Info and forum posts by 'Barold'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 2nd May 2005, 13:45, Last used: Monday, 9th July 2007, 21:25

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 18 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

How do I connect my Gamecube to my Plasma an av amp??

Just bought a Pioneer 507 plasma and a 2016 av amp and went to connect my gamecube this morning..... however soon realised that I can only connect to either the plasma (get a picture - no sound) or the amp (sound but no picture).

I`;ve only got the analogue lead that comes with the console so I`m assuming I need another lead.

If anyone can let me know how I connect to both the amp and the Plasma so that I can get the best picture and sound I`d be very grateful.


RE: Ben Dover DVDs 2 for£10

If you think Ben Dover makes good stuff then I suggest you check out a director called...........Jules Jordan :D .

My eyesight has been getting gradually worse ever since I discovered his dvd`s :B

This item was edited on Thursday, 4th January 2007, 22:58

RE: The hills have eyes

Saw this last week and thought it was one of the worst films I`d seen in years.

Really, really bad.

RE: LOST-The season 2 thread :)

I`ve got the 700mb 5.1 AC3 versions of Season 2 in AVI Format but my DivX player won`t play them (they play fine through Winamp etc on my PC) - can anyone tell me why??

I put them on DVD using Nero (just burned data to disc).

All my other avi files play fine on my DivX player.

Thanks, in advance, for any help.

p.s. I`ve watched upto Episode 9 on my PC and this Season is pretty good... still have`nt got a clue what is going on though!!!!!

RE: Arctic Monkeys hype ridiculous!!!

Yep, totally agree....

Got the album and it`s quite good, but people have been comparing it to Definitely Maybe and The Stone Roses.... which IMO is totally ridiculous!!


Went to se Munich the other night and just wanted to say that it`s the best film I`ve seen for ages....... probably best since Sideways.

It`s far superior film-making than Brokeback Mountain, which I thought was good - but didn`t really go anywhere after the first hour and a half (apart from flashes of their twice yearly `get-togethers`)

I really recommend that everyone on the forum goes to see Munich (be warned though Spielberg doesn`t hold back on the violence/gore - however I felt that this gave the film a more realistic/documentary feel and was a key aspect of the film).

As I said above, really is a superb film (would love to hear a Spielberg commentary on the DVD - highly unlikely though!!!)

RE: Who here is an Empire reader?

Totally agree,

I`ve just been buying it the last few month out of habit more than anything else.

Half of the mag this month must be ads and it seems to me like its getting more FHM orientated with each issue. I`d like to have more features and interviews relating to classic films (like Hotdog magazine does) as well as more focus on Foreign cinema/DVDs - not just those that will be on at the local Multiplex or be lining the first shelf you see when entering HMV etc.

I also get the feeling that the magazine` target audience has lowered.


Must have promised the kids one for Xmas I guess.

That or there all fools!!!!

This item was edited on Friday, 2nd December 2005, 19:32


Been really looking forward to this movie and finally got the chance to see it tonight.

What a disapointment!!!!!

Jerry Maguire and Almost Famous are 2 of my fave all time movies so I`m always looking forward to the next Cameron Crowe flick.

I couldn`t believe how bad Orlando Bloom was....... he simply can`t act.

I`m a massive fan of Kirsten Dunst (not really for her acting I must admit) but just found her character to be really annoying.

The whole thing, IMO, was just a poor version of Garden State (superb movie).

RE: Top 10 Horror Movies....

1. Blair Witch Project (scared the sh*t out of me - even though most people hate it)
2. Evil Dead
3. The Shining
4. Suspiria
5. Night of the Living Dead
6. The Exorcist
7. The Wicker Man
8. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
9. The Thing
10. Nightmare On Elm Street

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

How do you get a box for £49??

Is it as simple as just ringing Sky or is there a special code or something???

RE: Bay`s `The island` bombs...

Just got back from seeing The Island and thought it was very good.

I think the whole `Michael Bay is the worst director ever` thing is over the top. This film bombed at the box office just because of who directed it.

I thought The Rock and Armageddon were both quite good movies as long as you took them for what they were (no brainer action films). I wasn`t a fan of the Bad Boys movies and thought Pearl Harbour was poor but did include some fantastic action/sfx sequences.

I would say to all those who haven`t seen The Island to go and see it......... if you don`t enjoy the film there`s always Scarlett Johansson to watch for 2 hours!!!

RE: Radiohead, best band in the world???

Not the best band.......

But, in my opinion, OK Computer is the best album ever.

Tekken 5 Arcade Stick - best place to buy??

Really want to get one of these for use on my PS2 as well as MAME Roms (Street Fighter etc) on my PC.

However not sure the best place to buy.......its available at both play asia and liksang but a bit worried about getting stung with a huge customs bill.

Can anyone advise me of the best place to import such an item (japan or u.s.) or anywhere in the uk which may be worth trying.
