Info and forum posts by 'KingAndy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 28th June 2001, 21:17, Last used: Thursday, 28th June 2001, 21:17

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 110 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.09 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Very wierd newsgroup thread

i have found something that stated something horrible would happen on the 11th. i had to click on a few things, but it was quite horribe.

RE: Are these DVD`s ever likely to appear ?

both are complete tosh and should be banned!!

RE: Schneider DVD 855 Multi Region Hack???

Id say just try the hack for the schneider 511 & 810 players. I have an 811 model and the hack was that of the 511 model. My model also seems to be macrovision free.


RE: Very wierd newsgroup thread


I read that whole thing, but whats so special about message number 7 and the date of it? It says "2001-09-12 16:34:59 PST". Am i missing something here?


RE: RW`s for under 29p each!!!

Yea, until you go to checkout, then the total order is nearly 10 quid. If i didnt know any better i`d say something funny was going on here...ah hem...dodgey dealings...


Nostradamus - Predicted WTC Terrorist attack and WW3?

It has been going around the internet that Nostradamus has predicted that of the terrorist attack on the WTC, therefore leading up to WW3. Here is the following statement i received in an email;

"In the City of God there will be a great thunder,
two brothers torn apart by chaos,
while the fortress endures, the great leader will sucumb.
The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"

If you ask me, people are just creating more fear to an already horrific event. There too vague and could mean almost anything. Different people are going to believe things. What`s not to say that these "prophecies" are just being acted out? Ask me and i say its all aloud of crap.
Feel free to add your own comments.


RE: Fight Club


R4 is cheaper than R2. However, it doesnt come in the R2 packaging, but it has 2 disks and has all the same options. I got mine from ezydvd.


RE: HMV- Free Final Fantasy extra`s dvd - Have you had yours?

Here is what i recieved from the hmv final fantasy giveaway email;

"Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within - In Cinemas Nationwide From August 10th

Welcome to the great HMV Final Fantasy promotion. We`ve teamed up with our friends at Columbia TriStar Films (UK) to bring you some exclusive offers based around the release of one of this summer`s biggest films.

We`re offering you the opportunity to get your hands on our FREE Limited Edition DVD that features the awesome theatrical trailer for Final Fantasy as well as a track from Elliot Goldenthal`s score for the film. To claim your free DVD send an email, including your name and postal address, to "mailto:1noititepmoc[at]ku.oc.vmh" class="decrypt"?subject=Final Fantasy Giveaway."

Its only when i clicked on the small print at the bottom that it takes you to the hmv rules, where in small totally f***s you over!!

Not impressed with HMV at all, and after that X-Files cock-up they can go to hell!!!


HMV- Free Final Fantasy extra`s dvd - Have you had yours?

I got an email from HMV online about a month ago saying if i emailed them back with my mailing address that i would recieve a free Final Fantasy extra`s dvd. Well, i havent heard anything and im just wondering if anyone else has got there`s.


RE: Family Guy DVD details


Stewie is the best.

I emailed eidtsumsiuol[at]moc.oohay and got a response to email eidtsumsiuol[at]ten.llauoynmad, and got a personal reply back...many hours of fun.


P.S. Mmmmmm, mmmmm, these pancakes are better than sex!!!!!!!

RE: theiving shits

Obzilla your just a cum stain duvet on the duvet of life!!!

Oh yea, and a cheap bastard too.

RE: theiving shits

I think that are great in that if by chance your dvd doesnt show up, they`ll replace it, as they did when i once placed an oder. (an R1 dvd, which has no tracking sysytem.) The point im trying to make is that i dont want play247 to stop doing this just because some schmo`s are trying to scam them. If they do decided to stop doing this service, then decent, loyal people will lose out.


RE: Terminator 2 Ultimate Edition Extras? Help!!

I think its 8,2,9,7,7 or 8,2,9,9,7 and on my dvd player i had to press ok after each number. Still dicanio, thanks again, nice little suprise.


RE: R2 Terminator

The R2 version of The Terminator has been out for ages, why would they re-make it again but in a limited edition tin? doesnt make sense.

RE: Where can i get a stepdown transformer or a UK PSU??


Can you tell me what a PSU? Also, i would be interested in a scart lead. Im also interested in buying another mega drive 2, with all leads and 2 joypads, a uk one this time. If you have any info, i`d be greatful,


Where can i get a stepdown transformer or a UK PSU??

I have an american sega mega drive (genesis) and i was told that the only way i can play it is with a stepdown transformer or a UK PSU. Does anyone know where i can get them from and how much they would cost?


RE: Terminator 2 Ultimate Edition Extras? Help!!

It has the theatrical version and the special edition. When i watched both versions, non of them had the parts where the T-1000 starts to go faulty, the garage part where they (john and sara) take the chip from Arnie`s head, when sara dreams of kile, and the part you mentioned with old sara in the park. However, it does show them all when you watch the extra`s on the other side of the disc. It it a very good dvd though, the best one i own. Hopefully, some other people will be able to help you out, as im not 100% sure though.


RE: Hollow Man!!

Thanks alot shoes. Just ordered mine! Havent actually seen this film yet, but ive heard its supposed to be great. Its actually on sky boxoffice this month, but that cost`s nearly 3 squids, so for £5.49 plus p&p, i cant complain.


Help: Rush Hour 2

My friend bought rush hour 2 (a silver) from someone at the market and im just wondering how he got it on to VCD. My friend says the picture and sound are great. The only way i can think of is that the bloke who`s selling them must have gone to the cinema with a camcorder and taped it. Even then, how do you get it onto normal 70mins 800mb cdr`s?


RE: Can scart leads be modified to disable macrovision If So HOW

Ok...i thought this sounded cool, but it doesnt actually state that it removes the macrovision.

All it says is;-
"This ingenious scart to scart video stabiliser eliminates Flashing Pictures, Colour Drop Out, Brightness Fluctuation and Muted Screen Symptoms."

Anyways, this would be a really good thing if it was true.

RE: A question about ` Flipper` disks

Yea, R1, Terminator 2:Ultimate Edition also has this option and can be confusing at first. Just follow what it says on the inner circle, just make sure its placed the right way up.


RE: At last - Macrovision hack found for schnieder/oritron/matsui dvd players!!!!

This way i can just attach the document back with the email address rather than having to type it all out again...yes im lazy.


RE: NTSC playback & backing-up problems


Cheers clayts old matey. Will email you if ever in doubt...hehe.
Also, nice site you got there.


What are the best cables to buy for my dvd player, t.v. and video?

Im just looking to buy some decent cables for my dvd player to connect to my video and t.v. I want a good quality picture etc.Therefore, can anyone give me any advice on which are the best cables around and where the best place to buy them would be.


RE: recording region 1 discs

I`ve also tried backing up my dvd`s to tape, but the R1 backups are in black and white and jump around alot. The picture on my screen is now black and white when i put the scart from the dvd plaer to the video. Whenever i put the scart straight from the dvd player to the t.v. the picture is in colour and fine. However, i`ve seen some VCR`s that both do NTSC playback and recording for £550. I dont really wanna spend this much on a new VCR. Therefore, is there any other way i can copy R1 dvd`s to tape without spending this much money? Or will a NTSC playback only VCR be fine to do this?


At last - Macrovision hack found for schnieder/oritron/matsui dvd players!!!!


I seem to have stumbled upon how to make my schneider 811 dvd player macrovision free! Therefore, it should work for other clones of that model (matsui122/oritron 800 etc..) It could also work for other models such as the schnieder 511& 810 and the oritron 600 etc. For more details email me;-


P.S. I also have an upgrade disc which fixes the problems with the terminator and dinosaur. Email me for more details.

RE: NTSC playback & backing-up problems


I guess my VCR isnt NTSC compatable. However, looking around i`ve seen some quite good deals that have NTSC playback. If i did buy one with this option, should i also make sure it has 2 scart sockets? As now when i run the scart lead through my VCR that i have now, all region 1 dvd`s are in black and white. When i run the scart from the dvd player to the t.v. the colour is fine. Do you know where the best place to buy one would be?


P.S. Clayts...could you email me back at my email address. This way if i need any more help i can email you rather than keep posting. my email: luosdesiropav[at]moc.loa

RE: Matsui 122 firmware update


I have the schneider 811 dvd player and the upgrade also works for this player. I bought mine from some kind soul on ebay, i just typed in "upgrade" in the search box and it was under oritron/schneider/matsui ..etc. I tried to email curry`s, oritron, schnedier etc, to no use. Anyways, it was worth the 5 squids and i also have a CD/RW disc Worked out great.


NTSC playback & backing-up problems


Having just found out that my dvd player is macrovision disabled (with a hack) i tried backing up some of my dvd`s to tape. This was preety good, except for when i tried to copy some R1 titles. The picture is in black and white and jumps around alot. I have upt the scart lead from the dvd player straight to my tape recorder to make the backups. However, when i put the scart lead from the dvd player to the t.v. the playback is is colour and fine, although i cant make any backups of my dvd`s this way. Anyways, could somebody please tell me if there is a way around this problem, maybe different leads and that. Any info is welcome.


RE: R2 release of Natural Born Killers?


I would say go for the T2:Ultimate Edition. I have the R1 edition with the limited edition tin. I got mine for £17.99 inc. P&P from play247. However, i hear that some players dont play it (or have trouble) as it is both dual layered and double sided. I just have to be careful when i take it out of the case. Anyways, it has loads of extra features and will no doubt be alot better than the R2 version. This is a must for any Terminator fan!
