Info and forum posts by 'pointy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 10th January 2001, 18:00, Last used: Wednesday, 10th January 2001, 18:00

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: whats the best picture and sound possible

This user has posted a total of 38 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

sharp dv740h please help with a hack

can anyone tell me how to hack this player, i,ve been told that you need to do it wiith a cd with new software is this true. Is so where can i down load the software

thanks for any help

A.I as steaming pile of POO

just watched this film and it is dross one of the worst films i have seen in a long time

don,t waste your money on it

grundig gvd620ht home cinema advice please

anyone got this system, whats it like i am thinking of getting my brother it for his 40th as his first venture into HC.

also wheres the cheapest on line.Ive seen it in dixons for £199 but i dint want to buy it off them as i have had poor service in the past

any help would be great



woolworths have this cheap home cinema dvd player / amp speakers for sale.Does any one know a hack for it as i want to get my brother one, or any info on what they are like



set up discs

just used a set up disc to set my system up, i have lowered the contrast , and brightness alot, looked too dark to start with but i am use to it know , although i still can,t help thinking some scenes are just too dark is this right should they be low al the bumf on the discs says they should be

RE: Recommendation for full surround sound dvd system

if you can strech to £700 try the new denon dvd700 i think it is it gets great reviews comes with nxt speakers and dvd/ampcombined

i got the denon avr-f100 with nxt speakers with dvd and amp seperate he sound is awesome the unit isn,t large and bulky and the speakers just disappear into the room

RE: Philips multi region hack using one for all remote

if its not one of those mentioned in the hack then i am not sure if you can use it i used the 7560 ithink borrowed it from a m8 ( ithink there are only 2 types of one4all that work

try the one 4 all site i know there are downloads to upgrade certain types od remotes

how about the setup did you get the pw9536 if so how do you find it any problems or any tips on set up



RE: Philips multi region hack using one for all remote

i have the 958 and have hacked it using this remote, its works fine

the 0539 is to allow the all4one to operate your dvd player

the 085 is what allows you into the engineers part to hack it
a set of dashes appears and you then enter the hack
there is 1 less dash than there is numbers for the hack but don,t worry enter the last digit and it accepts it

try the link bellow for full details

did you get the 958 as a package with the pw9536 tv if so what do you think i would be interested to hear how you have it set up


i have the 958 did you buy it on its own or as part of the deal with pw9536c

if so how do you find it , or do you have any hints or tips on how to get the best picture etc.i have mine set to natural motion all the time i find this gives the best picture although from time to time i do notice some pivelation problems

i have the Pw9536c the 958dvd and i run it throught the amp and nxt speakers that came with the denon avf-100 hc kit ( sold the dvd player from the hc kit to a mate) .

makes a very neat set up

RE: philips dvd can i remove the hack

its a sound problem

after i hacked it the centre channel sound seems to be a lot lower than all the rest . i have resorted to lowering channel levels on all channels and turning up to near full the centre channel,
what should the channel levels be set at

i know some discs are bad for this but i have tried

T2 r1 not bad
swordfish r1 not bad

Jeepers creepers r1 not too bad

tomb raider r2 awfull

i don,t know if i ts me being paranoid or if the hack has done somthing , don,t think its the amp as music, sky etc etc all sound fine

RE: Egg chasers - who will win Six Nations this year then ?

this insn,t rugby

rugby league is proper rugby no kick and clap here

haven for the NFP

philips dvd can i remove the hack

i have a problem with my system thats seems to appeared since i hacked my dvd, through a process of ilimination i am narrowing it down

is it possible to unhack my player to its orginal state to see if the problem is still there

any help please

having sound problems can anyone please help

as mentioned i i have sound problem and can,t solve it.

When i noramlly listen to dvds i use my amp and mute the TV sound

recentley i have been noticing that the(speech) sound in general fom the centre channel seemed low.

so while watching swordfish i alternated between my amp centre channel and my tv sound playing all centre channel sound

the sound from the tv had much more background to it and i could hear things that were not ther when coming through the amp the speec levels were better and generally ab better center channel sound

My thoughts about the problem are as follows

could i have a faulty speaker ( seems ok with the test tones)

or i recentley hacked my dvd its a philips ( using the standard philips hack) do i need to do somthing else in the set up menu

could it be my channel levels i have played around with them to no avail

Any help or advice would be great , i have just got 5 new dvds but don,t want to watch them until i get this sorted.

my system

philips DVD958
denon AVR-F100 amp
denon NXT flat panel speakers

sound on TOMB RAIDER

i thought after hacking my player i had done something wrong to it.
but having read reviews and just watch the movie it is no my player it is the sound on tomb raider

anyone else found that the levels are all wrong

i think it is the worst DD dvd i have

the music score is too loud compared too the speech, and the effects sound numb
a pile of rc[at]p that has cused me too spend 2 days playing around with my set up thinking it was my system that was at fault

anyone else found this or is it old news

its all gone a bit pete tong

i need help

now i know its not me just being paranoid

i hack my phillips dvd about 2 weeks ago

since then i have been have sound problems

on tomb raider r2 the bullets sound dull the music score is very loud and to hear the speech at a decent volume i have to turn up the centre speaker and turn the others down slightly

on T" r1 its the oppsite the speech and effects sound fine but the score sounds muffled

any suggestion as it is P**ing me off , i have done the test tone and all speakers appear to be fine and all the lights on my dvd say it is out putting right

i have even resorted to leaving the tv volume on to here the speech, is not the discs as i have tried them else where

is this a down side to the hack

my system

philips DVD958
denon AVR-F00 amp
denon NXT speakers

please help me sort this out before my new region1 discs arrive from box office

RE: Philips hack / is it supposed to be like this

so how about some help is it supposed to be like this

come on steve from dvdc***s you must know the answer to this

thanks for any and i mean any help

Philips hack / is it supposed to be like this

I recentley used the one4all hack for my philips958(same as957)

everything seemed fine until today when i was watching r1 T2 judgement day
now i don,t know if the disc is supposed to be like this but i have tried it in DD and DTS and in certain parts of the film the background music seems very muted compared to the speech and effects sounds going on around them

when cyberdine blows up and arnie leaves the lift to get the swat van. the gunshots and bulets sounds are rattling aroun the room but the music seems very quiet and very much in the background

I have tried the test tones on my amp and all speakers appear to be fine, and my dvd displays that it is outputing correctley

could this be a result of the hack or is the disc just like this

any comments or views that could put my mind at rest welcomed

RE: kennie

how can i email you or can you post the link to the site


some one please answer this

denon dvd players can they be hacked to multi region

if so can the player in the av-f100 be hack

does any one have any links to sites with hacks for denon players

please help before my head explodes

RE: denon please some one give me a clue

please please please some one tell me if they can be hacked

denon please some one give me a clue

Can denon players be hack , a friend has the avr-f 100 mini system player and wants to hack it, can anyone help even if its just to say they need to go under the bonnet to do it

This item was edited on Wednesday, 23rd January 2002, 22:35

RE: Having Probs With Phillips 957

i have the dvd 958 which is the same machine just a diffrent colour. the hack worked fine for me and the remote was no problem, try the link below for full instructions.
Once the hack is in it is a whole new ball game just got T2 on r1 loads and loads of extras including dts whic is awesome

Picture quality is it just me

watching bbc1 ch4 movie channels etc through sky digital i used to get a cracking picture really clear no blocking or pictures distortion.
Since sky took ITV on board the picture quality on bbc1/2 itv ch4 and other channels has become very blocky while the movie channels /sky sports have remained as good as they were before.Is this just me or has anyone else noticed this.

is my dts working

my dvd player has a dd decoder built in but has dts output only
when watching a dd disc the digital surround display lights up as do all the speaker displays

yet for dts only the digital surround lights up

is this as there is no decoder it just outputs it and my amp decodes it or should ther speakers be light to indicates it is working ok

i know this sounds rc[at]p buts its the best way i have of explaining it

i am getting sound when dts plays and my amp displays dts

RE: Does the umbilical cable (or the sub) in the Denon AV-F100 do any thing special?

yes i have done the test tone and it seems ok the sub certainley has a rumble too it.

i haven,t realy played with the other settings , i am waiting for my gladiator disc to arrive so i can check out what dts is like, it says the LFE should be set to +10db for dts so i am going to try it and play around with it on dts

i am like you can,t tell much of a difference with films so i think i will leave it on default for know

RE: Does the umbilical cable (or the sub) in the Denon AV-F100 do any thing special?


how have you got the speakers set up
i have left in on default for all except the sub

front large
centre small
surrounds small
sub on main+

this seems to be the best for me
one thing i have noticed is that (and this may be the discs not the system) is the for example U571 volume was around 44 and that was loud, yet on toy story 2 i have to have it on about 35 before it is to loud
have you found this and is it as i suspect just the different discs
any other good little tweaks you found i would be gratefull for.

i am using my philips dvd player with it as it has rgb scart, i sold the denon player that came with it to my mate and he is more than happy with the picture have you found it


RE: Does the umbilical cable (or the sub) in the Denon AV-F100 do any thing special?

nathan let me know how you get on and if you try different cables what it is like.

i have just watched U571 and the sound was amazing . the scenes with the depth charges going off, the rumble felt like an earthquake in my front room.And when the submarine went to 200 meters and started to break up the corners of my room were creaking and steaming

i was impressed , to be honest for such a small unit and small speakers i am suprised how good it actually is and the front /back seperation is A1

RE: Does the umbilical cable (or the sub) in the Denon AV-F100 do any thing special?

i think you can connect the speakers straight to the amp as it has terminals for them.

i have just go one of these systems and i am still playing around getting it set up to my liking

i am so far very impressed with the sound quality , and thenxt speaker just disappear into my living room the sub has a fair old kick too it

what is your views on it so far

got mine fromm hifi bitzz £999 please don,t tell me i was stung

do s video carry sound

do the ixos s- video leads carry sound

sorry but i am a bit thick

RE: help with an amp

cheers for that gazza it sounds like just what i have been looking for and at the right price
