Info and forum posts by 'armageddon'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 5th December 2004, 11:18, Last used: Monday, 25th July 2005, 05:57

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 30 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: BONUS has started baby bashing again

Some people need to get a grip its only a game, sound like a broken record? Hell yeah so as long as the same tune is being played.

Armageddon: The New Breed is born

Come and challenge Armageddon: The New Breed, he`s bottom of the league at the moment, as he`s only just be created, so come and pit yourself against the legend to be. :)

Come and challenge Armageddon Again!

Yes folks my old gremlin died in the night, so come and challenge my latest creature Armageddon Again!


How many times do I have to tell people to chill out on here? Who cares? Its only a game!! Do you guys/girls take life this seriously away from the `net as well?

RE: my retirement

Come on children its only a game. Get over yourselves.

An open challenge

My old gremlin passed away last night, so a new one has been born:

Son of Armageddon

Come on and challenge him if you dare. :D

RE: What a good day for fights!

C`mon so who want`s to challenge the current no 5 in the table before he dies?

RE: free challneges give away

You could challenge me:

Armageddon V: No Holds Barred

Strength: 967
Stamina: 1004
Dexterity: 1001

You might get creamed but its all about getting those XP points. :)

RE: Armageddon IV: The Revenge

C`mon you wimps. :p

Armageddon IV: The Revenge

Armageddon III is now kicking ass in the after life so come on you wimps come and take on Armageddon IV: The Revenge. :D

RE: C`mon you wimps

If its still alive:

Strength: 1143
Stamina: 1438
Dexterity: 1512

C`mon you wimps

I`m spoiling for a fight, step into the ring if you think you`re hard enough, grrrrr. :D


Can someone investigate the adverts on this site. One of them appears to be timing out, in Firefox I keep getting an alert dialogue box "Document contains no data" and it is starting to get annoying.

Armageddon III

Alas poor Armageddon II has passed away, but wipe away the tears, Armageddon III has just been born and is accepting challenges from the brave.

So bring it on and see what you`re made of. :)

RE: What`s wrong with the new code

flobble thats what it goes on the number of rounds won.

RE: Fight Odds

That`s why it states use them as a guide only. ;)

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Owner is
Strength: 742
Stamina: 883
Dexterity: 822
Likes bacon and egg sandwiches, surfs the internet in his spare time, trains to Poison - Alice cooper
Dislikes Britney spears
Age: R.I.P.
Won: 198
Drawn: 0
Lost: 300
Challenges Waiting: 0

This item was edited on Friday, 31st December 2004, 00:22

RE: New "Health Meter"

Well I got totally trounced by our friendly neigbourhood admin. :p

RE: Thousands Die In S.E & E Asia Tsunamis - Not one thread yet?

Whats the point in re-hashing what`s already been plastered all over the news, maybe people have already commented on it in different places?

RE: Umm, what the??????

I would reckon that your stats come in to play.

RE: Am i the only gremlin who has the highest number of wins compared to least amount of losses?

If you don`t like the way it is being run, why are you playing?

It goes on score, it doesn`t matter whether 100+ losses looks good or not. So a football team has 15 losses in a season, they shouldn`t appear in the table because it doesn`t look attractive?

Give me a break, some of you need to lighten up.

RE: Why create a gremlin if you are not going to bother fighting?

This is to The original 42%er,

Believe me when I say people will forget. Look at the amount of people who get reported to their ISPs for spamming, when it turns out that the person who has reported them for spamming had subscribed to that person`s mailing list in the first place and had forgotten.

Why do think we have diaries, PDAs and post-it notes? To make a note of stuff that we would otherwise forget. :)

I love cracking gremlins skulls and winning, but it still remains fun. :)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 22nd December 2004, 17:09

RE: Why create a gremlin if you are not going to bother fighting?

Have you ever thought people may create gremlins, get sidetracked with something else and forget that they signed up?

The whole world doesn`t revolve around this site. :)

Just ignore those with 0 fights, it isn`t the end of the world, this is supposed to fun after all.

RE: Please God Challenge me! Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please!

"You are through to God, I`m not available to take your challenge at the moment, please leave your name, number and a brief message after the tone." BEEP... :)

League Table

For some reason 63rd place has been missed off the table.


Stop ducking my challenges, frightened that I may just beat you? :D

RE: In the event of a tie

Tiddly winks in the car park? :D

In the event of a tie

I`ve just noticed at the top of the rankings, there are 2 gremlins tied on score, how was it determined which gremlin came out on top?

RE: Who`s working over Christmas :( :(

I`m not working, used all my remaining annual leave, finished yesterday and return to work on the 4th January. :D