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Truely "Scary" films - help

555 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd October 2004, 23:12

Now this may sound like i am blowing my own trumpet, but i have recently seen a fare few horror films (some for the 1st time) & many which have been dubbed by some "the scariest movie ever" or whatever. And honestly not a single 1 of them has.
I have seen both Ringu & the Ring which as films they were ok, but neither scared me at all.
Also things like Cabin Fever rubbish film, not scary i mean its a virus for **** sake how is that supposed to be scary.
The Exorcist was a great comedy, my god that film was funny, its a horror....... oh well in that case its rubbish.
Hmm what else, oh ye Dark Water i am not sure what opinions are on this, but my god this was boring.
Alien, not scary, average movie
There are others, things like Texas chainsaw masacre or jeepers creepers (this did scare the hell out of me mum tho hehe)

So i was hoping that people could recommend films that they beleive are truelly scary and i will do my best to see them & tell you the truth on wether or not they scared me. If i can get hold of it i will watch it.

You say pyscho like its a bad thing

RE: Truely

Arf (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd October 2004, 23:16

Hows about you list what fillums you`ve actually found scary, o nerveless one?

EDIT: call me Mr Picky, 555 (and you wouldn`t be the first), but could you please edit your sig? `Pyscho` rhymes with `pisko` which is not, I suspect, the effect you`re after... ;)

EDIT 2: In answer to your original request - Blair Witch Project (I can guess what you`d say about that one) and The Haunting (the 1963 original, not the recent remake) also known as The Haunting of Hill House. Them`s my pants-changing recommendations. Woooooo!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 00:33

RE: Truely

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd October 2004, 23:44

I find most horror films don`t scare me at all, it`s more the thriller genre that gets to me.
Signs and What Lies Beneath both made me jump quite a lot.

Also, that bit in Fellowship Of The Ring where Bilbo turns nasty for a second.

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RE: Truely

555 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 00:10

Yes you are picky, i will change my sig wen i am good and ready, maybe i wanted to be pisko, lol kiddin. Have seen Blair witch it was a wile ago now, but i no i didnt find it scare or even interesting. i havent seen the origianl Haunting but i guarantee i wont find it scary, if i can find it. Older films seem even more likely not to scare me.

oh yes and the films that have scared me are as follows:
NONE, the only film that came close was Phatoms, and that only freaked me out a lil - the bit when they here that funny noise down the phone, yes stupid i know. Plus i was ill at the time (excuses excuses)

You say psycho like its a bad thing


RE: Truely

Arf (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 00:33

I haven`t seen Phantoms. I can see where you`re coming from in your original post, mind you. I`m old enough to have seen The Exorcist shortly after it first came out, when the hype was `people fainting in the aisles` etc. I found it scary, then it was another 25 years before I saw it again and I can see what you mean about the comedy - I wouldn`t go that far, but the look of it is obviously 70s and nowadays the hair alone dates it badly. I still think it packs a punch though. I also found Alien a big disappointment - again, mainly because of the hype at the time, which was hysterical, believe you me. I enjoy it now more than I did then, but I do still find it overrated and can`t understand the respect the series gets now.

Like you, I don`t consider meself easily scarable 555, but some of those you quote up there I think do the job nicely...and to be honest if Sadako doing her stuff doesn`t send a tremor up the old spinal column, no offence intended, but you`re made of stone! Horses for courses though...if you ever find one that scares you, give a shout please and I`ll root it out. I only have to see a pic of Michael Jackson and i`m setting up camp behind the sofa... :o

RE: Truely

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 02:09

I agree with what`s been said above. `classic` horror films are so built up, you`re bound to be disappointed by them (My mum`s friend had to see a shrink after watching one particular Linda Blair turn mentioned above. When i saw it in the late 90`s, i thought it was funny)

But, i also think a lot of it has to do with how you take a film in. I watched Blair Witch alone and in the dark when it came out on DVD. Needless to say, i p***ed my pants every time i heard a noise for about a week afterwards. If you go in looking to be scared s***less by a movie, you`re really setting yoursel up for disappointment.

Oh, and as another poster mentioned, Signs has both creepy/unsettling and jumpy moments. Genuine, as you really don`t expect `em! Great film.

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RE: Truely

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 08:32

Now this may sound like i am blowing my own trumpet

This is the sort of phrase you`d use if you made much scarier films yourself. So, no, you`re not blowing your own trumpet..if that makes you feel any better :-)

My collection

RE: Truely

mattwhite1 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 08:57

I am the same, I love the horror genre, but have never found one to scare me...except for a film that I watched when I was about 8. It was called The Sentinel and scared the bejeezus out of me. I wouldnt mind seeing that again to see what it is like now that I am an adult.

I loved the exorcist, but found 2 other "greats" to be more than a little lacking in the scariness dept. They are "The Wicker Man" truly awful movie, and The Last House on The Left, another awful movie played out like a poor comedy.

Meet The Wife

RE: Truely

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 09:34

I`m a massive horror fan (love the genre), but I do believe that it`s so easy to be de-sensitised after a while.

There is only one film that has ever genuinely scared me, which was `The Exorcist`. I saw this when I was about 13 yrs old (unbeknown to my mum) & it stuck in my mind my quite a while. Once my mother had found out where I`d been, she had absolutely no sympathy wahtsoever for me. I do agree that it`s lost a lot of its impact over the years, but it is still a me.

The Last House on The Left, another awful movie played out like a poor comedy

I couldn`t agree more. Awful, awful acting. Hysterical stuff (also see the recent Saw for much the same effect).

Unless you`re of a very sensitive nature, I think that it`s going to have to be a very special film that will truly scare most people, nowadays. We`ve seen it all before. And, being shocking does not equate to being scary, either.

"Stan is my best friend at church"

This item was edited on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 13:44

RE: Truely

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 09:35

"The Fog" is still pretty chilling as far as I`m concerned, and oddly I still find Halloween III unsettling (not the crappy British edited version though!) although this may be linked to the fact that it completely terrified me when I was about 10 and didn`t sleep properly for weeks! :o

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