dicanio(Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th March 2002, 19:09
I have heard mixed reviews about this company but took a chance. I joined late thursday night, got my first pair of discs on saturday, sent them back monday morning my next 2 discs have been despatched today. With any luck i should get them tommorow So thats 4 films in less than a week i will see for the what now seems like a bargain £15 a month. I didnt get AI today which was on top of my list but thats probably because of the high demand but i should get it next time. Did get parole officer though which is a new release.
RE: in movies are great
Thomas Manson(Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 12:45
I use them all the time, and have never had any problems. Highly recommended and great value. It is a bit of pot luck as to which DVD you get, but that is not a problem usually.