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Important info on LG 32" tv from Hienergy

Sconie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 22:29

I posted the original deal on the LG 32" widescreen at £379 from, like many I was not without problems, my TV developed a high pitched noise on start up which lasted for about an hour.

When I contacted hienergy the girl told me that there has been quite a few returned with the same problem, I would therfor be able to exchange my set for another (at extra cost), having a look through the web site I saw a nice Sanyo 32" with stand at £509, this seems a good deal for anyone wanting a better quality set and a new 12 month quarantee.

I have had a quick look on the net and £509 seems a good price for the Sanyo, hope this is of some help.


RE: Important info on LG 32" tv from Hienergy

Rex Hamilton as Abraham Lincoln (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 9th January 2003, 00:40

high pitched noises are usually created by a component inside the tv vibrating at a high frequency. It is easily repairable. The repair people could fix it in a jiffy.

RE: Important info on LG 32" tv from Hienergy

abraham_love (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 9th January 2003, 09:00

Somebody throw me a bone here...

I was thinking about this LG 32" after seeing a few rave reviews on this site. At £399 inc delivery it looks like a deal. However - did this whistling happen every time you started up. I assume as other poster says it`s a repairable problem though a bit unsettling on a new TV. Also I guess not every set is affected.

Secondly - I can`t seem to find one of these in a shop just to see what it looks like - size wise etc. Also particularly this debate about flatscreen/flat tube. I want to see for my self how curved the screen is.

Any info/thoughts appreciated to save me throwing 400 quid at a donkey.

RE: Important info on LG 32" tv from Hienergy

julianf (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th January 2003, 10:31

Have to say that I`ve had no problems at all with the set itself (once I`d sussed out the settings with help from this site)...I`ve had mine approx 4mths now I think...


RE: Important info on LG 32" tv from Hienergy

Sconie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th January 2003, 11:27

The hienergy customer service rep told me about this problem whilst I was on the phone to see about a repair, every set may not be affected but she mentioned that this was a known fault, rather than take the chance I opted for the Sanyo which has just arrived, it is not as bulky the picture does auto formating (with the LG I found it irritating that it did not do this, as well as having to use the remote to switch it on) the sound is superb and if anyone is in doubt abou the LG this set is worth a look.


RE: Important info on LG 32" tv from Hienergy

happygolucky (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th January 2003, 13:26

I have the 28" version and have the following problems, can anyone tell me if they are just general problems or is my set naff.

When I turn the tv on it is in standby mode, and if you press the green button on the tv remote it does not come on, you have to press a channel button to get it to switch itself on.

Also, has anyone been able to tune in the sky remote, if so, can you let mem know the code.

RE: Important info on LG 32" tv from Hienergy

Sconie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th January 2003, 16:28

In answer to your question, no.
This was a real pain an I am so pleased with the new Sanyo, as it has none of these problems.

RE: Important info on LG 32

Natty (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th January 2003, 16:53

I have the 28" LG too and overall I`m very happy with it.

In answer to happygolucky`s question, pressing the channel button to switch on is the same with mine. (It`s also the case with my Philips video so it seems to be fairly standard).

The only downside with it is that at the side edges of the screen there`s a sort of texture/pattern that`s occasionally distracting, particularly if you`re sitting close to the screen. Does anyone else notice this?

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th January 2003, 16:55

RE: Important info on LG 32" tv from Hienergy

peteh (Competent) posted this on Friday, 10th January 2003, 20:41


What settings?

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