Page 1 of The best Westerns for a Western Newbie?

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The best Westerns for a Western Newbie?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 17:16

Have never been a fan of Westerns before, they never seemed like my kind of film, but after watching "Unforgiven" for the first time recently I`m quite intrigued. So can anybody recommend any truly great Westerns to start me off?

I was considering "Once Upon a Time in the West" by the way...

RE: The best Westerns for a Western Newbie?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 17:20

When I first saw Unforgiven I wasn`t too keen on it, but I`m keen to give it another shot. I have Once Upon a Time in the West on order, and after loving Once Upon...America by the same director, I figure it will be equally superb.

I also enjoyed Wild Wild West, LOL, but I don`t know if that`s the sort of Western you`re after...! :D

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RE: The best Westerns for a Western Newbie?

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 17:32

I am not a fan of westerns but then I have not watched many :) I have Once Upon A Time In The West and it an extrordinary piece of film making. I am considering getting the `Dollars` trilogy as I have heard they are excellent movies - the first two are in the 3 for £20 at

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RE: The best Westerns for a Western Newbie?

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 17:50

John Ford`s classic "The Searchers". More awesome in the cinema though.

RE: The best Westerns for a Western Newbie?

foofighter (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 17:57

I liked Tombstone the Kurt Russell film, the Dollar trilogy that are considered classic westerns also try Clint Eastwood films Outlaw Josey Wales, High Plains Drifter or Pale Rider Which is more or less a remake of High Plains Drifter but i personally think is inferior and are both a bit surreal

This item was edited on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 19:11

RE: The best Westerns for a Western Newbie?

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 18:05

The Magnificent Seven

Jitendar Canth

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RE: The best Westerns for a Western Newbie?

Arf (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 18:56

The Searchers and The Wild Bunch.

RE: The best Westerns for a Western Newbie?

antz (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 19:26

The Magnificent Seven
both old but classics, and both in my collection, see below.

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RE: The best Westerns for a Western Newbie?

elaurens (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 20:31

The Long Riders
The Great Northfield Minnesota Bank Raid
The Culpepper Cattle Company
Bad Company
The Wild Bunch

are all worth trying

RE: The best Westerns for a Western Newbie?

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 21:14

I also enjoyed Wild Wild West

That was one of the worst films I have EVER seen...cant believe I wasted 2 hours of my life sat there hoping it would get better... >:(

good westerns?....Ive always liked the `traditional` Eastwood stuff...`A fistful of dollars`, `For a few dollars more` and `The good, the bad and the ugly`, I enjoyed some of the `new` westerns though like `Unforgiven` or `The quick and the dead` and of course `balzing saddles` and `Westworld` :D

Ive never seen `Once Upon a Time in the West` or `Once Upon a time in America`...maybe I should eh...

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