Page 1 of Picture moves right to left on Toshiba SD100E

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Picture moves right to left on Toshiba SD100E

Thomas Manson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 6th May 2001, 09:12

I have a Toshiba SD100E connected to a Goodmans 28" TV via the RGB Scart on the TV (Scart 1). My satelite TV is connected to Scart 2 on the TV. If the DVD is on, I can`t watch satelite TV at all - all I get is the DVD output moving right to left when I set the TV to Scart 2. Turn off the DVD, and the picture is fine. Watching the DVD is fine on Scart 1.

Any ideas how I can fix this?

RE: Picture moves right to left on Toshiba SD100E

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th May 2001, 11:22

Sounds like channel interference which can happen.

Dunno about Skydigi, but certainly on Ondigi you can alter the RF channel on the digibox. I had serious interference between my analogue signals and Ondigi, so by tweaking the RF channel from 21 to 23 all of these problems vamoosed.

The other thing to check is how you`ve got stuff wired up (do you have your Sammy connected to your VCR, and likewise your digibox connected to your VCR - this could make a difference)

Also check that the Skydigibox is set to Composite output, not RGB (I assume that Scart 2 is not RGB enabled on your telly).

Let me know whether any of this makes any difference. Probably not, but you have to experiment !

RE: Picture moves right to left on Toshiba SD100E

Thomas Manson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 8th May 2001, 04:31

It looks like it is an fault with the TV. Whatever I attach to the TV in Scart 1 using RGB, then scart two has the problem. I tried it with Sky, and it showed the same problem. Guess I will just live with it.

Thanks for the help.

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