Info and forum posts by 'tWeetZ'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 8th October 2004, 16:23, Last used: Thursday, 29th September 2005, 17:32

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 149 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.14 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: 1MB Broadband £15.99 per month. 2GB limit.

Basically Clayts, Supanet`s offer is poor in comparison, that`s why. Jury is still out on EFH, suffered my first downtime last night (from 1:20am) and went to sleep. Was back up at 7am though...



RE: 1MB Broadband £15.99 per month. 2GB limit.

I use EFH Broadband and am currently in the process of upgrading to 1Mb from their 512k service. Been with them 6 weeks and no problems, other than a connectivity issue with BT. £19.99 (inclusive of VAT) per month with no restrictions is really hard to beat and though they take days to get back to support questions, no other complaints.

Word of warning though, latency does go up by about 25% compared to BT if you play FPS online games. So, maybe not the best if you play UT2K4 for example...


RE: Name one favourite scene in each star wars movie.

SW I: Maul walking forward at the beginning of the fight scene, when he activates his dual bladed lightsabre.

SW II: Amidala wearing the white jumpsuit with tears in it...great cinematography :) oh, ok...the panaramic view of all the ships flying onto the planet surface (golds, browns, dust, fantastic artwork).

SW IV: Luke and Leia swinging across a cavernous area in the Death Star.

SW V: The space chase through the asteroid field.

SW VI: Chewie getting out of the Imperial Walker, the relief in the cinema when people realised that Han would become toast...fantastic.

Watching the films again isn`t the same though, I guess I`m not as young at heart as I was. Though I guess I`m pushing 50 times each for the original trilogy...

RE: Come on folks, 35% of you can`t really want "heh, heh, I touched her boobies" as the next Presid

They are in the process of deciding whether to pass a motion to try and get a constitutional amendment made...

Now, don`t get me wrong, Arnie was pretty damn arrogant to do what he did. I don`t believe he did much more than grope a few women. Certainly something that I think is wrong, but it`s not all that in the grand scheme of things. The issue here is the guy used to take drugs when he was a body builder, yet he heads various anti-drug campaigns and initially denied (herein lies my problem, I detest liars) these claims. As such though, I think he`s an ideal candidate for President. :)

Having quite a lot of American friends, they do seem to think if the amendment is made, Arnie will be win any election he runs in. As an outsider looking in, Ray Gun did it, and I don`t think Arnie will be any worse. The thing about Arnie, he`s someone alot of people can identify with (having seen him in quite a few films, there is a familiarity), I guess that`s why he`s so popular.


Division One here we come - You just got John Curtis on a free

Hmm, will John Curtis make a difference? I used to rate him when he played with Wes Brown for Man Utd.


RE: Division One here we come - Forest sell Dawson and Reid to Spurs for £8m

How the hell are Dawson and Reid worth £8m and Huddelston worth £700k, rising to £2.5m?

Sorry, just can`t follow. Also, shows we`re in worse than we thought re: club situation. Didn`t think promotion was a possibility this season, until recent weeks. This is starting to make me think it isn`t, despite the fact we don`t lose him til the end of the season. Think Huddleston would be worth more too, in the future...ah well. It`s not like he`s even going to make Spurs first team.

I don`t particularly want to see the tree huggers get relegated, cos like NTG says, the local derby games are always the best. But, tbh, I can`t see Forest staying up now.

Sheep, sheep, sheep shag army!


RE: When Johnny goes marching down the wing, O`Shea, O`Shea... SPOILERS

Poll is famous in Derby. I`ll never forget the last (I think) game he reffed there, against Leeds. The fans, knowing we were going to get relegated, cheered ourselves up with about 10 minutes of none-stop singing dedicated to this referee. It was fantastic.

"Oh Graham Poll, ya cking a..ole...
Oh Graham Poll...."



RE: Star Trek R.I.P

NTG, that`s frickin hilarious. :D


RE: [PC] Radeon X800 256MB PCI-E for £169.98 delivered.

Ordered, awaiting authorisation. Also shows out of stock, so...


RE: McDonalds "£24 voucher book"

We don`t get the free sandwich, lots of buy one get one free though...not the same thing, I hope.


RE: What`s the score with this Opus Dei stuff ?

LOL, it isn`t made up. And hell no, I`m not in it or involved in anyway.


Disclaimer: This is the express opinion of the person named only, and is in no way offering the view of Opus Dei.


RE: Rodney Marsh sacked by Sky for poor taste joke

Mr floyd_dylan, you need to take a chill pill.


RE: McDonalds "£24 voucher book"

Tried the free porridge this morning. Ick.

The coffee isn`t bad, and the Chicken Premiere is nice.


RE: Whats ur great movie rate best words from pictures

Think ya got me on the Aliens quote. *tilts hat*


RE: who should be the new James Bond

Having seen Clive Owen in King Arthur, God forbid him being James Bond.


RE: Is it time for Beckham to hang up his England Boots and let some decent players take over?

The problem here, is that Beckham has set such high standards. Compared to Wright-Phillips his performances have been on par. But the whole country looks for far more than the average player, such as is his profile. But, IF you actually watched his performances for Real of late, he is playing very well.

The negativity in the press seems to have too much of an influence on some of you lads. Actually watch him play, rather than go by what the papers say. I`m not saying he`s playing his best, but his current form is far better than that of Wright-Phillips.

Arsenal Henry 14... the problems with your suggestion of a team are boundless. Some of the players you have picked within the formation you have chosen do not have the experience of playing in such a formation. Campbell and Terry do not play week in week out in a 3 central defender formation and the problem is if you use Wright-Phillips in the role you suggested, you effectively don`t use his attacking ability as best you could. Cos any good left winger is going to keep him pegged back. Cole, Wright-Phillips, Downing and Defoe are untested at the highest level of football, and to be honest, from what I`ve seen of Defoe and Cole playing in world class football, they are yet to convince that they have what it takes. I do agree Downing needs his opportunity, and I`d be as happy as anyone to see both Defoe and Joe Cole do well. Anything to have England lift any trophies. You leave out Michael Owen, an interesting omission. It seems that players go to Real where you don`t see them on BBC1 on a Saturday night and you forget how good they are. Owen`s goal goal scoring record this season is better than Raul`s, and he`s played far few minutes. He scored again at the weekend.



I still wanna play ya Oggie, but I`m currently addicted to WoW. Not played since way pre-Xmas.

Drop me a line and see what we can do this w/e?


RE: Should Sir Mark Thatcher be stripped of his title?

Agreed with 42%er. Sad reflection that we just accept it though.


RE: Are you looking forward to flying in the new SuperJumbo Airbus???

Couple of things, no matter the cost of R & D, there are always real environment issues that are unaccounted for. R & D is controlled. In service is not so nearly controlled.

Concorde had more than one "incident" in it`s years of service. But perhaps we should remember, she was a very old plane, by the time she was taken out of service.

Would I fly on it? No.

And I used to fly twice a week with Lucent, so I`m no stranger to the skies.


RE: Whats ur great movie rate best words from pictures

There are quite a few I like, but I think Bad Boys is full of quality one liners (probably cos the script was heavily modified by the two leads). My favourite, I think is...

"You want badges mother b1tches!" Quality made up insult. :)

Pulp Fiction, as previously mentioned though, is probably one of the most memorable. Including the infamous...

"Any of you pr1cks move, and I`ll execute every mother ****** last one of you"

Aliens had the very simple but effective...

"Stay away from her, you b1tch!"

Can`t remember which Star Trek film, but the one where Scotty says before walking into part of the Enterprises structure...

"I know this ship like the back of my hand"

But my personal favourite is from The Crow, and is as follows...

"When the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever."


RE: R.I.P Nintendo DS. We Hardly knew ye...............

TA is right though. Portable gaming is about gaming being portable (surprising that!). Think two main requirements for this are the size of the console and the life of the batteries...beyond that, there are the games. Essentially, you need to get the hardware right though.


RE: Exploit code attacks unpatched IE bug - SP2 vunerable

More reasons to stick with Firefox. :)


RE: alien v pred question about dvd......

Whilst ya may be great at physics, ya suck at spelling Peter Parker!



RE: Underworld 2 disk region 2 £4.99 excluding vouchers

Thought it was a great film, second to Pirates Of The Carribean for film of 2003. :)


RE: Microsoft release Anti Spyware Beta - free download

It`s not likely to report Microsofts own registry spyware within XP is it?


RE: Driving Test question

The theoretical situation involved a bicycle, not a motorbike...

I think my answer still stands.


RE: Driving Test question

You`re allowed to overtake as long as you don`t go over the solid white line in the centre of the road.


RE: Is George Lucas having a laugh???

Going to break rank here. It seems (though I`m prolly wrong) that people are knocking the original trilogy. I think they`re slow in places, but I still think they`re very good films. As for the new trilogy, whilst the first was dire, it was hyped so much, it was never going to meete xpectation. And the second film, I enjoyed apart from the "Yoda in a washing machine" scene. I still think Hayden Christensen was an awful choice for Anakin though, he`s very wooden.

Just my thoughts.


RE: Bryan Mcfadden...somebody please stop encouraging him!

Maybe I`m just a sentimental old fool who can identify with what he`s saying, but they worked for me.


This item was edited on Thursday, 6th January 2005, 10:54