Info and forum posts by 'Mad Spoon, Me I am 25% I am'

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Joined on: Saturday, 17th August 2002, 02:53, Last used: Saturday, 17th August 2002, 02:53

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 51 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: PRO EVO 2: How hard is this demo!!!

"a new move or 2, updated rosters, tweaked animation, and slight speed changes."

A this to you makes the game worth buying?

You are being had mate

FOA the moderators

Please read all of this thread

URL now removed, as thread closed. (Edited by Moderator)

This item was edited on Sunday, 6th October 2002, 01:30

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"You like different consoles."

Yes I like many different consoles

"You have opinions. FINE"

Yes and were all intitled to them.

"just please keep civil about all this."

I am.

"If you`re not discussing the PS2 as a TiVO, then you`re probably finished with this thread"

Since when has the forum rules stated that a thread can not change direction?
What about the members that are having a civil discussion?
I have tried to take it back to the original topic several times, only for Iron Duke to display homophobia in his answers.

What makes it worse is 3 moderators have now commented in this thread yet NONE of you have addressed this.

How about I insinuate some racist remarks about the moderators? What would you do?
Ignore that would you, or if you were to remove it how would you justify it when you have ignored the homophobia of Iron Duke?

Being a moderator in a forum is a hard job no doubt about it, but I think there are 3 moderators that have got it wrong here.

This of course is just my opinion being expressed in a civil manor

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"mas spoon your long winded response above, almost every comment you made came with an anti PS2 ending"

Now I know you did not read that post, if you did you are incapable of comprehension.

"to satisfy your gaymecube fanboy club."

Back to the old name calling are we? Stop trying to distract from the subject it does not work. How about some answers?
By the way the Homophobic views you so strongly display are often signs of repression. If you need help with that I can point you in the right direction.

"Sony may let alot of shyte through"

There is no may about it they do.

"but Nintendo are too specialist in their games and too slow in their releases and never cater for all gamers"

You clearly know nothing about the subject you are talking about.
A games company being specialist in games, now that's novel.
Nintendo slow to release games, there are currently over 60 titles to be released in the next 2 months.
Just what gamers don't they cater for, Now I get it you can not get Mario for the PS2! It you they don't cater for. ;-)

"I suppose thats why the PS2 owned the n64."

Again you know nothing about the subject.
The N64 was released in to the market with the Playstation, Not the PS2
And the N64 died its death because Nintendo made it to expensive for 3rd parties to develop and release on as it was a cartridge based format

"ANd stop posting like your a somebody your a f***in zero pal your nothing on here.


May be, but with out me your only you.

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"3) I will leave you to work out for your self"

Yes thats right Iron Duke, option 3 is to keep those fingers away from the keyboard and don`t reply.

The fact that you can say nothing of any worth, and only sling insults about speaks volumes in its self.

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I would say 80% of games on all Consoles are average or rc[at].p Or 100% in my opinion for the XBox!! No offence to XBox owners! (should I have said that?)"

Well that's not how I see it, PS2's and Xbox's problem is the 98% crap to the 2%, the difference between the two is the shear volume of the games being released on the PS2 means there is more than a few good games about for it, but then the problem with this is deciding how to filter the good from the bad.

Can you trust the gaming magazines review? Well with the vast majority no you can not. Because they either get a back hander for bumping the reviews up, or don't get that exclusive incites in to the games being developed by that publisher again. Also due to the lead times in publishing the magazines often review unfinished products.

"Seriously.... The PS2 is more marketable because of the DVD / CD playback. Admittedly not the best player on the market."

Yes the DVD CD play back on the PS2 is a marketing ploy. But not how most think. Sony makes money from all DVD's and DVD players sold. As they are part of the group that developed the format. So the have found a way to get it to the masses and make money from DVD sales. But at the same time protect there sales of real DVD players, because any one who takes more that a few minuets to find out what DVD is really all about will know they should buy a dedicated DVD player. Now who makes the best budget to mid range DVD players? Sony, hence the reason why not to make the PS2 a good DVD player not that it does not have the power to. And guess what Sony are part of the group that developed the CD as well.

"But for the price it gives people a console, CD and DVD player which is what the general public want."

Or so the marketing people would have them believe ;-) Out of the 9 people I know well with PS2's all of them have a dedicated CD player (Hi-Fi separates) and 8 of them own a dedicated DVD player. But that said they are not so blinkered as to believe what they are told or read. They are free thinking with minds of there own. And yes this debate has been done with them also. And all but 2 think at this point in time Sony are damaging the games industry by making it to much of a mass media.

"Most people don`t earn enough cash to buy the latest equipment all the time."

My CD player is coming up for 15 years old, the sound play back on that wipes the floor with the PS2. The trick is not about buying the latest equipment or the most expensive, it getting the right equipment in the first place.

"From what Ive read you`ve got all the consoles - you`re lucky as most people HAVE to choose one, and with DVD the latest thing people want that as well."

Not quite all, but it is being worked on. ;-), as for those that by a PS2 cause it plays DVD and that's the latest thing will most likely regret it when they find out that they need to splash out on a remote, and that it only plays region 2 so they get region X. Then they will see a real DVD player and think why did I bother.

"Theres plenty of quality on the PS2 which appeals to people. Devil May Cry, Onimusha, GTA3, GT, Metal Gear, Tekken, Final Fantasy, Pro Evo, etc... They are games you shouldnt miss out on."

I do not deny that there are good games on the PS2, as for you list there are 2 or 3 on there that I would question, but then taste in games is a personal thing.

"The Cube disappoints me personally. Resident Evil is good (except the poor control system)."

This is a classic example of how to rehash a game. The original Resident evil only flaw for its time was its control system. That after a few hours of getting use to you tend to forget about. When I heard it was GameCube bound I was very dubious but as it turns out they have practically redesigned the whole game. As to why they did not address the control system especially now we have analogue pads is any bodies guess. (did you get that)

"But Monkey Ball is non existant as one-player, so its a good job Ive got mates else Id never play it!"

Could not disagree more, Fantastic game all round

"I bought the Cube just for Rogue Squadron originally, and completed in within a week (and Im not the greatest gamer in the world). Looks good, but after a week I never played it again. Disappointment."

Probably the single most over rated game on the Cube is Rogue Squadron, Good eye candy, good for a quick 10 to 15 min blast every month or so. But that is about it.

"Ive not bought many games for the Cube, because I have more fun with the PS2."

I have not bought may games for the Cube, or PS2 of late. But the cube gets used, the PS2 collects dust.

"The PS2 though has plenty coming out - Soul Calibar, GTA update, Tomb Raider (although I dont like Tomb Raider), Metal Gear update, Pro Evo 2, Devil May Cry 2, Onimusha 2... just to name a few which will be quality no doubt about it."

Beg to differ on some of them, one in particular is Tomb Raider. Going from past rehashes this will be yet another almost perfect example of how not to do it.

"The comment you make that the PS2 is a jack of all trades but master of none, well I think it IS a master of games (not THE master- nothing is)"

Answer me this then, why am I spending more time playing my SNES?

"It has the added advantage of DVD / CD playback, albeit not the best."
Or they could be perceived as total useless features, because both of them are pretty poor.

"The Cube can`t match it for games for me"

If you are talking Volume, then it can not. If you are talking quality then that is a different matter.

"and the XBox isn`t in the same league for games as either the Cube or the PS2."

Which is a shame as it has so much potential; the best thing going for it at the mo is the underground movement.

"So for me, gaming wise its the PS2."

An opinion which you are entitled to. Just hope it is yours and not one other people want you to have.

"By the way BenjiF. With regard to Sony ripping people off, I dont think they are. I think having backwards compatibility with games was good enough."

I know this was not aimed at me but, I don't think backwards compatibility was about giving to PSone owners. It's about keeping dominance in the market place by using an established format to carry forward a new one.

"Nintendo didn't do that with the Cube"

But Sony did not make my PS one so it could play me SNES games did they yet I still play them ;-).

For the younger members that dont know Sony developed a add on for the SNES that would enable true 3D and CD as the media for data storage in partner ship with Nintendo. Nintendo/Sony plan fell apart. Sony did not want to waste the the costs of R&D for the unit so continued to develop it. Thus the PlayStation was born and the rest is history as they say.

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"25% I couldnt be bothered reading your reply as you sound like an Answer machine."

To know I am reiterating what I say shows you did in fact read it.
Could the real reason you did not answer be that you know flinging abuse about wont work as a way to get off the subject, and as you can not write a constructive reply with any validity to the statements you make you chouse to say instead "couldnt be bothered reading your reply" which as I have already demonstrated is untrue.

So with the risk of sounding like Jeremy Paxman I will repeat my self again in the hope of getting an answer with a bit of intellect.

The PS2 is a jack of all trades system, all the things it tries to do can be bettered on other systems, I am pretty dame sure that this will apply to the TIVO like feature to.
PS2 = jack of all trades, master of none.
Now you have 3 options here Iron Duke
1) should you whish to debate this, you can
2) you could say that you have not read this
3) I will leave you to work out for your self, but it is not to throw some more insults about as Westy has pointed out it will not looked upon lightly.

This item was edited on Friday, 4th October 2002, 02:33

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"For the record the PS2 is a very hit or miss affair games wise, but no one can deny its popularity, the X Box is a technically brilliant machine which is plagued with lack of good software, (for the time being), and the Gamecube is what i genuinely believe to be a superb console that has loads going for it and a strong line up of titles, which whether you like it or not, are never going to go away. And Dreamcast? This is, without a doubt, the biggest crying shame ever. Sega knew they couldn`t keep it going forever, but the roster of absolutely amazing titles means it now has a massive following in the 2nd hand market, and for the record again - this little box of tricks has been powered up more times than any of my other machines this year, simply beacuse the games it possesses have all the qualities that PS2 games so often lack."

Oh my god, two posts with some intellect in straight after one another!

Westy, speaks truth

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Mr Mad..... Man,"

Is this another failed attempt at humor?
And why do you assume I am a man?

"Im back to grace U with my comments!!!"

Sad really that Westy wants to kill this thread off as you are starting to use intellect in your replies and this may even develop in to a debate.

"I thought I was funny, really I did, I couldn`t stop laughing as I typed my post.... honest!!"

You are going to have to help me here, is the word "honest" at the end there a sarcastic one or did you really think your comment funny?

"I actually know people that have bought a PS2 to do both, as they dont buy games, or DVD`s - they rent, or rob mine!"

I feel for you, I to have 'friends' that borrow from my collection.

"A lot of my mates get the option - Food or a 45 quid game (or rent for a couple of quid). Thats life...."

For Real, Some of you mates would put buying a game above buying food?

"As for the list, I was saying what is the point in listing the quantity of games, when the point everyone is trying to make is the quality?"

The point was that there are more that 2 games out for the GameCube unlike what Iron Duke thinks.

"I could list a billion games for the PS2, but whats the point?
Id get slated for it, and we all know the amount of games, as we can see them when we goto the shops!!!!"

None at all, we all accept that there are lots of games out for the PS2
But Iron Duke is so blinkered he does not see the GameCube or Xbox games.

"It dont matter what I write, cos U R not gonna change your opinion"

The opinion that the PS2 is a jack of all trades but master of none?
Well no you wont change that opinion, but then again you agree with that opinion.

"Up2 U if you want to miss out on a lot of quality games..... bad luck mate."

Just how do you deduce I want to miss out on the Quality games?
The point I am making is all the crap games, Not the few quality ones.

RE: Broadband connection. USB or ethernet card.

I would second that for all most all cases, bar mine.
I have so many IRQs tied up that adding a NIC slows my PC down when the IRQ stearing kicks in. So in my case USB is better, but that is not the norm.

RE: There IS more to life than this!!!

Sorry to but in to your song mid flow, but does any one have a Gunness book of records? If so is there an entry for the forum posts? and If the is not an entry do you think this one shuld be submited?

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"no you hijacked my thread you tosser"

Call me all the names you will, It won't change the fact you have no answers to the argument. And the more you throw those insults about, the more you confirm it, so go on prove my point.
Also incase you don't know threads in forums are for every one to join in and discuss. Although you started the thread that does not mean it belongs to you.

"Nope the more you anti Ps2 tossers annoy me!"
I am not anti PS2, the point I am making that you can not grasp is the fact that the PS2 is trying to do every thing, and doing none of them particularly well, oh look another insult from the Iron duke. Guess you know its true what I say and can not defend what you say so you throw another insult in, go on open up the debate and give an answer with a bit of intellect.

"A = possibly"

Being a moderated forum, they could be liable if they don't reprimand you as they can be perceived to be publishing edited works.

"B = no way! NTL need customers you nob!"

Oh and look another insult. Guess you know that that is argument you can not win as well so try to take the attention away from it yet again
Well that does not work, as taken from NTL`s TOS

17.1 Nobody may use the Services:

(i) to send a message or communication which is offensive, abusive, indecent, obscene, a nuisance or hoax

And why do you think that clause is in there? And if they fail to act on it how many thousands do you think the court case could run in to when they get sued for allowing you make communications which are offensive and abusive? What about the fines from OFTEL? Do you think the pittance you pay them would out way them?

I think not.

"hope that helps and unless you are gonna talk about the PS2 being used like a TIVO post hast vacate my thread mkay"

Ok I will go back to the original point that you chose to ignore.
The PS2 is a jack of all trades system, all the things it tries to do can be bettered on other systems, I am pretty dame sure that this will apply to the TIVO like feature to.
PS2 = jack of all trades, master of none. Now let me guess, you won't answer this with a valid argument you will just throw in some more insults. Go on open up the debate and give an answer with a bit of intellect. If you can.

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iron Duke,
The truth I speak upsets you.
More to the point you know it's TRUE!
You have no valid argument in return so chouse to sling insults about
Trying to avoid the truth by diverting attention away from it.

The more you throw those insults about, the more you confirm this.

You call for Clayts to punish members, Quite frankly when he sees your deliberate and unashamed homophobia, I would not be surprised if :-

A) You get kicked from the forums
B) A email of complaint gets sent to your ISP and they kick you from there service

Problems with DVD Crave

Placed an order on the 29th August that shipped on the 30th August.

By the 18th of September the goods still had not arrived.
Sent an email asking for the current status of the order to see if there had been any problems. The reply the same day was "I will check into it for you".

1 week later still no update from them. So I send an email advising that if I do not get an up with in 48 hours I would pass the matter to my CC company to dispute the payment.

Surprise that gets there attention, I get an update with in a few hours.
"lost in post" the goods will be resent.

Today I am still waiting for the DVD`s that made my first order with Crave DVD.
It will be my last. At least when I order from Ezydvd I get my goods. the longest it takes Ezydvd to deliver? 4 days.


MODERATOR : EVICTION ORDER ON WASP THREAD : This will be closed on Friday...

Do you think it should be?

To vote YES click on this link below

To vote NO click on the link below

Mr Moderator, I full accept that the said post will be closed down Just intrested to know what other forum members think.

This item was edited on Thursday, 3rd October 2002, 03:02


MODERATOR : EVICTION ORDER ON WASP THREAD : This will be closed on Friday...

Do you think it should be?

To vote YES click on this link below

To vote NO click on the link below

Mr Moderator, I full accept that the said post will be closed down Just intrested to know what other forum members think.

This item was edited on Thursday, 3rd October 2002, 03:02

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"25 % sod off now before you get burnt, you have had your anti PS2 rant now once again sod off."

If that is all you can say Iron Duke as a reply to this post

then I rest my case. PS2 = jack of all trades master of none

This item was edited on Thursday, 3rd October 2002, 02:22

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"No need to get mad... spoon!"
LOL, you are so funny NOT.

"I wasn`t calling anyone names!"
No, but I did not say you were. To quote you again, and hopefully catch on to what YOU wrote.
"U also mention Soul Calibar (on the DeadCast) as best beat em up"
Just incase YOU missed the name calling YOU wrote, here it is again

"Its not the BEST CD / DVD player on the market agreed."
And my point was "PS2 = jack of all trades master of none". So if you agree with this POV why are you making these posts?

"but there are some cheapy crappo ones out there that it IS better than."

I have seen a hell of a lot of DVD players running (were talking in the hundreds) and out of all of them I do not recall seeing any as bad as the PS2. Now that is not to say there are no DVD players that are worse than the PS2 at playback, but they must be few and far between.

"Its not meant to be the best, neither is the XBox. Its for people who can`t afford a console AND a DVD"

No sorry its not. Think about it buy 3 or 4 games will come to the cost of a good DVD player. If you can not afford a DVD player what the hell are you doing buying a console?

"As I said Soul Calibar looks good, no I haven`t played it, but neither has anyone played Monkey Ball 2 which is "the next great game" which was mentioned by someone in this post!"

And your point is? Could it be some one else said Monkey Ball 2 is the next great game and now you put those words in my mouth?

"Im not saying the PS2 is the greatest console on the planet, neither is the Cube. Theyve both got their own good games...."

Sorry I don't understand why you feel the need to point this out. I have not said the PS2 or the GameCube are the greatest consoles on the planet either, nor have I said either of them does not have any good games.
So what is the point to this statement?

"Anyway I cant be bothered to type anymore as I want to go home!"

When you grace us with you comments again would you please answer:-

A) "Out of the list of games for the Cube (which Ive played / got), youve put Spy Hunter - which is dog dung!!!"

Think you should re-read the post and the statement it referred to but just incase you miss it again, I quote Iron Duke "and the problem with the cube is it only has 2 games full stop"
To reiterate "ONLY HAS 2 GAMES FULL STOP" so the point of the list of the games in the post is to illustrate how incorrect Iron Dukes post was.

B) "Previously you said "Football games are not my thing, so not going to comment on that one." in reference to Pro Evo..... Then U list FIFA on the Cube as a good game.... which is a complete bag of poo!"

No I did not, read again!

C) "A lot of the games are average which you listed really - which I would say are equal to a lot of the PS2 games."

And your point is?

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Mr Mad Spoon, Me thinks you are a bit harsh on the PS2!!"

And how would you justify that?
Are you telling me it's a better CD player than others on the market?
Are you telling me it's a better DVD player than others on the market?
Do I need to carry on?

"Out of the list of games for the Cube (which Ive played / got), youve put Spy Hunter - which is dog dung!!!"

Think you should re-read the post and the statement it referred to but just incase you miss it again, I quote Iron Duke "and the problem with the cube is it only has 2 games full stop"

To reiterate "ONLY HAS 2 GAMES FULL STOP" so the point of the list of the games in the post is to illustrate how incorrect Iron Dukes post was.

But again, I feel quantity of games is irrelevant.

"Previously you said "Football games are not my thing, so not going to comment on that one." in reference to Pro Evo..... Then U list FIFA on the Cube as a good game.... which is a complete bag of poo!"

No I did not, read again!

"A lot of the games are average which you listed really - which I would say are equal to a lot of the PS2 games."

And your point is?

"U also mention Soul Calibar (on the DeadCast) as best beat em up"

ah were back to the name calling.

" well Soul Calibar 2 is out soon on PS2, and it looks at least as good as the DeadCast version."

Looks, says it all really. You judge a game on how it looks, sad as games are mostly about how they play. When I want to look at some thing I play a DVD.
Also Soul Calibur II is not just PS2 bound.

"PS2 has got a lot of good games that U cant ignore......."

No but they do get lost among the thousands of duff games out there.

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"you could do a list alot bigger then the xbox and cube together for good PS2 releases"

I reiterate the quantity of games is irrelevant. I would rather have a handful of top quality releases than thousands of mediocre games that are churned out as quickly as possible using the same game engine with one or two tweaks to keep development cost and time to a minimum.

"now all of you anti PS2 fruits f*** off and play"

Anti PS2 am I? No I speak the truth.
A Fruit am I? No the truth I speak upsets you, more to the point you know its the truth and have no valid argument in return so chouse to sling insults about to avoid the truth and to try to divert attention away from the truths I speak.

"as this thread was about PS2 Tivo"

As I first said, PS2 = Jack of all trade`s master of none, while Sony make there little black box do all sorts there are:-

CD players that are better than the PS2 at playing CD`s
DVD players that are better than the PS2 a playing DVD
PC that are better for downloading than the PS2 will be
Better ways of digital recording than that the PS2 will have
And as for games, right now even my SNES provides better value and longevity of game play than my PS2

"The PS2 is the daddy"

Sorry to repeat my self but, PS2 = Jack of all trade`s master of none

"you are dumbass kiddies"

So why is it you that's doing the name calling?

"except it and let sony into your soul, I have;)"

I did. I even got a Jap PS2 when it was releases and am very disappointed. I have been playing games from the early days in the 80's while Sony's marketing teams have succeeded in bringing the games industry to the masses the games producers are slowly destroying it.

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"and the problem with the cube is it only has 2 games full stop"

all though I feel quantity of games is irelevent, I will just point out that:-

18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker
2002 FIFA World Cup
Batman: Vengeance
Bloody Roar: Primal Fury
Cel Damage
Crazy Taxi
Dark Summit
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2
Disney`s Tarzan Freeride
Donald Duck Quack Attack
Doshin the Giant
ESPN International Winter Sports
Extreme G-3
International Superstar Soccer 2
James Bond 007 - Agent Under Fire
Jeremy McGrath`s Supercross World
Lost Kingdoms
Luigi`s Mansion
NBA Courtside 2002
NHL Hitz 2002
Resident Evil
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Spider-Man: The Movie
Spy Hunter
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Monkey Ball
Super Smash Bros. Melee
The Simpsons Road Rage
Tony Hawk`s Pro Skater 3
Turok: Evolution
Universal Studios Theme Park Adventure
Virtua Striker 3
Wave Race: Blue Storm

Are all current release on the GameCube, Could do the same for the Xbox but can not be bothered as its only to point out the errors in your post.

I own a SNES, PSone, Dreamcast, PS2, GameCube and a PC, at the moment even my SNES gets more use than the PS2 because of the lack of good games that you can play for more that a few hours.

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Football games are not my thing, so not going to comment on that one.

Better 3D fighter = Soul Calibur, on the dream cast.

However, the biggest problem from a games point of view on the PS2 is the shear number of crap, to the hand full of good games.

The 2nd biggest problem with the PS2 is the number of games that are the same with one or two tweaks to them, a problem that started on the PSone.

RE: PS2 = TIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS2 = Jack of all trades is master of none

RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

Wonder if any one has researched this?

Stop killing the foxes in an area, foxes eat more rabbits, less rabbits eat farmers crops.

So would the value of the live stock the foxes eat out way value of the stock the rabbits eat?

Now back on track and off it again, Hunting with dogs should be banned. But there is a more pressing sport that should be banned/revised, the one were 2 humans get in the ring, with the aim of knocking the other out.

RE: Sad day for Nintendo fans?

@ SJ, sorry I missed that post.

@ tazz & B4ilz, think you guys have missed the point (But i could be wrong)

Rare and Nintendo are a team and like Lennon and McCartney while together they are unbleiveable and have produced some of if not the best games of all times.

But each away from the other, no matter who they team up with I can not see them being as good.

Sad day for Nintendo fans?

Or is it a sad day for Rare, given how much support the Big `N` have given them over the years

This item was edited on Monday, 23rd September 2002, 09:01

RE: PC Slowdown - This is really getting to me, WHAT CAN I DO????

Have you over looked the mother board chip set drivers?
the AGP driver springs to mind, but also the IDE driver and make sure the UDMA mode is on for its driver.

Also just because the AGP is set to X4 in the BIOS, dont asume the windows drivers are set to X4 mode for either the AGP controler or the VGA card

RE: cable modem

Errr, Clayts should I point out one of the Forum rules

"NO Bootlegs, Scams or Any Other Theft or Unlawful Activity"