to buy a console for the games I want to play NOW, a game thats coming out in a few months time is no reason to buy a console. (P.S. I currently own a XBox, Dreamcast and GC, previously also owned a PS2 till it died! The XBox still gets played the most by far...)

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