Info and forum posts by 'The_Flames'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 5th December 2004, 00:31, Last used: Monday, 25th September 2006, 09:19

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 22 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Apology to The.Flames

No problem .... My alter ego forgives You :D

<script language=`javascript` type=`text/javascript` src=``></script>

RE: Challenge give away from Loki

I`ll take one :D

<script language=`javascript` type=`text/javascript` src=``></script>

RE: Suggestion

for the next round of updates would an update of giving the win to the gremiling who did the highest % of damage to the stanima, insted of the most rounds won. It would help get gremlins to be stronger woundnt it ??? :D

RE: Wasted Challenges GRRR!!

you could make the satus bar related to the owner not the gremlin, then you can see who`s active even when there gremlin hasent had a single challenge

RE: Suggestion

that sounds really cool :D

would haveing multiple heads be an option??? :)

RE: Wasted Challenges GRRR!!

What a great idea bethyblue but I would have a number of matches without a timespan, lets say 30 fights accepted :D, so they have to play for atleast 5 days if they are checked on one time a day and they are fully challeneged on each check :D

RE: I`m giving away ALL 10 of my challenges to the first 10 replies - HURRY!

my grem seems unable to win most fights at the moment ... so I`m up for a good beating :P


why dont you set up your own game then ... if ou dont own something then you cannot complain about something :D

RE: Challenge etiquette?

I tend to use all 10 chalenges in the morning, I usally challenge ppl above me.
If someone challenges me I always accept the challengs ( I know how annoying refusals can be)

RE: Just a suggestion

As low Stamina grems with high Dexterity loose there Dexterity as they go through fights
I think should be offset with strength aswell, for example if the stats are 20 , 40, 80 the dex should drop faster than a grem which as 60, 40, 80 stats, well thats waht I think :D (and I would be one of those whou whould be affected by a change like that :P

RE: Fight points allocation - something not right?

I agree this seems to make the fights fairer

just one quesion does the 300 xp penility count when your challanged by a lower grem?

RE: New Fight Code

I know how you feel, and I think there should be a linkage of peformance in all the stats, in real life you find ppl who arre really strong and can take lots of punches but can only punch hard for a while , then there strength drops to nearly nothing. the fast runners can only go so for before they collapse. I think if the ammount of XP is unballenced the effect of the highest XP value should drop down towards the second highest value after 7 or 8 rounds. This wouldnt stop ppl making unbalenced grems, but the more sucessesfull grems would be more ballenced. (how many strong and fast fighters go down with the first punch they recieve ;) )

RE: New Fight Code

has the bug been fixed ?

this code change has seemed to yet again help thoses who have high dex, there is little encourgement to putting points into strength at this moment of time

RE: I just got 55 xp points for one fight!

I`m sure there is a flaw with the code, the scoring doesnt seem to work somewere ( it`s giving points out sometimes and not others without a clear patten ) :/ maybe it will make more sence in the morning B)

RE: I just got 55 xp points for one fight!

if anyone challenges Steamboat Willy now unless they have higher dex than him they will give him 50 + points now :O

RE: New Fight Code

something there isnt correct :-O , I had forgotten your fight with me and only got 1 point :D looking at more top matches things dont add up somewere :¦

This item was edited on Friday, 14th January 2005, 01:16

RE: New Fight Code

this fight doesnt make sence to me, with the xp diffrence shouldnt PrufrockReturns get only 10 points as he won on rounds as he has such high stats, or did he get 52 just because he was challenged ???, I`m a bit confused :D

This item was edited on Friday, 14th January 2005, 01:02

RE: New Fight Code

look at this fight I`m shocked :O Here

maybe chalinging top grems now isnt so smart for me :O

This item was edited on Friday, 14th January 2005, 00:21

RE: New fight code will get an update very quickly methinks

I think when it goes all the 20 rounds the XP gained should be tyed to the ammount of damage recieved to the ammount of dammage you gave,

so more XP if to you gave 300 dammage and only receved 150 and there wassnt a knockout

that would help stop high dex+stam with low strength getting lots of XP

RE: Fight code version 3 (development starting soon)

I think it`s been mentoned before but it would be useful for something like days since last fight / challenge colum in the challenges screen. I see lots of abandoned Gremlins at he bottom (were i am ) :D

RE: New alltime best gremlin!

I think the unspent XP should count towards ranking, like 50% of the unspent XP is included in your rank.