Info and forum posts by 'Tom Kearney'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 19:19, Last used: Monday, 14th February 2011, 10:33

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 31 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

SONY KV-32FX66 any reviews


I am considering buying this TV but I would like some opinions from anyone who may have one or if someone can point me in the direction of a review I would really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot,


RE: on9dvd The Two Towers?

I don`t think it`s ridiculous to highlight these gangsters (if that`s what they are)
I`m sure that HMV would say it is ridiculous to think that you can purchase DVD`s half price in Canada but their still legit!


on9dvd The Two Towers?


Has anyone used these before
They seem to have some DVD`s at very good prices and have even emailed me to say they have The Two Towers available now!
Are they genuine DVD`s? A freind has received some dvd`s from them and I played monsters inc on my player, it worked fine. They do come in lightweight slips but you can track your order etc.

Thanks for any help,


RE: Do Not Buy From Scan

Has anyone else had problems getting refunds from SCAN?

RE: Do Not Buy From Scan

Well, I was told I would have a shipping refund a week ago and would you believe no refund! emailed aner[at]ku.oc.nacs ( I hope I typed the email address correctly) twice.

Aaa well, I must be just unlucky as other people on this forum seem to think SCAN are the best thing since sliced DVD players.

RE: Do Not Buy From Scan

Good man Clayts taking up for Scan again.
If you call Scan from Ireland approx 20 times and wait on the line for 5-10 minutes each time I think this can work out quite expensive, what do you think?

On the matter of my email bouncing, I emailed Nilesh 5 times with no reply. I went on to their email help system 3 times at which point I would have had to type my email wrong 3 times! I don`t think so.

This is all without going into my DVD saga which believe me is too painful.

Any more questions Clayts?

RE: Do Not Buy From Scan

I`d like to think i`m a reasonable guy. That`s why I gave them a second chance(I bought a DVD player and had a similar problem) and this happened. It`s great that nelly has offered to refund my shipping but should a customer have to resort to a bulletin board to receive a decent level of service?

I have spent probably the best part of £20 on telephone calls before I got through to someone.


Do Not Buy From Scan

This may not be the forum for this but ....... do not buy from SCAN
I bought an item for £70. + £30 delivery to Ireland.
Item did not work.
Delivered back to SCAN with RMA Paid another £30 delivery.
2 weeks later no sign of replacement. Web site indicated replacement approved.
Called SCAN and they said my credit card was re-embursed £70 as item was no longer available.
I am down £60 shipping through no fault of my own.
SCAN`s response. Tough!

Toshiba SD-220E any reviews?

Anyone know if this is a good player? Is it worth getting ahead of the SD-210E?



RE: Connection problems - help needed!

I have exactly the same problem connecting my Toshiba SD-220E to my Toshiba 28`` TV.Both are specified to have Scart RGB but I get this wavy screen as if it needs to be tuned. Is there such a thing as a reversed scart cable for this connection?For example pin 7 is specified as a blue input yet both pin connectors have the pin 7 connected together. Should it not be like the `Video Out pin 17` which is connected to the `Video In pin 18??

Thanks for any help,


RE: scan v sony picture quality?

I have a scan that works and no blue shadowing but just wanted the comparison.

Thanks for the second reply Iain M (much more constructive than the one before!)


scan v sony picture quality?


Am I the only one who thinks picture quality is the most important feature of a dvd player? I hear a lot about mp3,vcd,dts etc but surely if the picture quality is crap then these issues are not that important. I say this because I have not yet heard any reasons from a picture quality point of view as to why you would buy a sony/branded over a scan! Has anyone actually compared the picture quality of both? I would be interested in the results. For example is the bit rate faster on a sony compared to a scan. Is pixellation worse on a scan?

Thanks for any help with this.

RE: Built in Digital Decoder..Advantages?

Thanks, great answer and I believe I understand now. It seems to me that it has some advantage to people who have a Prologic TV.


RE: Built in Digital Decoder..Advantages?

Thanks clayts but I don`t think this answers my question.I was asking what advantage is a built in decoder that does NOT have the six outputs of which there are many i.e SCAN. I can see at least some advantage if the decoder has six outputs as you can connect it directly ( without purchasing an external decoder) to an amplifier that has the six inputs.

The reason I ask this is that I was told by Videologic that the SC2000 has NOT got a dolby digital decoder built in as it does not have the six outputs. So again what advantage is the digital decoder in the scan without the six outputs.

Sorry to go on about this but I would just like to satisfy my curiosity.

Thanks again

Hollow Man SCAN problem


I have an sc2000 firm ver 1.92 It seems to play most regions having modified it for multiregion but when I try to play my region 1 hollow man it comes up with a message saying this can only be played on an UNMODIFIED region player! Is this some sort of new protection that the disk checks for modified region players? If so are we all screwed?

Would a firmware update solve this?

Thanks for any help,


RE: Where is my SC2000!!!!!!!


Your tracking system shows my RMA 24835 as not recieved yet! I sent it by overnight courier last week. Can you tell me when I will get my replacement please.


RE: Where is my SC2000!!!!!!!

Thank you Nelly.


Where is my SC2000!!!!!!!

I have read in another thread from Nelly that the Jan 5th batch are gone!

I sincerly hope you are joking Nilesh! I have been waiting for over a month now for my replacement sc2000 and have only managed to get an rma number the day before yesterday ( RMA 24835 ). This after so many emails I lost count so many phone calls I dread to see my next bill will be. I will be irate of I find out I was told to send my dodgy player back only to find out I will not get a replacement for another 2 weeks!

Please respond.

RE: Is January 5th Scan OK?

I sincerly hope you are joking Nilesh! I have been waiting for over a month now for my replacement sc2000 and have only managed to get an rma number the day before yesterday ( RMA 24835 ). This after so many emails I lost count so many phone calls I dread to see my next bill will be. I will be irate of I find out I was told to send my dodgy player back only to find out I will not get a replacement for another 2 weeks!

Please respond.

RE: SCAN SC-2000 January 5th Batch

Nelly ,I have emailed you my details. Please expedite my player as I am really p***ed off. I am sorry if I sound like a moan but I have been waiting a long time now for my replacement.

Tom Kearney

RE: SCAN SC-2000 January 5th Batch

I am glad to see Nelly replying to other threads but as of yet I STILL have not had any communication about a drop and pick for my poor quality machine! Please pleeeeese tell me when you are sending my replacement machine. I have already sent you enough emails.

RE: SCAN SC-2000 January 5th Batch

You did say TODAY! Nelly, as in the 5th Jan 2001? It`s just that it is now the 8th and I have been waiting for over a month!


SCAN SC-2000 January 5th Batch

Does anyone know if these will arrive today? I could email Nelly of course but as he has not replied to 3 emails asking for an RMA number for my dodgy unit I think that may be a little optimistic.
It is interesting to see Nelly replying on this forum though. It makes you wonder why he cannot find the time to issue a simple email reply to paying customers.

I live in hope!



I am happy to report a response from Nelly. He said he will replace my faulty unit with one from the 5th Jan batch.
Here`s hopin.


Well it`s that day the 5th of Jan when the new batch of SC-2000`s are supposed to arrive. As I have had no response from Nelly regarding a Returns number for my dodgy SCAN I was wondering if anyone else knew if this shipment will actually make it?
BTW Nelly if you are looking at this forum why are you doing that ahead of replying to my emails? It was no fun watching a sub standard picture over the holiday period.


This item was edited on Friday, 5th January 2001, 09:32

RE: Scan response to mail and posts ??

I have the same problem. It seems to me that he will only respond if the answer is easy or in some way will improve SCAN`s credability. I would guess no response is issued to faults that could justify replacing a number of machines.
Of course some people say phone SCAN but I do not have the money to spend an hour at long distance rates listening to xmas carols!

I for one will not give up and if I do not have a response soon I will take it to a higher authority.


How many people have the same problem??
It would be an interesting survey.


Nelly, I do not need this firmware but I would love a reply to my emails please

RE: SCAN Bad playback, what can I do?

It seems crazy that Scan do not have a policy on this. It could save them a lot of grief if they came clean and said they were not going top do anything about these older machines. I for one will not be letting this go until I get some form of response!

Come on Nelly at least try to be professional. What about an automated response to let people know the standard turnaround time of an email query. Is this too technically taxing for Scan or have you no intension of ever replying?

SCAN Bad playback, what can I do?

I bought a SCAN sc-2000 in August. I have noticed the playback is very poor i.e blocky pixels in darker or shaded areas. My question is am I entitled to a replacement or is this the sort of poor quality I have to expect from this machine. Can this be resolved with a replacement firmware chip as I dont believe mine is upgradable.

I have already emailed this guy Nelly ( obviously not of the Elephant variety as he cannot seem to remember me emailing him twice!!)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

RE: Scan DVD Player!!!!!! Help


I have a sc-2000, I bought it in October. Do you know if this is the crappy one or one of the good ones. How do I check? I have noticed some artifacts but only on some dvd`s.I put this down to bad quality dvd`s.

Thanks for any help,
