Info and forum posts by 'Natty'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 6th November 2002, 10:08, Last used: Wednesday, 6th November 2002, 10:08

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Proud Cyberhome Owner

This user has posted a total of 13 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: DVDSOON - Free Shipping

Currency converter not working for me either.

I`ve got LOTR TT 4 disc on preorder and the price is the same now as when I ordered.
Does anyone know if I can cancel it and reorder to benfit from the free postage?

RE: Argos & Futurama : now being honoured : 1 per customer !

I haven`t got mine either.
Emailed them and they sent back the standard:
"We have received your confirmation and are hoping to send out all orders within the next couple of week."

Hold on in there...

RE: Any good sites that sell Region 3,4,5 and 6 DVD`s?

( is great for region 4.
Quick service and good prices.
The dvd`s usually arrive less than a week after ordering.

RE: Important info on LG 32

I have the 28" LG too and overall I`m very happy with it.

In answer to happygolucky`s question, pressing the channel button to switch on is the same with mine. (It`s also the case with my Philips video so it seems to be fairly standard).

The only downside with it is that at the side edges of the screen there`s a sort of texture/pattern that`s occasionally distracting, particularly if you`re sitting close to the screen. Does anyone else notice this?

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th January 2003, 16:55

RE: Replacement 24 discs - Still Waiting!!!

Got the replacement discs at last...
BUT - neither of them are in mint condition.
Disc 6 in particular looks scuffed and scratched, like
it`s dropped on the floor.

It`ll probably still play but I`m not at all happy
as the discs I returned were spotless.

Did anyone else have this?

RE: Replacement 24 discs - Still Waiting!!!

The address is:
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Freepost 38LON20304

But don`t expect them back in a hurry.
You could phone them and ask them the turnaround time

I just called to complain about the delay and was told they`d
not been sending any out for over a week because they`d run
out of envelopes!!!

I kid you not.

Replacement 24 discs - Still Waiting!!!

Believe it or not I`m still waiting for my replacement discs 5 and 6 for the Region 2 box set of "24".

Admittedly I sent them in fairly late - I waited until some people had got them back and said they were OK. But it`s still over 5 weeks. :-(

Is anyone else still waiting?

Does anyone know a telephone number so I can get an answer from someone?

I did email them and initially got replies telling me I`d get them in a few days. When I still hadn`t got the discs I sent somewhat firmer replies and now they`re not responding.

I`m not a happy customer.

RE: Gutted....LOTR SE REG 1 from Play....they messed up and sent me wrong discs....

I had a similar thing - instead of the second disc of extras I
had another copy of the second film disc.

I get the impression the EIV had been churning these out
in a hurry!

I`d ordered from DVDplus and they were very good about it.
They sent me out a replacement copy as soon as I phoned
them. Then once it arrived I sent the original back (being an
honest soul).

RE: Has anyone got their replacement 24 discs yet?

Haven`t got mine back yet either. :-(
And I`ve nearly finished disc 4...

Here`s a reply I got from fox a while back.

-----Original Message-----
From: Fox [SMTP:xof[at]ku.oc.thgiserof]
Subject: RE: 24

We have received a huge number of returns for 24 and we are currently
working our way through opening all the post that we have received on this.

We started to send out replacement discs on the 23 October, so your
replacement discs should be with you by then end of the week or over the
weekend. If they have not arrived by that time, please get back in contact
with us and we will investigate your particular enquiry thoroughly.

Thank you and kind regards,

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

RE: LOTR Ruined!!!!!

Doesn`t work I`m afraid.

By far the largest part of the capacity of the disc
is taken up by the picture. Cramming 3.5 hours
of picture onto one disc would inevitably mean a
substantial loss of quality irrespective of the soundtracks.

Instead we have the picture encoded at a very high
bitrate giving us superb quality.

Give me that any day.

RE: LOTR Ruined!!!!!

Sorry John but you`re completely and utterly wrong - it isn`t
ruined - in fact it`s massively improved.

To answer your question "why" is simple:
there`s no currently available technology (that I knoe of) that
can fit a 3 1/2 hour movie with 4 extra sound tracks in high
quality on a single disc. When that technology is invented
I hope they`ll release LOTR:SE on that format. Until then
I`m happy with 2 discs.

If you`re so desparate for one disc buy the regular edition.
I for one am glad they produced the option of a longer
version and glad they didn`t compress it to hell to fit on a
single disc.

Anyway, can you really sit through 3 1/2 hours without a
single toilet break or getting a drink? I welcomed the chance
to stretch my legs for 5 minutes.

Some people are never pleased!

LOTR:SE Region 2 Sound Problem

I`ve just watched the region 2 extended LOTR
and I`m sure I heard sound glitches, particularly
in the music when there are sustained strings.
I was listening to the DD5.1 and 2.0 soundtracks
(I haven`t got a DTS decoder).

I read about these problems with the 2 disk edition
due to PAL pitch shifting but naively assumed they`d
fix it for the SE. Apparently not.

Has anyone else had a listen to the r.2?


RE: Play are "packing" LoTR 4-disc :-)

I received my LOTR:SE (r2) today! Hurrah!!

Ordered in advance from

Sadly I had to go to work.... :-(