Page 1 of What does your DVD collection say about you?

DVDs & Films Forum

What does your DVD collection say about you?

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 21:35

Was just thinking about my collection....and what it says about me...

Are you:

a) Nostalgia Freak - trying to recapture your youth by buying all TV broadcast during that period?

b) Blockbuster Buyer - as long as it`s got big production value, lots of special effects and a BIG 5.1 soundtrack then you`ll buy it, usually within a week of release.

c) Serious Filmy - you bought Citizen Kane as soon as it came out on DVD...

d) High Brow - mainly foreign arthouse for well as a bit of Shakespeare, and possibly a few of David Lynch`s more `difficult` movies

e) Genre Collector - Horror, British comedy, Sci Fi etc ...

f) Box Set and Packaging freak - if it looks good, then you want it...

g) Bargain Hunter - if its going cheap, you`ll have one...

h) Cult Collector - trash, cheap horror, bizarre long as it`s left of field, you`ll want it....

I`ve probably left someone out here...and I guess there`s a little bit of all of them in me though I think I err on a combination of a) e) f) and h)...... :/

RE: What does your DVD collection say about you?

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 21:40

Mine says, "You`re always skint, aren`t ya?"

RE: What does your DVD collection say about you?

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 21:45

a, c, d, e, h

But in mostly-equal percentages.


RE: What does your DVD collection say about you?

nostalgiadvd (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 21:52

I`m mainly in your A,C and G categories..
My collection runs to several thousand discs,the majority of which I may never see.
But since 1998,literally anything and everything I`ve seen before and enjoyed has been bought on dvd.
I arrived late to Laserdisc and had a mountain of stuff to get when I got an LD player,but I promised myself I would not play catch up with DVD,so I have bought every single title of interest to me as its released,which means I`ve wasted loads of money by not waiting.
Many titles I now leave for a while until they go down in price,but if I see something vaguely interesting under £10 I snap it up.
The old LD habit of rebuying new versions is also hard to get rid of.
I`m just an obsessive dvd collector.
However,for about a year I`ve considered whether its worth carrying on with dvd as within a year or so we`ll be back to square one with either Blu-Ray or HDDVD,yet I still carry on buying far more discs than I`ll be able to watch.
Where will it all end?
Bankruptcy probably

This item was edited on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 22:53

RE: What does your DVD collection say about you?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 21:56

Mine says...

"You used to have a lot of spare money a while ago, dint`cha?"

My eyes, My beautiful eyes....

My Collection
Writer`s Release

RE: What does your DVD collection say about you?

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 22:43

Mine says:

Good God, have you no taste or self control???

If you absolutely must categorise me - A, G & H

J Mark Oates

My blue blanket! My blue blanket!!
Gimme back my blue blanket!!! Aaaagh!!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 23:44

RE: What does your DVD collection say about you?

whoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 22:57

mine says "film geek" so H

pushing `pull` doors since 1992...

This item was edited on Friday, 12th May 2006, 17:09

RE: What does your DVD collection say about you?

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 23:34

It says I can`t afford enough DVDs


When we are born we are naked, wet, hungry, and we get smacked on our arse. From there on in, life gets worse

RE: What does your DVD collection say about you?

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 12th May 2006, 01:46

I used to be seriously B and G, but now I`m more A and a picky B...

*edit* actually I`m also a J - which by my definition is collect a lot of music DVDs now too..


News Editor and Reviewer

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

This item was edited on Friday, 12th May 2006, 02:46

RE: What does your DVD collection say about you?

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 12th May 2006, 08:09

mine says A, E, H... :o

`i am going to live forever or die trying`

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