Info and forum posts by 'FliP99'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 3rd December 2000, 18:35, Last used: Sunday, 3rd December 2000, 18:35

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Owner of an Encore DV450

This user has posted a total of 20 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Best reasonably priced player with easy Macro disablement and region hack

You can now get the Encore DV-450 from Gamestation outlets for £150 and it has simple remote hacks for multi-region and macrovision disable...

RE: What player do you have, so I can work out the which players have sold the most.

Encore DV-450

Good player but for any other owners I don`t recommend patching it with the latest firmware 3.3e since it sucks big time!

RE: Connecting DVD player with other systems!!

I have an Encore DV-450 with Macrovision disabled yet when I attempted to connect it via my VCR the picture was scrambled...

RE: The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

I patched my Encore with firmware 3.3e a few days ago (which I was e-mailed by Mark at Encore) and only THEN had my first pulsing experience whilst watching Bullitt (R2), which incidentally I had watched halfway through previous to patching and had played fine...

So is that a dodgy firmware revision, faulty laser or just unluckiness with the second half of the Region 2 version of Bullitt?!?


Well I can say is that the firmware patches worked A-ok on my Encore bought in December and the player is a gem...

RE: New Encore 450 firmware coming soon....

But is the new firmware likely to have any effect on the remote hacks for multi-region and macrovision disable?

RE: MiCO DVD-A980 - The Only Viable Solution!!!

Nah, go for the Encore DV-450 from

Won Home Entertainment magazine`s Budget Player Of The Year 2000 award, costs £200 and is easily remote hackable for multi-region and macrovision disable!

I`m not going to quote every single stat on it like Carrot Cruncher, since I have better things to do, check it out for yourself!

Oh yeah I guess I should own up to having one and being very pleased with it...

RE: Looking for the best sub £150 DVD player !

Stretch an extra 20 quid and go for the Encore DV-450 from, won Home Entertainment magazine`s Budget Player Of The Year 2000 award and does everything you could ask...

RE: the answer to the alba 103 region changeing

Sounds like a wise decision!

Why not try an Encore DV-450 which you can buy from for £170, is multi-region with a simply remote hack and won Home Entertainment`s Budget Player Of The Year 2000 award.

Or I guess you could try this Aiwa 370 that is being raved about, although according to Aiwa`s UK website isn`t even part of their range, strange...

RE: the answer to the alba 103 region changeing

That`s what I figured, I`ve also read numerous reviews which state the player is region-free out of the box...


Check out the Encore DV-450 for £170 from, does everything the others you mention do and was awarded Home Entertainment magazine`s Budget Player Of The Year 2000 award!

RE: the answer to the alba 103 region changeing

If the mag says it`s a multi-region player and then Alba tell you you`ve damaged the player by using another region, the mag is at fault since it should have researched the claim before making it to susceptible buyers.

He doesn`t say he`s hacked the player, he simply says he`s used R1 discs in it, unless the documentation states "DO NOT INSERT REGION 1 DVDS" he`s got good cause for complaint if the customer service dept tell him it`s inserting one of these that`s buggered up the machine...

Oh and if a customer service rep hangs up on me that equals BAD SERVICE and they`re gonna hear about it!

RE: Aren`t we fed with endless Aiwa 370 rocks?

But hasn`t it been established that the Aiwa 370 is simply an LG model in a different chassis?!?

Another question:- Why is there no mention of a DVD player on Aiwa`s UK website?!?

RE: the answer to the alba 103 region changeing

Take it back to the store, get a refund and buy another player. Or you could just keep it and write arsy letters to the magazines that stated it was multi-region for misleading you and/or the top dog of Alba UK telling him/her how disappointed you are with the product and the service you`ve received...

This item was edited on Monday, 11th December 2000, 16:47

RE: SCAN SC2000. Good Reviews but...

Yep, go for an Encore DV-450 for £199 from or , does everything the Scan does and was awarded Home Entertainment magazine`s Budget Player Of The Year 2000 award!


Very strange, firmware 2.0A worked with my silver 450 and I only received it from Encore last Wednesday!

RE: Philips DVD701 vs Encore 450

What was wrong with your Encore?

I`ve just bought one meself...


Wow, looks like I was one of the lucky ones!

Lucky for me it worked too since the player is a Xmas gift for my girlfriend, so I had to patch it before giving it to her as she`d never have let me take the risk otherwise!

If these firmware CDs were being sent around could it be they got damaged in transit?


Just thought I`d let you know I recently got a new silver 450 through QXL (only £150) which came with firmware version 3.3D.

After Bedlam kindly e-mailed me the firmware files for versions 2.0A and 3.3 I followed clayts instructions to the letter, and the process worked perfectly!

I have to admit though the process was a tad nerve racking, especially once version 2.0A was loaded - the picture is so bad it`s almost impossible to read the onscreen menu!