Page 1 of Aego 5 vs seperate rears and sub?

Hardware Forum

Aego 5 vs seperate rears and sub?

Thomas Manson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 13th May 2002, 13:23

Still trying to get an idea of the best way to spend £500 - 600.

Current kit: Acoustic Energy 109 front speakers, with Marantz PM-66SE KI and Yamaha DSP-E800 amps.

I need to buy back, a centre and a sub.

Would I be better off buying something like the AE Evo centre, Yamaha YSTW320 sub (or similar) and Mission 77DS as the rears, or spend about the same on the Aego 5 without the DTS box, and keep the AE 109s for serious music? Another option would be to save a bit longer and go for the KEF KHT 2005?

Getting more confused by the day...


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