Page 1 of Films you REALLY need on top notch DVDs, but still no sign....

DVDs & Films Forum

Films you REALLY need on top notch DVDs, but still no sign....

AlwaysDoubleDown (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 19:20

Serpico for starters.

Fargo: Special Edition would really be magic.

Midnight Run: ok its out there, but on a crap release.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles: ditto

anyone else?

RE: Films you REALLY need on top notch DVDs, but still no sign....

Issac Hunt (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 20:12

Millers Crossing
Hudsucker Proxy
Once Upon a Time in America
Carlitos Way... get the picture!

RE: Films you REALLY need on top notch DVDs, but still no sign....

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 21:02

Indiana Jones?


RE: Films you REALLY need on top notch DVDs, but still no sign....

Gaz Kitch (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 21:07

Star Wars Episodes 4 TO 6 ......well someone had to say it!!!

RE: Films you REALLY need on top notch DVDs, but still no sign....

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 21:09

All the above!
Shawshank Redemption
Mad Max 2 & 3
Assault on Precinct 13

+ loads of other ones that I`ll remember in 10 minutes

This item was edited on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 21:11

RE: Films you REALLY need on top notch DVDs, but still no sign....

CAPTAINSHADWELL (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 22:11

Have a look round a few websites for region 1 info as Fargo is due to to be special edition very soon - -hence the withdrawal of the old version with no extras.Not sure about the others though, and find a comfy place if u intend waiting for star wars - - that dvd is definitely in a galaxy far far away - - -I apologise now for the crappy pun.


RE: Films you REALLY need on top notch DVDs, but still no sign....

Bubblegum (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 22:36

A goddam re-release of Alan Partridge!

RE: Films you REALLY need on top notch DVDs, but still no sign....

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 23:20

Battlefield Earth, oh wait, that POS has already got a decent DVD, where a lot of other films just rot away on crappy discs. That sucks ASS.

Bullet In the Head.
Batman (1989)
Army Of Darkness
Many more but brain not think working much very to at hhere beeet ttttttoooahhhaiofghisdhs

RE: Films you REALLY need on top notch DVDs, but still no sign....

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th August 2002, 07:26

frighteners special edition

RE: Films you REALLY need on top notch DVDs, but still no sign....

BigAde (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 15th August 2002, 08:00

BBC Series from the 1970`s - best TV series ever... who remembers that?!!

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