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Asda beer offers

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th August 2003, 19:24

Evenin` folks

My spelling might/ should/ will be affected over the next few days and if so I apologise but blame ASDA and not this poor weak mortal.

24 X 568mls cans of Stella for £20, get me a catheter and a sleeping bag.

Choagy :)

RE: Asda beer offers

kozza (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 28th August 2003, 20:20

good man... the discerning gentleman always favours a nicely chilled pint of wife-beater. the tipple of champions.

RE: Asda beer offers

SIXFINGERS (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th August 2003, 21:51

Its true ! Stella does make you wanna fight.
Michelob makes me wanna lurve.

RE: Asda beer offers

EvoUK (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 29th August 2003, 07:14

stella eater.....wife beater

RE: Asda beer offers

Urban Guerilla (Competent) posted this on Friday, 29th August 2003, 11:45

Am I the only guy who doesn`t like stella, the stuffs rotten, dodgy dodgy after taste, anyway. Is this a good deal, stella always seems to be going cheap somewhere
Peace out

RE: Asda beer offers

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th August 2003, 12:53

the stuffs rotten, dodgy dodgy after taste

I wouldn`t say you`re the only one but it is the best there is. Gorgeos taste - especially ice cold in the garden on a sunny day. Or draught in a decent ale house - but it makes you fall over too quickly ;)
Got a few cases at the weekend for £9.99 for 20 (330ml) bottles. The price of 24 seems to have crept over the £14 mark over the last couple of months..
Do people ever buy cases of beer from Tesco etc. when they`re the `full` price of around £24.99? Surely it`s just so the can then sell it at `half-price`...


RE: Asda beer offers

kozza (Competent) posted this on Friday, 29th August 2003, 13:52

talking about draught stella, it is illegal to serve it in a glass which isn`t the special stella glass. so next time this happens, enforce your consumer rights and demand a free pint! apparently interbrew want to maintain the exclusive image of stella, hence the special glass which is a contractual obligation. was told this at the interbrew graduate assessment centre so it came from the top!

RE: Asda beer offers

Vic Shears (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 29th August 2003, 15:24

I am with Urban here, Belgium probuce some of the worlds finest beers. Stella is not one of them.

Good spot for the many Stella drinker out there.

RE: Asda beer offers

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th August 2003, 15:36

Has Urban had Stella direct from the source? My local offy used to do booze cruises a lot and sold the original belgium brewed stella. It is true amber nectar of the gods and tastes dramatically different from the `brewed under license in the UK` stuff.

Give me a nice pint of becks anyday. Although stella is a close number two.

RE: Asda beer offers

Urban Guerilla (Competent) posted this on Friday, 29th August 2003, 19:39

Sweet as, no ones ever quoted me on here before, becks is nasty too. I drink anything if it`s free, but the best beer has to be Budweiser, so palatable (is that the right spelling), nice taste anyway. I haven`t had it direct from the source, because frankly I don`t know what the source is, I mean its not like a natural spring or it?
Peace out

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