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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Metroid Prime? What`s it like?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2003, 22:42

Been checking future releases for GC and noticed that Metroid Prime is out in the next few days. So for anbody that`s played it... what is it like?

Quite interested in this title, and would be interested in opinions. I know Gamespot gave it 9.7!


RE: Metroid Prime? What`s it like?

sj (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2003, 22:46

I haven`t played it mate but I can`t wait for it.
Just finished Metroid Fusion for GBA which was great and Super Metroid is one of the best games ever.
It is supposed to be outstanding.


RE: Metroid Prime? What`s it like?

Satanica (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2003, 23:53

Managed to get fairly ingrossed in the demo... despite it being bloody short. Definetely helps to not think of it as a First Person Shooter.

RE: Metroid Prime? What`s it like?

Wad (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th March 2003, 20:37

Where did you get a demo from ?

Not read a bad word about it anywhere.

RE: Metroid Prime? What`s it like?

sj (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th March 2003, 21:56

RE: Metroid Prime? What`s it like?

Wad (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th March 2003, 22:37

Cheers Ste. I`ve got it preordered from play. Don`t know what to do...

RE: Metroid Prime? What`s it like?

Satanica (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 19th March 2003, 23:39

Demo is on the demo disc for the pod at work (Toys R Us)

RE: Metroid Prime? What`s it like?

B4ilz (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st March 2003, 03:10

i bought my Gamecube from Argos 2 day for this game and from the 10 mins or so i played i get the idea this is going to be a cracker...

controls arent too bad at all which some magazines said u would struggle with, nice gfx and fx...little things when i walked past the steam my visor got condensation all over it...

gonna have a proper play tomorrow and am tempted to have a pop now at this crazy hr seeing as im on the sick...ah well Nintendo has made me nocturnal it seems :)

so far seems a good update to the 2d snes game i enjoyed...little more involving them some of the first person im used to on pc...

i do see GC failing in UK actually but so long as i own Zelda, Soul Caliber 2 and this ill get my moneys worth for a good while...

RE: Metroid Prime? What`s it like?

tazz (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st March 2003, 12:00

Mine arrived from argos today and I`ve played up until the first boss after the first save station. WOW yes it is worth it, looks fantastic sounds great and plays like a dream. The whole style of the game really seems to immerse you in another world, I am taking over the living room tomorrow remember only £24.99 at Argos on line (see the bargain forum).

RE: Metroid Prime? What`s it like?

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st March 2003, 15:37

I`ve had it on import for a while now, and if you think its impressive now, give it a week or so and then wait till you see what its like....bloody amazing. It just keeps getting better & better.

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