Info and forum posts by 'Arf'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 1st August 2002, 21:23, Last used: Saturday, 3rd March 2007, 20:22

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 494 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.06 messages a day, or 0.43 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Anybody else plotting to stay a generation behind from now on?

Your crying about not being missed and saying it`s too cliquey but then admitting you`ve never really posted

Now if that's what I'd actually said, your answer would have made sense; but stating a fact and crying about it are not the same thing. I'd suggest classes in basic comprehension, you utter imbecile. If I'd wanted to be in a clique, I'd have started a poll about what colour I should paint my garage door; then patted the forum mascot on the head every hour. ;)

Anyway. Time fur ma tea.

Th-th-th-th-that's definitely all, folks.

RE: Anybody else plotting to stay a generation behind from now on?

And the brown-noser award of the week goes to...

RE: Anybody else plotting to stay a generation behind from now on?

Am I alone in all this?

No. I bought a 360 several months after all my gaming friends and I`ve been pretty underwhelmed since. It`s the only console I currently use so i can`t comment on the others but I think there`s very little to get excited about.

The games industry is like mainstream Hollywood now. Originality and creativity are strangled at birth and replaced by yes-man development teams with 3D modelling packages churning out the same recycled `safe` product that, they assure us, is what gamers want. Look at some of the next big things on the horizon - you`ve got Gears of War, and you only have to watch a few of the videos of that doing the rounds to see how limited the gameplay is; it`s 10-year old Quake in higher definition and with more blood, but it`ll sell by the bucketload because of the hype and the gore; Call of Duty 3 - the 3 is a bit of a giveaway, it`ll be virtually the same as CoD2 with sharper graphics and a potentially rubbish melee attack; Rainbow 6 Vegas, which looks the same as all the other ones; two more football data discs masquerading as new games, and even though it won`t see the light of day till the end of next year, the over-hyped Halo fanboys are already dribbling at the prospect of the next in that franchise.

It wouldn`t be so bad if games developers actually knew how to get the most out of the live service. Even now, years after its launch, Xbox live is still plagued by games not working properly until they`re patched, if at all. Add to that the dubious practice of selling partial games and putting additional content on marketplace. Tiger Woods 07 for instance has unlockables you can only get by parting with more cash, others you can buy instead of playing the game properly. Fair enough the gamer doesn`t have to buy them, but every one that does is lining the pockets of Electronic Arts - who are laughing all the way to the bank because they have the only golf game on the 360 and if they get their way will buy up all the other licences too. It`s the tip of a huge, nasty iceberg.

So no, you`re not alone. I`ve been playing games for decades, and I`ll carry on doing it for the simple reason I`m a games fan; but the market stinks, it`s all graphics, hype and graphics, and screw the gamers.

Rant over.

This item was edited on Sunday, 22nd October 2006, 16:04

RE: Recommend me some Asian films

Second opinion - Dragon Tiger Gate is rubbish. A lot of posing (step forward Donnie Yen) and mobile product placement, indifferent martial arts choreography that descends into Mortal Kombat fx-farce. Looks more like a hair product commercial than anything else.

City of Violence is very good, new from Korea.

This item was edited on Saturday, 21st October 2006, 11:01

RE: Find the horror movies game!

Weird Stick man at the bottom right hand corner

Eraserhead. Had to zoom in to get it though.

RE: What is it to be british

Nope, I was offering a suggestion to the OP.

RE: What is it to be british

Ability to type it?

RE: 10-film Disney box set £17.97 at Amazon

I spotted this on another (bigger) forum so there`s no telling how long the feeding frenzy had been going on before they twigged. As you say though, time to wait and see...

RE: 10-film Disney box set £17.97 at Amazon

I don`t know any kids, I bagged this for myself! I just hope it doesn`t turn out to be a mistake.

RE: King Kong 2 disc special edition - £3.99 @ CDWow...

Despatched 4th, received 9th. Makes a change, me being one of the lucky ones.

RE: Buy some good DVD movies

And Aeon Flux is way overpriced at $3.


Can`t wait for this one... there`s just something about a girl with a big gun in place of a leg...




RE: You couldn`t make this up

No comment.

That`ll be the day. :$

RE: free razor

Mine too. And very swish it is.

RE: I love films but I don`t love lovefilm!

The customer `service` is deplorable. While I was a member of sofacinema (same place) I had one of their automatons swear blind that the new 2-disc edition of The Wild Bunch, about which I had a simple query, did not actually contain a version of the film itself. And that was typical of the level of help I`d get before I gave up on them.

Good luck.

RE: Fan Edits - Vandalism, Art Or Neo-Piracy?

you must have held it in pretty high esteem in the first place. So therefore a fan edit shows deep respect for the original, surely?

By all means re-edit the crap, but I`d have thought that if you had high regard and respect for something, you`d leave it alone.

Gears of War special edition - quite reasonably priced at PC World

I`ve never used them for games before but at £37.99 delivered their GoW special is £12 cheaper than Gameplay, and £7 cheaper than Play and Amazon. In fact it seems to be cheaper than everyone else`s regular edition.

RE: New York Busker

He`ll not get much money if he doesn`t stand still.

RE: what xbox 360 titles are you most wanting?

Metronome, about which I can find little info but which looks as though it may be original - a rarity these days.

RE: So... what are you playing just now?

Lego Star Wars II for 360.

This item was edited on Friday, 15th September 2006, 13:20

RE: Reminder - Extras Series 2 Starts Tonight

Funniest bit for me was the silence after the glance at the Lenny Henry picture. Spot on. :D

RE: The Da Vinci Code. Great movie.

Well, it passed two hours and a bit. With Hanks (on autopilot, and the rest of the cast similarly wasted), Howard, token Brit baddies and another ponderous Zimmer score, it was only ever going to be middle-of-the-road mainstream fodder, so I wasn`t expecting a lot. I watched it till the end though, which is more than I can say for the Janet & John style of the book, so I`ll conclude that Howard & Co are still better film makers than Brown is a writer. He might have strung an intriguing plot together but he really has problems with his sentences.

RE: Imagining The Tenth Dimension

I`ve been saying all that for years. Damn it, I should have published.

RE: Cinemas.....grrrrr.....

I remember going to the cinema in the 70`s,and it was far more enjoyable.

So did you love it when the curtains closed halfway through a film and broke for 15 minutes just to give the ice-cream lady an opportunity to sell you expensive lollies?? Confused

I used to go to the cinema about 3 times a week in the 70s and at least in my neck of the woods, that never happened. Unless the feature was excessively long, double bills were commonplace. And if you did have to listen to a pig crunching on his Butterkist, at least the bags were smaller and the troughing had finished five minutes into the film. With the vats of crap they peddle now, even the biggest lardbucket can keep going right through the film.

RE: Best "Ex-Boyfriend" picture ??? or do youhavea better one?

Congratulations. That`s got to scoop the Bored, Sad and Desperate Topic Idea award.

RE: Game Film/Actor thread...

Morgan: A Suitable Case for Treatment