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BONUS has started baby bashing again

walrus2106 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th July 2005, 14:47

Owner is
bonus walrus2106

Strength: 965 Strength: 182
Stamina: 1200 Stamina: 1000
Dexterity: 701 Dexterity: 995

He then chooses to hit harder, whats the point? It just makes his win loss stats look good, I`ll refuse in future and I normally accept ALL challenges

This item was edited on Thursday, 7th July 2005, 15:50

RE: BONUS has started baby bashing again

Magical Mau (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 7th July 2005, 15:12

He never STOPPED `baby bashing`! and he always hits harder.

RE: BONUS has started baby bashing again

Michael J (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 7th July 2005, 16:27

He is playing a different game to the rest of us, Still I was happy to get 18 xp`s off him for the beating.

Any time you want tot give me xp`s Bonus I will take them, especially as Sarah and I seem to be locked together at the moment.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

btw Bonus went down 3 places yesterday Raven went up 2 ! That says it all really.


RE: BONUS has started baby bashing again

charli2005 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 7th July 2005, 18:15

i refused his fight yesterday and he has the nerve to challenge me AGAIN today. oh well might do the other thing i hate which is ignore his challenge and let it lapse :(

Oh BTW michael mum says it makes a change for you two to be locked together on the league again. how did you get 18 points as she actually accepted his challenge yesterday and only got 4? :(

as he`s a pensioner is it worth us all challenging him when he makes his next gremlin??? thing is we can almost guarantee that he will refuse us all.

This item was edited on Thursday, 7th July 2005, 19:18

RE: BONUS has started baby bashing again

Michael J (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 7th July 2005, 18:57

how did you get 18 points as she actually accepted his challenge yesterday and only got 4?

I got lucky, it took him two hits to knock me out and I dodged a lot. Tell your mum not to be jealous though, I heard that Hooch only got 4xp`s as well.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: BONUS has started baby bashing again

armageddon (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th July 2005, 18:58

Some people need to get a grip its only a game, sound like a broken record? Hell yeah so as long as the same tune is being played.

RE: BONUS has started baby bashing again

sarah k (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 7th July 2005, 21:55

Some people need to get a grip its only a game, sound like a broken record? Hell yeah so as long as the same tune is being played.

yeah it`s only a game but there is also a lot of irony in these postings :)

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