Info and forum posts by 'thingfish'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 13th May 2001, 20:42, Last used: Sunday, 13th May 2001, 20:42

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Sorry, bog standard gear. I`m more of a film fan than a tech-head. Sci-fi, horror, blockbuster, bit of everything.

This user has posted a total of 18 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: League of Gentlemen. Series 2. Easter egg

Many thanks Martyn, thingfish.

League of Gentlemen. Series 2. Easter egg

I`ve read a review of this that stated that it has got an Easter egg on it. If so, can anyone tell me where it is.
Thanks in advance, thingfish.

RE: Alien Legacy £29.99, Nightmare on Elm Street Box Set £25

Woolies in Meadowhall (Sheffield) had more than a dozen copies at 12:30 today. Ring `em on 0114 256 2497 to reserve a copy. And yes it`s the limited edition version, individually numbered with a 5th disc.

RE: Kubrick box set. What`s the best price?

The box set cover shot on the Ezydvd site is of the 9 disc set, but the blurb says it`s an 8 disc set. V. confusing. Oh! OBzilla! you`re not going to win the WHSmith comp, I am....or not....or neither of us.

Kubrick box set. What`s the best price?

What`s the best price anybody has found for the above. I know Ezydvd have got it for £53 but I`ll get stung by the taxman if I go down that route won`t I? I`m waiting to see if WH Smith have it for half the price that anyone else charges like they did with the Oliver Stone box. But in the meantime, any ideas?
Thanks, Thingfish.

RE: Region 2 Easter Eggs

You could try:-

Again not strictly R2 so prepare to find that some don`t exist on the R2 discs but well worth a sniff.
Have fun, thingfish.

P.S. If your PC has a DVD ROM drive, try chucking a disc in that and having a crack. I can access the egg on Independence Day on the PC but not on my DVD player, for example.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th July 2001, 19:47

3 for 2 at Blockbuster

I`ve just called into my local Blockbuster and they`ve got a few titles on a 3 for 2 deal.

The Patriot
Stuart Little

Nothing earth shattering but possibly worth a look.



Thanks groovy, I`ve just looked and you`re right!
All these years I`ve been looking in the wrong spot.
Ah well, such is life.
Thanks again.


I`ve got the VHS boxset and there aint no stormtrooper banging his head.
I know which bit you mean, when they bust into the detention block, but trust me, it`s been removed.
Mine isn`t the remastered version with the added bits but the one before that.
I kinda miss it as well.

Faulty Braveheart commentary?

Can anyone help me, as I think I may have a problem with a newly purchased copy of Braveheart.

When I play the film through with the commentary on, all I get is a bloke with a funny accent telling me that it rained a lot while the film was being made.

Are there any more dreadful commentaries out there?

Seeya. Thingfish.

RE: The greatest movie cliches ever

What about the phone call just before the big finale, you know, the one where `the plot up to now` is explained for all the thickos who`ve lost it.

And also (this is for all you ladies out there) if you`re ever involved in a near death experience and a hunky male picks you up, gives you a big hug and says "You`re safe now".....Watch your back!

RE: Where do you sit on when watching DVDs ?

Hiya McBain, do any of these phrases ring a bell:-

"Who`s he/she?"

"It`s a bit slow" (this is 3mins into any film that hasn`t got an explosion, car crash, violent death or raunchy sex scene straight after the opening credits.

"I thought he/she was dead"

"What`s the force?"

"What do you mean he`s gay?"

"What does JFK stand for?"

"Is that the Aluminium Falcon?"

"If that`s R2D2, and he`s C3PO which one`s UB40?"

Keep smiling, Thingfish.

RE: Oliver Stone box set for £21.99

It may be WHS`s price but DVD street want £39.99 for it.

Got mine from WHS in Leeds today.

Thanks for your info.

The Exorcist. Director`s Cut.

Can anyone help?

There`s a director`s cut of The Exorcist due out in October on R2. I`m a big fan of the film and I wondered what, if anything, this new version has that the 25th Anniversary version doesn`t.

I`m restricted to R2 at present. What I really want to see is the Version You`ve Never Seen. Am I going to have to get my Pioneer machine chipped to get to see it, or does the Director`s Cut include the missing bits?

Thanks in advance.

RE: WARNING: DVD `Side Effects`

So, diydestruction, you think buying a guitar`s gonna wean you off DVDs. You`ll only end up buying music DVDs and freeze framing them to try and work out that elusive chord.

Who`s that sad figure in the corner...Yes DVD on pause...eyes bloodshot...fingers numb...brain even more numb...staring hopelessly at Steve Howe`s hand.

Oh no! It`s me.

RE: WARNING: DVD `Side Effects`

What about `special feature syndrome`, you know, crap film but look at the size of those special features! C`mon, we`ve all done it. My most recent is The Sphere. There were voices in my head saying it must be a good film it`s got a commentary. Stay away people!!

RE: Where`s the DVD ROM stuff on Se7en?

Thanks for your help. I can stop swearing at my PC now.

Where`s the DVD ROM stuff on Se7en?

This is my first time so please be gentle. I can`t fine the DVD ROM stuff on either of the Se7en disks. The enclosed booklet says that both have got bits on them, but can I find them...nope! Can anyone help?