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DVDs & Films Forum

Harry Potter DVD - Very disappointing?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th May 2002, 19:39

Hello guys and gals,

Been watching this for a few days now trying to convince myself i might like it, but for the life of me i come away each time severely disappointed and feeling short changed.
The extras are very shallow, even after you`ve found the hidden stuff, the featurette is lame at best, and the deleted scenes should have been branched into the movie.
Sound and vision are top notch, but they can`t hide a movie which is really tedious and kiddy fodder.

Anyone else feel like this?


RE: Harry Potter DVD - Very disappointing?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th May 2002, 20:19

Westy, good to see you back again, is everything OK now?

RE: Harry Potter DVD - Very disappointing?

denon (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 14th May 2002, 20:37

i never took the kids to see this in the cinema because i thought it was to long and they would get bored after an hour and a half.
my daughter decided on sunday that she would buy it with her pocket money.(mind you westy,we popped in tesco`s and they had sold out).
well i sat down with the kids to watch it and must admit i enjoyed it from start to finish (even the kids sat there from start to finish).
the extra`s are dissapointing and i have not had time yet to look for the hidden stuff.
but i personally thought the film was very enjoyable (big kid at heart).
nice to see that warner have spent time on the picture quality and must agree sound and vision are top notch.

RE: Harry Potter DVD - Very disappointing?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 00:24

The film was brilliant. Havent seen extras but they look decent. Picture could have been better. Sound was great. Above all the packaging. Warner Bros have finally opened their eyes and realised that their snapper cases are crap.

RE: Harry Potter DVD - Very disappointing?

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 06:15

The film was a load of crap. The story dragged on, none of the characters are particuarly likeable and that ending, where the guy cant touch Harry because of his parents love, was a joke.

RE: Harry Potter DVD - Very disappointing?

mikeyb (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 07:21

I thought it was just like an extended episode of the BBC`s Chronicles of Narnia, and I thought the special effects were very TV`ish if you know what I mean...........

I wasn`t that disappointed however as I have to admit I expected it to be pretty poor, I mean it only took a few weeks to make from preproduction to the finished product.

However us big kids must remember it wasn`t really made for us now was it....

I`m just glad I never paid good money to see it in the cinema, mind you the impending release of Lord of The Rings helped me to avoid it.

RE: Harry Potter DVD - Very disappointing?

Rich Goodman (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 08:40

Rumours are already surfacing of a more adult-oriented DVD (not in *that* way!) coming out one day, with more interesting extras, as the existing DVD would seem to be aimed fairly and squarely at a younger audience...

RE: Harry Potter DVD - Very disappointing?

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 11:56

The only thing that has disapointed me is the deleted scenes. Like Westy says, why couldn`t they have branched them into the movie?! I much prefer it when they do that, The Abyss for example.

I was also expecting alot more deleted scenes! There was only about 8 clips that I found (3rd floor corridor) is there anymore?

RE: Harry Potter DVD - Very disappointing?

Pertwee (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 17th May 2002, 00:26

I love the film, but the DVD is a total rip-off. Seven deleted scenes, two trailers and a 15 minute compilation of interviews do not make a two-disc set. It is outrageous that Warners are asking so much for so little. My advice is DON`T BUY IT!

Warners are rumoured to be releasing a new two-disc set at Christmas, so perhaps then we`ll get a decent making of and commentary. In the meantime, I`m going to take my disc back and get a refund on the grounds that the extras are crap.

RE: Harry Potter DVD - Very disappointing?

duder (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th May 2002, 08:11

How can it be a rip off? You have got the film. Excellent sound and video quality....

Take it you didn`t get it for £12.99 then? ;-)

This item was edited on Friday, 17th May 2002, 08:12

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