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Name one favourite scene in each star wars movie.

technosonic (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 7th February 2005, 07:55

Star Wars.
This will have to be the final showdown when they attack the death star.

Empire strikes back.(very hard to choose).My favourite scene is the fight between luke and vader,when he finds out that thats his father.

Return of the jedi.My favourite scene is when luke and leia are on the speeder bikes. will have to be the fight between obi and darth maul.

Attack of the clones.The scene when obi one comes across jango.(its raining)and chases him through space.

Whats your favourite scenes.Let me know....

RE: Name one favourite scene in each star wars movie.

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Monday, 7th February 2005, 11:27

Attack of the clones.The scene when obi one comes across jango.(its raining)

I must have missed that sex scene probably nodded off with all that teen angst. ;)

Time for a think on the favorite scene.

If you feed a starving man a fish, he will eat for a day.
If you teach a starving man to fish, he will buy an ugly hat.
If you talk about fish to a starving man, You`re a consultant.

RE: Name one favourite scene in each star wars movie.

chewie (Elite) posted this on Monday, 7th February 2005, 11:53

The Phantom Menace - Lightsabre fight between Maul, Jinn and Kenobi.

Attack of the Clones - Lightsabre fight between Anakin & Dooku.

A New Hope - Negotiations between Luke, Ben, Chewie and Solo in the Cantina (although I love everything about this film and I`d name everything my favourite bit)

The Empire Strikes Back - The Luke vs Vader fight. But this is my favourite film, so the climax is clearly the most rewarding scene, but everything about this film is perfect.

Return of the Jedi - The bit where the Ewok dies... "Don`t die... eeeeeeeeeeeee" :D

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

This item was edited on Monday, 7th February 2005, 11:56

RE: Name one favourite scene in each star wars movie.

tWeetZ (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th February 2005, 14:42

SW I: Maul walking forward at the beginning of the fight scene, when he activates his dual bladed lightsabre.

SW II: Amidala wearing the white jumpsuit with tears in it...great cinematography :) oh, ok...the panaramic view of all the ships flying onto the planet surface (golds, browns, dust, fantastic artwork).

SW IV: Luke and Leia swinging across a cavernous area in the Death Star.

SW V: The space chase through the asteroid field.

SW VI: Chewie getting out of the Imperial Walker, the relief in the cinema when people realised that Han would become toast...fantastic.

Watching the films again isn`t the same though, I guess I`m not as young at heart as I was. Though I guess I`m pushing 50 times each for the original trilogy...

RE: Name one favourite scene in each star wars movie.

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 7th February 2005, 15:59

the relief in the cinema when people realised that Han would become toast...

"wouldn`t", surely? :/

RE: Name one favourite scene in each star wars movie.

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 7th February 2005, 16:35

Star Wars: The begining where the ships fly over the camera, and also the dogfight ending.

Star The Empire Strikes Back Wars: The At At battle on hoth

Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi: The dogfight battle and the battle on Endor.

There was no fave scene out of PM, and ATOTC as they were a big bag of computer game s***e.


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RE: Name one favourite scene in each star wars movie.

Arf (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th February 2005, 01:51

Star Wars: since I saw it on first release, it`s still `a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away`, the rolling credits and the first ship flying over. At the time there was simply nothing else like it.

Empire: battle on Hoth, probably.

Jedi: Emperor taking a swandive.

The last two: the beginning of the end credits.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th February 2005, 01:53

RE: Name one favourite scene in each star wars movie.

socks_uk (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th February 2005, 08:22

Erm... That`s easy... The closing credits! ;)

I`m a chic flick girl with a husband that loves Star Wars! :( :/ :D


RE: Name one favourite scene in each star wars movie.

globalvillageidiot (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th February 2005, 09:58

Well done Jill. Beat me to it!! :D

RE: Name one favourite scene in each star wars movie.

oakland raider (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th February 2005, 11:31

Phantom Menace - Qui-Gon, Obi-wan duel against Darth Maul

Attack of The Clones - The arena battle from when Yoda & the Clones troopers appear

A New Hope - The opening scene where the stormtroopers board Leia`s ship

Empire Strikes Back - Vader & Luke fighting (hence my sig. at the bottom)

Return of The Jedi - Luke meeting Vader & calling him "father"

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