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Sad day for Nintendo fans?

Mad Spoon, Me I am 25% I am (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 23rd September 2002, 08:59

Or is it a sad day for Rare, given how much support the Big `N` have given them over the years

This item was edited on Monday, 23rd September 2002, 09:01

RE: Sad day for Nintendo fans?

tazz (Competent) posted this on Monday, 23rd September 2002, 11:04

I agree, as I`m soon to making a purchase of some kind this really made me think about a X-Box, I guess this means no Perfect Dark on the Gamecube

RE: Sad day for Nintendo fans?

B4ilz (Competent) posted this on Monday, 23rd September 2002, 15:12

Nintendo will still keep Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong franchises

Perfect Dark, Bango Kazooie etc wont be appearing though they are soley Rare developed,

Star Fox Adventures will be released sooner in US due to the split so is a slight consolation, though i imagine still be some stupid excuse in Europe for it not to appear for a long while.

Someone else will come along probably, Square are developing for Nintendo again remember and theres a lot more 3rd party support for the Gamecube...

I might buy an Xbox though if theres signs of something good like Perfect Dark or some Goldeneye style 1st person on the horizon.

RE: Sad day for Nintendo fans?

sj (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd September 2002, 16:56

I was surprised nobody reacted when I posted this news the week before last. Didn`t bother following up with more info. `cos no-one seemed to realise what it meant.


RE: Sad day for Nintendo fans?

Mad Spoon, Me I am 25% I am (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th September 2002, 01:49

@ SJ, sorry I missed that post.

@ tazz & B4ilz, think you guys have missed the point (But i could be wrong)

Rare and Nintendo are a team and like Lennon and McCartney while together they are unbleiveable and have produced some of if not the best games of all times.

But each away from the other, no matter who they team up with I can not see them being as good.

RE: Sad day for Nintendo fans?

tazz (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 24th September 2002, 12:44

Does that make Microsoft Yoko Ono

RE: Sad day for Nintendo fans?

sj (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 11:49

As brilliant a developer as Rare are, realistically they have contributed very little to Nintendo`s coffers for a couple of years. After Star Fox Adventures, shortly to be released, we probably wouldn`t have seen another title again probably until the end on 2003.
Basically M$ need Rare a lot more than Nintendo do. If the money Nintendo received for their 49% stake can be put to good use - maybe bringing on a few newer `raw` development houses than, as big a Rare fan as I am, maybe, just maybe it may not be the disaster it at first seemed...
Still got potential classics coming up like Metroid, Zelda, Mario Eternal Darkness etc. that are nothing to do with Rare. Also their other franchises like Donkey Kong are back at Nintendo.
Besides glimpses of games like Kameo, Rare have been very quiet for a year or so any other GameCube titles..
Also, take a look at page 484 on Ch4 text today for Digi`s view..similar....


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