Page 1 of Kubrick box set. What`s the best price?

Bargain Buckets Forum

Kubrick box set. What`s the best price?

thingfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 7th September 2001, 22:14

What`s the best price anybody has found for the above. I know Ezydvd have got it for £53 but I`ll get stung by the taxman if I go down that route won`t I? I`m waiting to see if WH Smith have it for half the price that anyone else charges like they did with the Oliver Stone box. But in the meantime, any ideas?
Thanks, Thingfish.

RE: Kubrick box set. What`s the best price?

lard (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th September 2001, 22:30

Not everyone gets stung by the C&E boys. AFAIA its a total lottery on small packages.

RE: Kubrick box set. What`s the best price?

tribey (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th September 2001, 20:47

Also bear in mind if you buy from australia I don`t think Dr Strangelove is included in their boxset.

RE: Kubrick box set. What`s the best price?

OBzilla! (Competent) posted this on Monday, 10th September 2001, 18:45

the best price is £0.00! win it at whsmiths!

or dont


RE: Kubrick box set. What`s the best price?

xeno (Competent) posted this on Monday, 10th September 2001, 21:31

This item was edited on Monday, 10th September 2001, 21:34

RE: Kubrick box set. What`s the best price?

xeno (Competent) posted this on Monday, 10th September 2001, 21:32

£56 minus 9%

No need to worry about customs--top company


Austrailian site -has all nine discs

RE: Kubrick box set. What`s the best price?

thingfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 11th September 2001, 23:46

The box set cover shot on the Ezydvd site is of the 9 disc set, but the blurb says it`s an 8 disc set. V. confusing. Oh! OBzilla! you`re not going to win the WHSmith comp, I am....or not....or neither of us.

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