Info and forum posts by 'spaceyswirls'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 10th January 2005, 17:27, Last used: Friday, 4th November 2005, 16:13

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 63 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Woman banned from Sainsburys for eating a 5p sweet and not paying for it.

I say worse in that you have deliberately defaced a packet and made in unsellable to others.

This is a good point.
An old woman came into my shop and as we were watching her she ripped the page out of a music book put the damaged book back on the shelf then proceeded to walk out of the door with the ripped out paper.
The thing was she was quite old and it was hard to get really angry with her beacause she tried to play dumb, although I did get my money in the end.

RE: Bird Flu

Do some of us not have mad cow disease in our brain that will awaken in like ten years, I`am sure I read that a few years ago but its seems to be all but forgoten.

RE: Another significant minimum wage increase

As I own a small business it is a worry to me that the minimum wage keeps on rising. I don`t disagree with it and at the moment my staff get more than the minimum, but nobody seems to think about the employers.
I don`t really know what I`ll do if it keeps on rising but I will probably start to have more part-timers or jobshares, so surely this is probably happening already and technically this can`t be good for the workers.

RE: Cinema Rage

In the cinemas defence the seats are really far apart ( there grouped in two`s ) , I think theres only about 60-70 seats in the whole cinema.

Anyway point taken and if your there at the same time as me I promise not to eat any nachos although I might clink my stella bottles just to rile you up. :D

RE: Cinema Rage

You try to tell people about a nice cinema then all of a sudden you have scummy behaviour ,are selfish and appear to be labelled into some sort of category of people.

No wonder there`s so many arguments in the world!

RE: Cinema Rage

You and you`re sort are the reason I don`t go to the cinema much any more

My sort, did I hit a nerve there.

Anyway the hot cheese softens up the nachos so we don`t bother your sort of people. ;)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th September 2005, 12:59

RE: Need help finding company details for copyright reasons.

You could try the Musicians Union or the Perfoming Rights Society ( ).
The PRS are really helpful getting money to the right place.

RE: Cinema Rage

I stopped going to the cinema until the VUE cinema in Edinburgh had Gold Class seats.
Its over 18s and you get waiter service. We always get a big ice bucket of stella and our nachos served on a plate, not to mention the really comfy seats you get and loads of legroom.

I`am sure its only a couple of quid more than the ordinary cinema but I would quite happily pay more.

Best cinema ever and no coagy scum

RE: Guitar question?

You can change the strings over but more than often you`ll have to change the top nut and the intonation on the saddles at the bottom of the guitar will be out so the guitar will always be slightly out of tune.
I own a guitar shop so if you want a good deal on a lefty I`ll email you a few models and prices if you want.

RE: What`s Your Phobia?

The underneath of boats.

That scene in Titanic had me hiding behind the sofa!

RE: The Poll Thread!!!!

Mines is about to go up to 4mb at the end of the month from 1mb and my mate who has 4mb is going up to 10mb!!

RE: My prediction look like it is coming true.

Its tough times owning a shop these days, but I don`t really feel that bad when these internet people go under, and by no way do I say that in a nasty way but I just don`t understand how these companies expect to last on the tiny profit margins they make.
I know the consumer gets a great bargain but its not so hot when the shop shuts down 3 months into your warranty.

I always feel the smaller shops care a great deal more about their customers .

RE: ebay question


I`am an ebay virgin and stupidly sold the item in my shop whilst not realising I had no more in stock.

ebay question

Does anybody know how to delete one of the items that you are selling, there has been no bids on it.

Any help would be much appreciated

RE: School Holidays?

All respect to school teahers these days ( well, all the good ones ).

I supply the local schools in my area and most of the time there phoning me at 5.30 and 6 at night with their orders.Not only that most of them buy stuff with their own money as the local council gives them the bare essentials to run the classes.

RE: Band of Brothers tin

My girlfriend gave it to me for christmas 2 years ago (I think) in the tin box, its really nice packaging but don`t think about it just buy it its a brilliant series and had both of us in tears by the end.

RE: STAR WARS: EPISODE 3 Anticipation Thread (SPOILERS!!!)

Thanks chewie I`am not really into star wars bashing its much better to talk to the real fans with all the little niggles.

RE: STAR WARS: EPISODE 3 Anticipation Thread (SPOILERS!!!)

I`am not going to go banging on about the loose ends as I think most things got tiedup pretty good but why do you think Luke whilst on dagobah said "There`s something familiar about this place".

One more thing, you know how there are only meant to be two siths (master/apprentice) where does Dooku fit into this or was he still meant to be a jedi in TPM and became the apprentice in AOTC.

This item was edited on Monday, 23rd May 2005, 19:12

RE: Billy Piper Jumps Ship from Doctor Who

Does the Doctor not always get a new companion every time he regenerates?

RE: STAR WARS: EPISODE 3 Anticipation Thread (SPOILERS!!!)

Just after the big crash at the start, Pappatine Annakin and obi wan are about to dock in the 3 floored space dock thing to meet the senate people you see the falcon docking at the same time.

RE: STAR WARS: EPISODE 3 Anticipation Thread (SPOILERS!!!)

I really enjoyed it apart from cineworld cinemas crapy projectors (thats the last two films I`ve seen that went in and out of focus).
Does anyone know if there`s a good THX good projector cinema around Glasgow and Edinburgh?

Did everyone see the millenium falcon.

This item was edited on Friday, 20th May 2005, 12:48

Finally Set the Date

After a year od being engaged me and my partner have finally set our wedding day.
May the 19th 2007 will officialy be the date I`ll will be married and totally and utterly skint!

I really can`t beleive how much a wedding costs considering its all blown on one day and the fact that I`ve already agreed to pay a third of it.

However, I must admit I can`t wait and after seeing the place were going to tie the knot I`am getting quite excited but with it being two years away I`am sure the next two yars of my life will just be filled with wedding talk.

RE: How to get off with 159 mph...

I would hope that police officers undergo more strict driving tests than ordinary motorists so perhaps a higher speed limit for them is acceptable

Yeh driving at 84mph in a 30 is alright if your a copper with an advanced driving leicence under your belt.

RE: Star Wars viewing

can you buy the second clone wars on dvd yet?

Star Wars viewing

My girlfriend asked me if we were going to have to watch all the Star wars films this weekend before the cinema next week, which is I thought was`nt a bad idea.

Are you supposed to watch episodes 456 then 123 or 12 go to the cinema for 3 then 456 next weekend

I know the purists would say watch it the way it was made, but if you were going to watch having never seen it before do you not think it would be better watching it 1-6.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 17:19

RE: My new pet hate

I still like,

Manoeuvre, look, signal.

You can`t beat the old favourites.

RE: EErrr! Hello DVD Reviewer - don`t you know that Judaism is a pretty big religion!! not in your p

If someone did or did not have proof of the existance of a God do you think we would be able to continue they way we live.

Imagine the way the world would go if the beleivers were given absolute proof that there is no God. I beleive this would be the way the world would end, and also the reason why we will never know or will ever be told.

There would also be a massive power strugle between man if God also let us know that he exists. We have a hard enough time getting along with our fellow man never mind an all knowing creation maker.

This item was edited on Monday, 9th May 2005, 18:19

RE: ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!

Yeh it was a joke, but still scarey.

You can just imagine the Americans dying to get their hands on something like that.

RE: ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!

ta for the link

I`am crap at the computer



I`am scared now.