Page 1 of Marantz SR5200 vs PM-66SE KI Sig Amps

Hardware Forum

Marantz SR5200 vs PM-66SE KI Sig Amps

Thomas Manson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st June 2002, 14:50

I am in the endless world of upgrades!

My lastest consideration is to get rid of my Marantz PM-66SE KI Signature stereo amp and Yamaha DSP E800 surround sound amp and replacing them with the Marantz SR5200 amp. For movies, I am sure it will give me better performance and the new formats.

However, what I don`t know is what the stereo performance is like. Music is much more important to me than movies. Anyone know these two amps? Or a retailer that will let me audition the SR5200 in my own home so that I can compare them myself?


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