Info and forum posts by 'Thomas Manson'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 4th May 2001, 11:26, Last used: Friday, 4th May 2001, 11:26

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 12 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Mission M7DS rear speakers - conflicting advice

Thanks for the responses. Ordered a set today.


Mission M7DS rear speakers - conflicting advice

I am still looking for a resonably priced set of rear speakers to match my Acoustic Energy 109 fronts. Westy recommended the 77DS dipole speakers, but I can`t seem to find them, so I thought I would go for the m7ds ones instead, probably as part of the M72 Cinema package, as I can use the fronts in another room, and that way I get a centre speaker too.

However, when I approached Richer Sounds, they didn`t want to sell me a set, as the salesman I spoke to thinks they are terrible as they are made of plastic, and he suggested I rather look at some of the others available - but he didn`t have anything that was a good match. So, in effect, he was turning down a sale, so I don`t think he had an axe to grind.

The net result is that I am more consfused than ever. What do the rest of you think of these speakers? Do they stand being driven hard? What is their long-term performance like?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


AV Amp / Receiver for £600 - Recommendations please

I am looking to replace my current Marantz stereo amp and Yamaha sound processor with an integrated unit. I have around £600 to spend, and am looking for recommendations.

Stereo performance is more important than movies, so it must perform well musically.
Would like to have 6.1, but not essential


Marantz SR5200 vs PM-66SE KI Sig Amps

I am in the endless world of upgrades!

My lastest consideration is to get rid of my Marantz PM-66SE KI Signature stereo amp and Yamaha DSP E800 surround sound amp and replacing them with the Marantz SR5200 amp. For movies, I am sure it will give me better performance and the new formats.

However, what I don`t know is what the stereo performance is like. Music is much more important to me than movies. Anyone know these two amps? Or a retailer that will let me audition the SR5200 in my own home so that I can compare them myself?


Recommendations for flat speaker cable

I have just moved, and am looking to cable the back speakers. I don`t really want to be digging holes in the wall, but will do so if there is not other option.

What was suggested to me was to use flat cable that is stuck to the wall, and then paint over them. Anyone tried this out, and if so, what are they like? Bearing in mind this is only for the back speakers?


Aego 5 vs seperate rears and sub?

Still trying to get an idea of the best way to spend £500 - 600.

Current kit: Acoustic Energy 109 front speakers, with Marantz PM-66SE KI and Yamaha DSP-E800 amps.

I need to buy back, a centre and a sub.

Would I be better off buying something like the AE Evo centre, Yamaha YSTW320 sub (or similar) and Mission 77DS as the rears, or spend about the same on the Aego 5 without the DTS box, and keep the AE 109s for serious music? Another option would be to save a bit longer and go for the KEF KHT 2005?

Getting more confused by the day...


RE: Looking for advice on rear speakers

Thanks, Westy, I will definitely give the Missions a try.


Looking for advice on rear speakers

I am trying to decide what back speakers to get, and would appreciate any comments or suggestions.

I have a Yamaha DSP E800 & Marantz PM-66SE as the amps, and a pair of Acoustic Energy 109 floorstanders as the front speakers. Currently I don`t have a sub or centre.

I need to be able to wall mount the rears.

My short list currently includes the Acoustic Energy Compact speakers, which may be well matched, the Mordaunt Short 302 (from the Premier set) and the egg-shaped KEFs, from the KHT2005 range.


RE: in movies are great

I use them all the time, and have never had any problems. Highly recommended and great value. It is a bit of pot luck as to which DVD you get, but that is not a problem usually.

RE: Picture moves right to left on Toshiba SD100E

It looks like it is an fault with the TV. Whatever I attach to the TV in Scart 1 using RGB, then scart two has the problem. I tried it with Sky, and it showed the same problem. Guess I will just live with it.

Thanks for the help.

Picture moves right to left on Toshiba SD100E

I have a Toshiba SD100E connected to a Goodmans 28" TV via the RGB Scart on the TV (Scart 1). My satelite TV is connected to Scart 2 on the TV. If the DVD is on, I can`t watch satelite TV at all - all I get is the DVD output moving right to left when I set the TV to Scart 2. Turn off the DVD, and the picture is fine. Watching the DVD is fine on Scart 1.

Any ideas how I can fix this?

Toshiba SD-100E vs Sony DVP335/6

Anyone got any thoughts on the difference between these two players? The cost is around £20 difference - which means it is not a factor. I would like to buy one soon, and would appreciate any thoughts.
