Info and forum posts by 'trio'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 1st May 2004, 09:19, Last used: Saturday, 10th February 2007, 11:26

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 18 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: 2Gb USB 2.0 Flash Drive £32.49

Looks like everyone is getting a better bargain than me!! :)

2Gb USB 2.0 Flash Drive £32.49

Found this,

I recently bought a 1Gb drive for £52!! Couldn`t resist buying this as well tho. Found a few other items in their specials and clearance sections. Ended up spending about £55, but quite happy with my buys. Will keep you informed as to the quality and service ;)

(and no, i dont work for 7dayshop!!)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 17th May 2006, 16:56


I read a similar thread here last year and as a result got Sky at half price for 3 or 4 months, but i really wanted Sky+. Last week i rang up and said i wanted to leave because i was paying too much and could get another service cheaper elsewhere. The lady was very helpful and offered to give me the full package with 25% off for a full year, so i would be spending £30 (or so) a month. We then got talking about Sky+, which i said i was interested in. She said i could keep the 25% off and buy Sky+ for £79 (or get sky+ for £49, but not get 25% off). I agreed, without trying to sound TOO enthusiastic and took multi-room as its what i wanted and i was offered a free service for my old box - which will be replaced or fixed if its not working. So now i pay the same amount as i did before (just over £40 for the full package) but i get Sky+ downstairs and Sky upstairs (as well as any other rooms i can manage to get a signal into with my trusty co-ax cable), all for a one off payment of £79.

I did ask about a rumour i heard saying existing customers will soon get Sky+ for free and was told that is very unlikely. Normal boxes are being given away as digital tv is gonna be the only thing available soon. :B

RE: 24 hr bargain clearance

Can anyone tell me if Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood is worth buying? (i`ve got Ghost Recon 2 (which is fantastic) and Full Spectrum Warrior (which is pants)) (:¦

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

i have called again today and mentioned that ;a friend of mine` got a Sky+ box for £49. The lady said that they were refurbished boxes and all the stock has now gone. As thay are out of refurbed stock they could offer me a new Sky+ box for £65, which (if you read my earlier post) means that i`m not paying anything for Sky+ and installation. The only downside is that if i wanted my current box moved to a different room i would have to pay an extra £10 a month :(


This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th September 2005, 20:53

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

I rang Sky today and eventually got through to the cancellations dept via India (yeah i really enjoy having to spell Torquay about 9 times!). Initially i thought the guy was gonna just say "ok bye then", but managed to get talking to him and drop in the word `cable` several times. He wasnt budging on the £99 for Sky+ AT ALL. I am currently on the top package (so i now pay about £42 a month), which was part of my original installation obligations about 3 years ago (when it was much cheaper) and i always intended to call and change my package, but strangely never got round to it! Now Sky are fleecing the hell out of me, but i cant do without!!! Anyway, back to the point, the guy from Sky said he would happily cut my bill in half for the next three months, till i figured out if i wanted to stay with Sky; i am under no obligations to stay etc. We then got talking about Sky+, and still he wouldn`t budge, but he did say that over the next 3 months i will be saving £63.75, so Sky+ works out to be only £35 or so, including all the installation into a second room.

Obviously this only works if you are foolish enough to be paying for the top package, but as i have been doing that for several years now, i still see it as a bonus. He also said that Sky have added different package configurations now and is sending me the list of prices, so maybe in 3 months i will finally change my Sky package. Maybe.........

Finally, the Sky guy said that LOADS of people have been calling to complain about Skys offers for `new` customers only. He said that if you do ring then they can usually sort some kind of offer to keep existing customers happy (managers deals as it were) and the best number to ring is 08705 488485 (to avoid being routed to India). This line is open till 11pm, so call later to avoid queues but please give way if you hear me coming :D

RE: 42

I am about to move home and fancied a plasma screen to hang on my wall above my fire cos in my head thats a nice picture! I spoke to a friend who works for a large electrical retailer and he gave me the following advice.

1) dont ever hang plasma screens above a fire. Generally, when people ask him about plasma screens, about 75% of them say they want to hang it above the fireplace and ONLY if they ask whether this is a good idea is he supposed to say no! Its a VERY BAD idea because they are very sensitive to heat.

2) apparently, when watching something like cricket, for example, the ball leaves a trail behind it, as do other fast moving objects! Personally i have never seen this, but i cant say that i have had much opportunity to watch a plasma tv.

This is possibly not the most helpful post (i`m still considering plasma), but i just thought i would share what i have heard :B

P.S i dont know where the poker message came from - and i dont know how to get rid of it - HELP :o

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th July 2005, 08:49

Tomb Raider 2 - £5.99

Probably a pile of pants but at £5.99 im sure there is a gentleman in your life who would appreciate it!! ;)

K-Pax £3.99 at Play

Not actually seen the film, but have been meaning to for ages as i like Kevin Spacey!
At £3.99 (delivered) from think i may have to buy it to watch on a rainy day! ;)

RE: Bollywood Films

Im based in the South West, where it is very difficult to find shops or stalls selling Bollywood DVDs. Ideally im looking for a British based internet company, offering good deals on DVDs of this genre.

Hope that helps a little more :D

Bargain Bollywood DVD`s

Buying Bollywood DVDs online in the UK is pretty expensive. Can anyone direct me to an inexpensive, (preferably) British based supplier of Bollywood DVDs

Bollywood Films

Can anyone tell me if they know of anywhere that supplies Bollywood films at reasonable prices (Southall is a bit far for me to travel!).Places like Play only seem to do them for about £17 each and its very rare they are ever on promotion! I need to buy some soon, to keep my wife quiet while i surf :o

What are the present best offers on Friends Box Sets?

Has anybody seen any good deals on Friends Box Sets?

This item was edited on Saturday, 1st May 2004, 10:24