Page 1 of Sainsbury`s Selling XBOX and PS2 For £69.95

Bargain Buckets Forum


Sainsbury`s Selling XBOX and PS2 For £69.95

moviemonster. (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 30th April 2004, 22:34

Sainsburys are selling the xbox 2 game bundle ( halo & midtown madness 3 ) and single ps2`s for £69.95 .

Picked up an xbox at the nantwich store tonight having reserved by telephone this morning . Check it out .

RE: Sainsbury`s Selling XBOX and PS2 For £69.95

jiggazz (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 1st May 2004, 08:57

Could you please give details of this offer,

The link provided requires the joining of another forum (still waiting for moderation)

RE: Sainsbury`s Selling XBOX and PS2 For £69.95

Kamion (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 1st May 2004, 09:19

Yeah, and they don`t accept Hotmail, Yahoo or Lycos e-mails... provide them with another e-mail and they need some moderator to "approve" it? WTF? Sooooo high and mighty just to view their forums...
Please tell us the details... At this price, it`s rude not to buy... :P


RE: Sainsbury`s Selling XBOX and PS2 For £69.95

sj (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st May 2004, 09:22

There`s no details really.
Just go there and buy one.
Many seem to be sold out apparently and others are calling the branch in advance to reserve one.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Sainsbury`s Selling XBOX and PS2 For £69.95

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st May 2004, 09:49

Just been in my sainsburys superstore, xbox`s are £149.95 with 3 games and dvd remote.

I`m surrounded by Breakdancing strippers!

RE: Sainsbury`s Selling XBOX and PS2 For £69.95

dvd_vicar (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st May 2004, 09:51

Just rang my local store (Hereford) to be told the offer finished last Wednesday?

"I always told myself size wasn`t important - `til I wanted a new telly"

RE: Sainsbury`s Selling XBOX and PS2 For £69.95

moviemonster. (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 1st May 2004, 11:20

Sorry If My first post was not clear . This is what is happening yesterday After seeing the post thursday night on the dvd forums I rang around my local area I phoned the warrington branch and was told they were sold out . I then rang another local store in northwich and was told to phone the nantwich store because the northwich store does not stock consoles . Anyway phoned nantwich they had 1 xbox and 1 ps2 left so I asked them to confirm the price which was £69.95 for either console . I asked them to reserve the xbox for a later pick up . Sorted . Apparently there are alot of stall at sainsbury`s unaware of this offer and some do know about it . All I can suggest is to ring around your area . If no joy go to your local sainsbury`s and have a look at the consoles take them to the checkout and get them price checked . what you are looking for is the special edition xbox bundle with halo & midtown madness 3 on the box . or the playstation 2 on it`s own with no games . These will be priced when scaned at £69.95 even if it say`s £130.00 plus on the shelf . If still no joy then I know of people on the other forum have gone to dixons who will do a price match and also another 10% off . All they have done is explane the deal at sainsburys . Dixons ring up to confirm and then give you the same deal . I hope this helps and good luck . It looks like this deal has been running for only two days so there should still be some out there or they may get more as it seems they are selling off there old bundle stock from the warehouse .

RE: Sainsbury`s Selling XBOX and PS2 For £69.95

RAMMY007 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 1st May 2004, 12:45

Just been to kingsway sainsburys in Derby they had xboxes on the self marked up at £149.99 so i asked one of the girls if they had any left of the £69.97 xboxes she took two boxes with her one box was a limited edition wih two games the other box i think just had 1 game she checked the limited edition box first and it came up £69.97 so i brought it so if you see any xboxes at sainsburys just get them to price check it for you they had 3 xboxes left with the 1 game when i left.

RE: Sainsbury`s Selling XBOX and PS2 For £69.95

Jon_C (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st May 2004, 21:14

None in Belfast or Lisburn today when I got the customer services people to ring round. An assistant on the main Sainsbury`s customer care line also checked it out and said only a few stores had been running the offer and it was now over.

RE: Sainsbury`s Selling XBOX and PS2 For £69.95

eeyore220376 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 2nd May 2004, 14:45

I phoned up by local superstore branch this morning and asked about the special offer for the PS2. They told me they were doing this promotion for the XBOX and had some in stock. Drove down, they told me they haven`t got any in stock. So, I told them I`d driven down because someone had told me they did have them. The customer service lady phoned the electrical dept and they then let me have a £149.95 one for £69.99. Black X-Box, one controller. Included Sega GT2002 and some other crap grafitti game. I`m not sure if that was incredibly good customer service or their ploy to get rid of the old consoles. Strange but in either case, thanks to the original poster. :)


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